The verses Jeremiah 1:5 “Before I formed you in the womb I KNEW YOU, before you were born I set you apart;
"I knew you before you were born” Gives me a reason to think, we have been soulfully His since the beginning of time...
I was a very private soul, until one day the Holy Spirit touched my life. it’s been 3.5 years of growing to know Him. He has brought my soul to life... I have gone from hiding behind a camera lens.. to sharing my thoughts, my heart, and a love greater than I have ever known...
And now drawing 😀... I dabbled as a child... and I am not sure how this started or where it’s going. But I know one thing for sure it’s Him. It has always been Him. He moves us to do things in our lives, and we do not always know why... 😁🙃😍
And he has filled him with the Spirit of God, with wisdom, with understanding, with knowledge, and with all kinds of skills. To, make artistic designs for work in gold, silver, and bronze.
Exodus 35:31-32
I am sharing a new adventure with my readers today... God has introduced me to Art... I came into this relationship with God in my adult years, with little to no religious teachings. And as many of you know and are more than likely tired of hearing my story.
But I must admit cannot seem to stop sharing a love that changed many things in my life. I had a Holy Spirit Encounter 3.5 years ago… He has romanced me with music, words, meditation, nature, and now art.
He has opened my once quiet soul to a spiritual existence that is beyond words. But in my limited human state, I try as I might to articulate my heartfelt feelings about Him and His love to the best of my ability…
He makes me reach for more and share things I never even dreamed I would do… He gave me a story and a purpose… and a love that needs to be shared.
Through my journey, I started writing… I never had any interest in writing. But here you are reading my work. He does do amazing things in our lives if we would just let Him in.
My journey filled me with a desire to learn about my God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. But I have been flying high on His love, which indeed is amazing, and He answered many of my questions.
However, many in our world tell me I need to read His word. I will admit I was intimidated by the Bible. But one day with the help of a friend, we started a word study… One word day, for 5 days. Sounds doable! Right? I can now report thanks to you my reader we have grown in many ways from that day. We now have a catalog of over 530 words on this site.
But I still had a burning desire to share my story everywhere I went.
And then Covid hit! And the outside world grew dim and limited my sharing.
I started a blog… Truly I did not even know what a blog was. (lol) Our blog has almost 33k views. I know it is Him, He is guiding these words worldwide to many thirsty souls. This adventure of sharing words has even surprised the doubting Thomas in me.
Some roadblocks happened and some friends were lost. But I gain so much more… I gained a LOVE greater than I have ever known.
Covid has taken a bite out of our lives and many of us have experienced losses and the pain associated with this trying time.
But through this difficulty, I am sure there are many heartwarming stories yet to be shared.
I am living proof… God handed me a story of love, and hope to share… So out of this “Covid”isolation came the door that everyone claims God opens when one shuts.
I started a podcast… Again, I knew nothing about podcasting… We are now in season three. He places things before us to excite us. He opens our hearts to love without boundaries…and to reach for all the possibilities that life offers. He teaches us about humility and kindness. He is the Creator of all things…
Today I will share, I joined a Facebook group of believing artists… Such a warm and welcoming group. But I had no art to share… While meditating I had an image appear in my mind… That I felt needs to be drawn. But it was way too detailed for me and I have not attempted sketching as an art form. I dabbled with the grandkids on occasion. And it just so happened they were over for a visit, and I picked up a pencil and began to sketch. So far I have sketched 3 images. I felt I could import them through my photo editing experience, and just maybe I could bring them to life with color…
He never ceases to amaze me. He teaches me more about myself than I could ever know in this lifetime.
I call the above image: A Breath from Heaven …
It's the Holy Spirit in all His soft and wonderful colors. And yes, He Wows me.
I hope my sharing some of my story, gives you the inspiration and boldness, to share your heart with the world. Someone somewhere needs to hear your amazing story… Talk to Him and open your heart to the most amazing journey.
I believe this quote says it all...
“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” ― St. Augustine of Hippo
Be Kind, Be Creative, and Show the world the amazing you !!
You walked among us so long ago... How is it that you have left your fingerprints on my Heart. The beauty of that moment is, I can recall it like it was yesterday (LG)
The word recall means to bring a fact back into our mind that we have learned.It is used 39 times in the Bible.
I celebrate the amazing mind that we have been given. Often I will recall a song or verse that I have not heard in a long time and it will speak to my heart.
Do some of you recall the love letters written to you with pen and ink? You would find one in your mailbox and you would hurry inside to a safe place to read it in private. You would quickly tear it open and even as you read ‘Dear..............’ your heart would begin to beat a little faster. You might read it so many times you had it memorized.
We have a greater Love Letter, the Bible, written to us. Most people have at least one copy written in ink and many have it encased inside a slim phone that can be opened anytime you want.
My question is: Are we in love with the author who wrote this Love Letter to us?
Do we meditate on it day and night? Do we hide it in our hearts? Do we have it so close that if our children have a question we can tell them what the Writer of this Love Letter says?
In Joshua 1:8, Joshua was told to meditate upon the Word day and night. There were few copies of the first five books of the Bible written 3000 years ago. He repeated these words over and over to himself so they became a part of him.
Memorizing Scripture is a wonderful gift to give to God. I had a pastor that memorized The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. There are 111 verses in this passage. He would often be asked to repeat this from memory. When he was over 100 years old he was still able to stand and recite all 111 verses. What a sermon that was!!!
Now, what about us? I must admit I don’t have that many of His words hidden in my heart. But I would like more because it is a joy to remember them as I talk with Him. Words from Him and words from His Love Letter to us. The freshness at our recall washes over us as we feel Him in our spirit. He loves to hear His words from us.
Let’s memorize the following word as a gift to Him today.
“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength: this is the first commandment.” Mark 12:30
Meaning of lead: cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward.
We located 60 Verses About the word Lead from 26 Books in the KJV Bible.
Have you ever felt something or someone is leading you to a particular location? Or are you feeling that tug at your heartstrings to do something you never even dreamed of doing?
We often hear we must follow Jesus... But how do we know where He is going ?? And are we sure we want to go??
This word made me think of when I have had to follow someone in a car... We ask them don’t forget I am behind you and lose me... I do not know where I am going...
We put all of our trust in the driver of the other car. We get in buckle up and start on our journey to our chosen destination... We a start slow deliberate pace. Our eyes fixed on the vehicle ahead. We accelerate as we hit the highway... 30, 40, maybe 65 miles per hour or more 😜. We glide along smoothly until we hit traffic and we find ourselves distracted and we possibly lose sight of the car that was leading us to our chosen destination. Do we keep going? Do we get off at the next exit? Or are we fearfully lost???
Have we put our trust in the right soul? Are we prepared? I do believe we are all on a journey home to our Heavenly Father. Have we put our trust in the only one that knows how the lead us to our predetermined destination ?? Or are we following someone of this world? Unfortunately, if truth be known they seem to be as distracted and confused with life as we are?
Quick do we exit? Or do we stop at the closest rest stop? Or indeed are we spiritually lost?
I ask you, has our soul’s compass gotten off track? Are you searching for more? Perhaps a fresh start and a new compass is needed?
Let me share the details of my new GPS it has been proven to be the best of the best! It's a one-time purchase. It is guaranteed for life... No batteries are needed... I dare you to read some of the customer's 5-star reviews. It's not of this world. It was made in Heaven...
Guide Perfect Shepherd
Guaranteed to love you beyond your wildest imagination. Keep Him close and you will never be lost. He will light your path and bring warmth and peace to your soul. Your heart will be captivated, and you will be forever changed...
It's Him. It's always Him
Beep Beep, 🚘 Zoom, Zoom
He leads me to places I have never been... And yes He WOWs me.
God shows us time and time again that He does not call the prepared, but that He prepares the called.
The meaning of census is an official count or survey of a population, typically recording various details of individuals.
The word Census appears in 36 occurrences and in 9 translations of the Bible.
The current world population is 7.9 billion as of February 2022 according to the most recent United Nations estimates elaborated by Worldometer.World Population
As of the year 2020, Christianity had approximately 2.38 billion+ adherents out of a worldwide population of about 7.8 billion people. Christianity_by_country
That leaves 5.42 billion souls possibly searching to fill a void in their life.
What puzzles me the most is... When I look around...most people seem to find God at various times in their lives and in many different ways? There are no set rules of engagement.
But much like the headlines many of us only stop and listen to His voice or the ”testimonies” of others when there is a life-altering moment, trauma, or gripping pain involved.
Is it that we can only relate when we witness someone drowning in their own life challenges or do we relate to the difficult times.
Or are we drawn to like-minded people? To share our sorrows, bleeding hearts, and or thoughts on a superficial level?
What if I tell you that I know where you can find the most understanding heart... Without all the pain, without trama, without being in the depths of despair...
Yes, He is the most magnificent healer. In all instants... He will relate to you on all levels...You do not need to feel like you hit rock bottom to talk to Him.
Why do we feel that we can only approach Him when there is a problem... Why can't we just talk to Him...all the time?
I say take Him off the shelf. Treat Him as if He is alive (because He is) and make Him a part of everything in your life.
He has committed to His children that He will be with us always .. Always, means for all the good, bad and ugly. He loves sharing in every facet of our lives...
My story did not come from a dark past. Nor was there trama in my life.
When I hear some of the most amazing life-changing testimonies, my story seems mundane. But for me, it has been the most amazing 3.5 years of my life!! And I feel very blessed to share in His message of love and hope.
It seems that like me there are so many souls that the flame of His love seems to be dim??? I ask why are we floundering? Are we even aware that we are spiritually drained?
I am proof He can kick start the flickering flame into a raging fire. I can only assume that out of 5.42 billion souls that are searching to fill a void in their life, they may not be looking in the right places...
Please... Look His way...
Open your heart to His LOVE .. Open your mind to His amazing possibilities.. and open your soul to a beautiful spiritual awakening. Allow Him to rock your mundane world...and set your soul on fire once again.
Together let's tip the scales of believers one heart at a time!! ...
His world is only one breath away. Just whisper His name...
It's Him, It's always Him!
He had me at Hello... ❤❤❤
The Lord writes in the census book of the nations, "This one was born there." Psalm 87:6
“To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him, the greatest human achievement.” - St. Augustine of Hippo
Meaning of find to discover or perceive by chance or unexpectedly.
We located 148 Verses About Find from 32 Books in the KJV.
I pray that you found yourself on this word study for a reason!! I know why and it's bigger than both of us.
Ask yourself, what am I looking for..?? Was I just curious? Have you wondered, what is going on with the writer of this blog? She seems a little strange? not the norm? But what is it? There is something going on? I can not quite put my finger on what or why I was attracted to read this post?? I must have landed here for a reason ?? But why??
Hmm, what will I find ?? Maybe I should just ask ?? And as you gather the courage.. you ask? What is it? What do you have? There is joyfulness! There is peace? There is a love that seems to show between the lines of what is written?? I want those things in my life!!! How can I get what you have? Can I buy it?? Where can I find it?
“Well, pull up a chair... And let me share with you an amazing story of love... It’s Him... He will fill your heart and soul with a love that can not be contained!! He is more valuable than all the silver and gold that can be gathered. More precious than diamonds or precious stones.
The amazing news is, He has already paid the price for you... The only thing He requires is your love... . Seek Him, Find Him, and Love Him... Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind!! Trust Him with your life!!! He will guide your path."
But be ready! Your life will never be the same... He will show you wondrous things, many you may have thought were impossible. You will travel spiritually deeper than you ever dreamed or even imagined. He will lovingly teach you about His world. And as the days turn into a night you will gain a greater understanding of who He truly is!!!
You will witness the most amazing self-transformation.
Many know Him as a MIRACLE WORKER...
Some call Him God, Some call Him Lord. I call Him...King of my heart and lover of my soul...
He blows my mind and whispers words of love to my soul... 😍
He is indeed an overwhelming and beautiful find !!!! ❤❤❤It’s Him, It’s always Him !! 😁
Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye. shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you: For every one that asketh receiveth; and he that seeketh. findeth; and to him that knocketh it shall be opened. Matthew 7:7-8 KJV
In the blink of an eye, everything can change, so forgive often and love with all your heart. You may never know when you may not have that chance again. - Zig Ziglar
Meaning of blink shut and open the eyes quickly. it happens very quickly. It was all over in the blink of an eye.
We located 34 verses that refer to the blinking or twinkling of an eye.
On average the human blink lasts only a tenth of a second which is 100 milliseconds. That is incredibly fast.
Is this a measurement of how fast time can rush by? I have lived long enough to witness how fragile life can be... Some feel they have all the time in the world to find out who they are? They have all the time in the world to hold loved ones close. They have all the time in the world to say I love you... They can believe in God and find Jesus tomorrow... Will tomorrow be too late?
After all, we have witnessed many accept Him into their hearts with their last dying breath. I do believe we are all living on borrowed time.
Just as no one knows when Jesus will return. No one knows when we will be called home. It very well could be in a blink of an eye... Will your heart and soul be ready... or will you stammer and not know what to do or say... as you stand before Him... will there be regrets? Will you feel you want a do-over? or will you feel you did not have enough time?
If you, are lucky enough to realize this life is short and that each person you meet has their own struggles. Embrace them with loving-kindness... Be the most thoughtful caring human you can be... Love large.. be compassionate.
Things of this earth, are fleeting and will not buy you a ticket to heaven! Knowing someone at the gate will not get you in! Being a member of an elite group does not guarantee you a seat...
You will stand alone...
You will not be able to hide your heart! Will you be proud of authentic you? You are the only gift you have to offer God. Is it the best version of who you can be??? Or did you let this world darken your soul?
God will see you with eyes that can penetrate your soul...He will hear the kind words you have spoken to others. He will feel the love that you carried in your heart. Is your gauge full or are you running on empty?
You may feel you have time to get your house in order... But what if you left us behind in the blink of an eye... It's not too late... close your eyes and invite Him in... Let Him guide your heart ...
Be ready today for tomorrow may not come. Don’t wait until finding yourself on the other side of your last breath.
Find Him now, Love Him now!!! Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind!
Be the most authentic loving person you can be... ( we are all a work in progress ) make today better than yesterday...
Jesus replied: “’ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind Matthew 22:37
In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trumpet. For the trumpet will sound, and the dead will be raised imperishable, and we shall be changed. 1 Corinthians 15:52
“For you were called to freedom, brothers. Only do not use your freedom as an opportunity for the flesh, but through love serve one another.” Galatians 5:13
But do not overlook this one fact, beloved, that with the Lord one day is as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day. 2 Peter 3:8
“Never mind searching for who you are. Search for the person you aspire to be.”-Robert Brault...
Do we really know our identity? How would you describe yourself? How do others see you? How does God see you?
For years we may not understand our identity. Or we may know it and refuse to be who we really are. Because of our age, either young or old, we do not speak up.
I want to share two stories I recently heard.
At the end of WW2, there were many orphans in Europe. They did not know their identity. One day a Jewish rabbi came to see them. He began speaking the Jewish prayer that is repeated twice a day by Jewish families. As he spoke many of the orphans were in tears as they remembered these words spoken to them by their now-dead parents. “Hear O Israel the Lord is One God, love Him with all your heart and soul and might.” These words from Deuteronomy 6:4-5 identified who they were.
The other story was from a friend that had moved to a new location and she was missing people who would talk freely about Him. What she said really spoke to my heart. She said maybe it is me. I have not been who I really am.
Do we act, think or speak as who we really are?
If you are a believer the Lord will show Himself in our actions, and we will speak about Him. He is our Redeemer, our Protector, our peace, our King, the Lover of our souls, our Savior, our Confidant, our Beloved and so much more.
We should be so excited about Him that we share our love for Him every chance we get. This was a lesson for me. “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul and might”. Deuteronomy 6:5 hit me right between my eyes over the last two years. Everywhere I went I saw this verse. On paper napkins and most recently in an estate sale. There were the words printed on parchment paper hanging on the wall of the house. I could tell it had been there a long time. I could not leave it there. I bought it brought it home and painted the old frame. It now hangs on my wall as a constant reminder of His love for me and what He wants from me.
Stop and think!
Do we love Him more than anything or anyone? Do we seek Him with all our hearts? It is the first great commandment. It is repeated by Jesus three times in the Gospels.
Will we be identified by this verse?
“Love the Lord thy God with all your heart, soul, and might. And teach it to our children and grandchildren......”
God has given His children a written guarantee. It's a book that we have grown to love. His word... has served many souls.
A guarantee is a pledge given that a promise will be fulfilled, a deposit or down payment making fulfillment obligatory. The word is used 15 times in the Bible.
Did you get a guarantee on your car for 100,00 miles for repair? Have you received a guarantee for anything for a lifetime or forever?
What guarantee do we have that we can live forever with our Heavenly Father? This question came up in a discussion recently.
We do not have a guarantee that we can take our next breath. Life on this earth is short compared to forever. The quote “Seize the day” is an appropriate one for man to grab earnestly at any age.
And we do have all of God’s promises guaranteed in and through Jesus Christ. God is faithful. His word to us is sure. It is not maybe or let me think about it. His promise that we will spend eternity with Him is a big YES.
He paid a huge price for each man, woman, and child. He died and rose again for each of us. And He is not willing to see anyone lost. His requirement from us is to repent and receive His love expressed on the cross. And to love Him with all our heart, soul, and mind.
With this response to Him comes a seal placed upon our hearts by the Holy Spirit. That seal is permanent.
With that seal comes the promise that He is preparing a place especially for us in heaven. His love for us is so great. And His plans for us were prepared before we were born.
Come to Him who loves you so. Claim all that has been guaranteed to you. He will wrap His loving arms around you when you come.
Who is a deposit guaranteeing our inheritance? until the redemption. of those who are God’s possession—to the praise of his glory