Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Recall by Joann

You walked among us so long ago... How is it that you have left your fingerprints on my Heart. The beauty of that moment is, I can recall it like it was yesterday (LG)  

The word recall means to bring a fact back into our mind that we have learned.  It is used 39 times in the Bible.

I celebrate the amazing mind that we have been given.  Often I will recall a song or verse that I have not heard in a long time and it will speak to my heart. 

Do some of you recall the love letters written to you with pen and ink?  You would find one in your mailbox and you would hurry inside to a safe place to read it in private.  You would quickly tear it open and even as you read ‘Dear..............’ your heart would begin to beat a little faster.  You might read it so many times you had it memorized. 


We have a greater Love Letter, the Bible, written to us.  Most people have at least one copy written in ink and many have it encased inside a slim phone that can be opened anytime you want.  


My question is:  Are we in love with the author who wrote this Love Letter to us?  


Do we meditate on it day and night?  Do we hide it in our hearts?  Do we have it so close that if our children have a question we can tell them what the Writer of this Love Letter says?  


In Joshua 1:8, Joshua was told to meditate upon the Word day and night.  There were few copies of the first five books of the Bible written 3000 years ago. He repeated these words over and over to himself so they became a part of him.  

Memorizing Scripture is a wonderful gift to give to God.  I had a pastor that memorized The Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7.  There are 111 verses in this passage.  He would often be asked to repeat this from memory.  When he was over 100 years old he was still able to stand and recite all 111 verses.  What a sermon that was!!!


Now, what about us?  I must admit I don’t have that many of His words hidden in my heart.  But I would like more because it is a joy to remember them as I talk with Him.  Words from Him and words from His Love Letter to us.  The freshness at our recall washes over us as we feel Him in our spirit.  He loves to hear His words from us. 


Let’s memorize the following word as a gift to Him today. 

“And you shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength:  this is the first commandment.”  Mark 12:30

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

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