Lead me to the rock that is higher than I.
Meaning of lead: cause (a person or animal) to go with one by holding them by the hand, a halter, a rope, etc. while moving forward.
We located 60 Verses About the word Lead from 26 Books in the KJV Bible.
Have you ever felt something or someone is leading you to a particular location? Or are you feeling that tug at your heartstrings to do something you never even dreamed of doing?
We often hear we must follow Jesus... But how do we know where He is going ?? And are we sure we want to go??
This word made me think of when I have had to follow someone in a car... We ask them don’t forget I am behind you and lose me... I do not know where I am going...
We put all of our trust in the driver of the other car. We get in buckle up and start on our journey to our chosen destination... We a start slow deliberate pace. Our eyes fixed on the vehicle ahead. We accelerate as we hit the highway... 30, 40, maybe 65 miles per hour or more 😜. We glide along smoothly until we hit traffic and we find ourselves distracted and we possibly lose sight of the car that was leading us to our chosen destination. Do we keep going? Do we get off at the next exit? Or are we fearfully lost???
Have we put our trust in the right soul? Are we prepared? I do believe we are all on a journey home to our Heavenly Father. Have we put our trust in the only one that knows how the lead us to our predetermined destination ?? Or are we following someone of this world? Unfortunately, if truth be known they seem to be as distracted and confused with life as we are?
Quick do we exit? Or do we stop at the closest rest stop? Or indeed are we spiritually lost?
I ask you, has our soul’s compass gotten off track? Are you searching for more? Perhaps a fresh start and a new compass is needed?
Let me share the details of my new GPS it has been proven to be the best of the best! It's a one-time purchase. It is guaranteed for life... No batteries are needed... I dare you to read some of the customer's 5-star reviews. It's not of this world. It was made in Heaven...
Guide Perfect Shepherd
Guaranteed to love you beyond your wildest imagination. Keep Him close and you will never be lost. He will light your path and bring warmth and peace to your soul. Your heart will be captivated, and you will be forever changed...
It's Him. It's always Him
Beep Beep, 🚘 Zoom, Zoom
He leads me to places I have never been... And yes He WOWs me.
Photography & Written by Lori Garner
Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull
inspiring Music by (youtube)
The Tenors - Lead With Your Heart