Love in any Language is still LOVE!



 Blessed are the pure in heart Not in the head; for men may have pure notions and impure hearts; not in the hand, or action, or in outward conversation only; so the Pharisees were outwardly righteous before men, but inwardly full of impurity; but "in heart".

Matthew 5:8


The meaning of prosper: To favor; to render successful. All things concur to prosper our design.


The word prosper is in the KJV approximately 104 times.


How do you measure success? Is it that job at the top? Is it that big house? Or that shiny new car? 


This word can go deeper if you study it with your soul.... You will never see the word prosper superficially again... It can point you to what is important in your life... 


I listened to a gentleman yesterday.  He is a covid survivor. He shared that he considered himself a success. He had all the trappings of a successful life.. beautiful house, car, job... and as He laid there gasping for air thinking about his past and his future. He realized none of those things truly mattered... It became evident that it was his life, his relationships, and where he would transition if he became a covid statistic? 


So as we study this word I ask how do we see this word? Are we a success? Do we prosper spiritually? Do we chase the things that truly matter? Or do we collect “things” for someone to sell in an estate sale when we leave this earth ??? How do we live a rich life?? Do we pour out love to the ones who live in our hearts? Do we care enough for the lost? Do we put ourselves in God's hands?  We are only here for a short time to make your mark! Leave loving memories in the hearts of others... 


We have been given directions for life many times. How do we not see it? How do we not live it... Are we lost or are we too busy, to truly prosper and live a rich life.  We must find Him. We value Him above all else. We must love with all our heart and soul. Our Creator has given us the tools... I challenge you to pick them up and follow Him!! 


It’s Him, it’s always him 


“But his delight is in the law of the LORD, And in His law, he meditates day and night. He will be like a tree firmly planted by streams of water, Which yields its fruit in its season And its leaf does not wither; And in whatever he does, he prospers.” Psalms 1:2-3 NASB

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Treasures In Heaven / BURLAP TO CASHMERE




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The Master's Hands


Here is your invitation to listen to Episode 22 
"The Master’s Hands"
To listen to the full post click on the image below..

The Master's Hands / Podcast / Triune Loves Me

Join me as I travel back in time. Ane I share a word from our Bible word study and meditation. I have fused them together to create a self-narrated story called The Master Hands. 

We are all a work in progress. However, if you surrender your life to the master’s hands (Jesus) he will lovingly mold you into a beautiful gift for our Heavenly Father.  🤟🏼❤( and it won't hurt a bit 😍)

"You became imitators of us and of the Lord, for you welcomed the message in the midst of severe suffering with the joy given by the Holy Spirit." ... In this way, you imitated both us and the Lord."

1 Thessalonians 1:6, NIV: 

Sound credits / SoundBible
Church Bells Ringing  
Pouring Hot Tea

#jesus #god #holyspirit #podcast #buzzsprout #itunes #spotify #iheartradio #pandora #google #amazonmusic #allmajorplatforms

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All things come to him who waits – provided he knows what he is waiting for. –Woodrow T. Wilson

Meaning of wait: To stay or rest in expectation; to stop or remain stationary, till the arrival of some person or event.


The word "wait" is in the King James Version of the Bible 106 times. It is in 101 verses.


How many of us can gracefully wait ??  Our patience is tested every day? Wait a minute I will be right back. hmm 


Everything these days seems to be moving at such a fast pace!! Most of us want immediate results for our request. Or we go elsewhere to find it faster ...  I witness this as we compare the US post office, UPS, and Amazon. We are such a spoiled society? I am just as guilty as the next person. 


Wait, why am I having difficulty in expressing awaiting, a yearning, a love that seems to have consumed my thoughts my heart, and has made my soul come alive... 


If there is a line forming for this gift I think I could wait a lifetime just to see it. I know when I wait for this gift I have the excitement of a child on Christmas morning... Waiting for this gift gives us a return beyond our own understanding. 


I will admit I have tasted this amazing gift and I wait on my portion every day...  It never disappoints me !! The ingredients are rich!  It is the most amazing, beautiful gift that you can taste, smell, and touch... It fills your senses with Hope, Love, and a renewed view of Life.  It points you to a brighter tomorrow. And it satisfies that deep craving we have within. 


And the good news it’s has zero calories... 😀


Ok, I will not make you wait any longer...I will share my heart, my thoughts, and the greatest love I have ever known. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him... 


Please excuse me... I am going to wait on Him because He fills my heart and breathes life into my soul... and there is no better way to start each day!!  I am so blessed to have found Him. But wait, He actually found me!  


“Wait patiently for the Lord. Be brave and courageous. Yes, wait patiently for the Lord.” Psalms 27:14 NLT


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Shane & Shane: I Will Wait For You (Psalm 130)


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Wishing you a day of His abundant LOVE. - 

The meaning of wish to feel or express a strong desire or hope for something that is not easily attainable; want something that cannot or probably will not happen: "we wished for peace"


The word wish is in the Bible 209 times.


Have you ever stood in front of a fountain, taken a coin, uttered words in your head that seemed to be in your heart... Closed your eyes... and flipped the coin and with a deliberate slow-motion the coin travels through the air to hit the water and slowly sink and landing at the bottom... 

We held our breath and watched it with a deep hope that our wish will come true!! 


As I studied this word I wondered if a wish and a prayer had similar thoughts. 


I believe they start out very similar. We express a hidden desire of the heart ... But a wish is directed to the universe... Prayer is directed to the one who created the universe.  In our quest to have hope we find we need to give our request to something bigger than ourselves... Something bigger that can deliver something we may not have any control over. I know many make many wishes and even pray to the universe?   This gives me pause... 


I see the universe like this ... I look out over a sea of people.. unsure who they are? Will they listen to my heart's desires when they don’t even know me? Hmm maybe? 


Or do I send my heartfelt wish or prayer to the one who created the universe the one who created me? The one who knows me better than I know myself? The one who loves me! The one who has done nothing but wanted the best for me?  


So for all of you who wish or pray to the universe, I respect your thoughts but I urge you... Find the one who created the universe... have a personal one on one conversation with the one who created you! The one who loves you.. it truly is a game-changer !!! 


So as you flip that coin and it hits the water you can thank your creator for giving you His undivided attention... His love and for giving you the gift of the universe.. it truly is a marvel !!!! Just imagine if we marvel at the universe and its vastness and beauty.. what will we think when we stand before His awesomeness!!! I am sure He will take our breath away !!! Just Wow !! I wishing for..... 


It’s Him, It’s always Him. 


Behold, I am according to thy wish in God's stead: I also am formed out of the clay. Job 33:6 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Point Of Grace - I Wish (Video)


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“God loves you more in a moment than anyone could in a lifetime.” Anonymous

The meaning of mine: My; belonging to me. It was formerly used before nouns beginning with vowels. "I kept myself from mine iniquity."


Mine is in the Bible 825 times. 


Ownership what is this claim ? Mine? Yours? Ours ? Many in our world claim the one with the most toys wins ? 


Do we see and use these words with our Creator in Heaven?  When I look at life there are truly no earthy possessions that we can truly claim as our own. We only have them for a temporary time.  They all will fade like dust in the wind when the time comes to leave this world.. 


However we can emphatically state to our Creator that all things are yours. He does have full ownership of everything in Heaven and on earth. 


I do believe ours can be a beautiful way to view our possessions and even ourselves.  If we look to everything in our lives as ours, (mine and yours). As all things are Gods and we share ownership with Him for a just a moment in time. Perhaps we would truly value, truly cherish and treat all things with a greater respect and love. Just maybe our world could return to the paradise He once envisioned.  


They say we must have a relationship with our Creator. With His power He could treat us in a demanding forceful way..  and make claims You are MINE !!  But with His unselfish LOVE the word mine goes to a new beautiful level.. A level of mutual respect, mutual love, and mutual admiration.  


He gently whispers to our soul you are mine... I am yours ... as He shares openly His heart, His Grace, His beloved Son with us. Thus allowing a beautiful relationship to be born. And as we cultivate this relationship, a love like no other grows into to that amazing word “ours”.. 


It’s during this transition, we return our temporary heart to its rightful owner and the one who created its life...and a beautiful love story is written ...  


He claims us as His own... and We are His ! This life that we think is ours is truly His.. We must truly value it, truly cherish it and treat all of His gifts with a greater love, respect and admiration.  


His unselfish love is beyond words. 


It’s Him. it’s always Him. 


So beyond words and blessed to say He is truly mine...


My beloved is mine, and I am his: He feedeth his flock among the lilies. Song of Solomon 2:16 ASV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Enya - May It Be (Official Lyric Video)

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Silence is the pause in me when I am near to God....... 

Meaning of near come near to (someone or something); approach:


The word near is in the Bible approximately 1082 times.


Back off... I say back off you are getting too close... Alert, Alert... I need my space... I am just putting up boundaries... Really...??? 


We have become a society of boundaries. I would love to see a society of LOVE so large there would be no need to use the word boundaries. 


No 6 foot rule... Ugh


I want to be near... I want to hug... I want to feel a love that can not be contained. I want a life without judgement. I want a kindness and gentleness that soothes my soul...  I want the freedom to be me..  No boundaries to worship our King. With no explanation required.. Because in His eyes we are all equal... He loves each of us deeply!! 


I want a world that loves Him.. As much as He loves us... 


He craves our love.. He wants to be near to each of us ... 

He wants to give us His universe.. 

How can we set boundaries on LOVE? We should want to be near Him.. He is our lifeline.. He is like a breath of fresh air. 


I moved past near awhile back... He is...... My WOW!!! 


It's Him, It's always Him.. 


But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love. 1 John 4:8


“I will show my love to those who passionately love me. For they will search and search continually until they find me.”

Proverbs 8:17 TPT

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Be Near - Shane Bernard



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 It's Him. It's always HIM !..


Meaning of future the time or a period of time following the moment of speaking or writing; time regarded as still to come:


There are 23 verses about  the future in the Bible.


The word future holds many emotions. When I googled this word other words related to this word jumped out at me... fear, hope, unknown, tomorrow, faith, God.. 


These words seem to capture my thoughts. Yesterday’s events here in the US brought fear to many hearts... Watching violence against our Government is never an easy thing to witness.. Faith may be solid for some. But for some their faith may be challenged.. Some may have their faith misdirected.. 


The question becomes where, and in what or in who do we put our trust? Our faith? Who holds the key to our hope ?  Our love? Our peace ? How do we return our inner soul to a peaceful loving state for tomorrow? 


I have used the words that jumped out at me to describe my thoughts, questions and feelings about the word future.. 


But I left the best one for last. It such a small word... But it has the greatest impact on our lives, our future, and all of our tomorrows.  


It’s God.. He is the only answer.. He is where our faith should be directed.. He is where our hope for a brighter tomorrow can be found.  He is where love can always be felt.


He gave us His beautiful creations.. He gave us love.. He gave us His world... He gave us His beautiful Son and what have we done ? It is sad to see! What do you think He is thinking ? Feeling? Do you think He is disappointed ? Do you think it breaks His heart? 


I do! 💔


In these uncertain times we must pray, but is that enough? 

I say no.. We must begin to walk the walk and not just talk the talk.. We must love, we must show kindness, we must respect others and their views without judgment. We must find that inner peace that can only be found in God.. And we must share it with others!!!! Let’s stop the hate, the violence. Let’s come together and let’s build a better world.. Let’s show God we love and appreciate Him and His gifts. 


If not for all mankind. Let’s do it for the one who has put His faith in us, we are the ones He trusted, the ones He loves!!! 


It’s us! It has always been us!!! 


He sacrificed everything because He loves us... 

The key 🔑 for a beautiful tomorrow is Him ! 


Why can’t the masses see it ?? 


It’s Him, Its always Him! 

Our Future is in His hands. 


I will say to the Lord, “My refuge and my fortress,

My God, in whom I trust. Psalms 91:2 


“Always trust the LORD completely. Do not think that your own wisdom is enough. Remember the LORD in everything that you do. If you do, he will show you the right way to go.”Proverbs 3:5-6 EASY


“The plans that the Lord makes will always happen. His ideas will always be with us.”Psalms 33:11 EASY

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

In God We Trust - Hillsong Worship (2015 New Worship Song with Lyrics)

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 “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.” —Leonardo da Vinci

Meaning of simple easily understood or done; presenting no difficulty: 


Simple is in the Bible approximately 46 times. 


Sometimes the simplest things in this life can be overlooked, taken for granted, and not truly appreciated. Until it’s too late and it’s gone!! How did our world get so lost, are we that busy with life?? Our world seems to be spinning faster than we can even imagine. Have you wanted to say Stop!!!! Stop the world I want to get off!! 


It seems more and more I want to close my eyes and drift into a simpler time. Where love, respect, and forgiveness are not forgotten art. Where darkness and hate do not exist. 


I have learned about a journey that one day will bring us back, back to a simpler time. Back to where the air is sweet. Where love is the reason we exist.. Where laughter fills the air. Where illness is eradicated.  Where love has no boundaries. And darkness and hate can not be found. Sounds heavenly, doesn’t it... 


My journey with my Heavenly Father has given me a glimpse of this amazing place. I try to reserve my spot every day... I am a work in progress.  And He knows my simple heart.  Because every day He has been exposing my heart layer by layer.  

This process can be painful and can make you look deeper and deeper into your soul ... But it is well worth any pain you might endure. Because it has shown me a love greater than I have ever known. It’s so beautiful, so simplistic, so deep. 


I find that I want to feel this simple LOVE. I crave it! I chase it. 

Some have asked me how can they feel this LOVE? Some get baptized by me just by standing close. Because I can't help but share Him and His amazing LOVE... How is it we do not see how simple LOVING Him can be? 


It's him. It's always him.


The entrance of thy words giveth light; it giveth understanding unto the simple.Psalm 119:130


The law the LORD is perfect, converting the soul: the testimony of the LORD is sure, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7 


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube

Francesca Battistelli - Behold Him (Official Lyric Video)

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FEAR - Podcast - Triune LOVEs me


Click on the link below to listen to episode 21.

Triune LOVEs me Podcast - "FEAR"

I do believe the mind is complex and learns to distinguish the difference between a true genuine danger and one that is rising from a previous experience. Both can be debilitating and can rob you of living life to its full potential and can crush relationships.
Join me as I share my thoughts and meditation about that ugly 4 letter word we know as FEAR.
Click on the link below to listen to Episode 21
‘Do not fear, for I am with you; Do not anxiously look about you, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, surely I will help you, Surely I will uphold you with My righteous right hand.’Isaiah 41:10
I sought the Lord, and He answered me. And delivered me from all my fears. Psalm 34:4

Thank you for your support.. 💗

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Meaning of dwell to live or continue in a given condition or state: to dwell in happiness. to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing. 


The word dwell is in the Bible approximately 510 times in Bible. 


I have heard the statement that God dwells in me?   But when we hear these words what does that truly mean? How? Just how does this happen? What about Jesus? What about the Holy Spirit? Won’t it be crowded in there ?? 


When we are searching for that missing piece in our lives I find we ask those types of questions.


But when you find Him. The word dwell takes on a new meaning. 


I have found Him to be such a gentleman. And over time He has taught me that they are all one.  So, when we open our hearts to Him ... Our souls become alive... It's at that very moment we began a journey of discovering the intricately woven details of our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit...  It’s not something that is forced... It becomes such a spiritual love story between you and your Creator ... This relationship holds such magic, such intimacy.   That we crave to dwell in the moments with Him.  We began to linger on His every word.  His Spirit breathes a new life into our souls with a love like nothing you have ever known... 

It's at that very moment you realize that you can not live without Him in your life... So you commit your heart to Him and invite Him to dwell within you forever till the end of time ... Because life without Him would never be the same... 


It’s Him, It’s always Him 


He completes us... 


“I will ask the Father, and He will give you another Helper, that He may be with you forever; that is the Spirit of truth, whom the world cannot receive, because it does not see Him or know Him, but you know Him because He abides with you and will be in you. “I will not leave you as orphans; I will come to you.” John 14:16-18 NASB

Photography and Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

BUILD MY LIFE // Housefires (cover)

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If you’ve got pain, He’s a Pain Taker, If you feel lost, He’s a Way Maker.If you need freedom or saving, He’s a Prison-Shaking Savior. If you’ve got chains, He’s a Chain Breaker. Zach Williams..

Written by: Joann Turnbull 

When this word captured me. I could not move. I thought I was forever bound…Is there a price on life?  Do we get bogged down? Are our burdens weighing us down… Does our heart get chained? Do we forget how to live, how to love, and even how to breathe? 


As I felt this heaviness in my soul my mind went here. 


Life can be bound by bitterness, fear, unforgiveness, hurt, or fear of what others might think.  If we are held down by these chains we will not move either. We will just stay in that spot.  


There is a region of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator that has no wind, current or movement, and sudden storms.  It is called Doldrums.  Sailors feared this spot.  They could be there for days or months.  If they were trapped in the Doldrums their ship could not get out.  Their sails needed the wind.  


We can stay chained in the doldrums spiritually for many reasons.  We can stay trapped.  Our life will become dull, inactive, sad, and without enthusiasm.


How does the ship get out of the Doldrums?  Eventually, the wind will begin to blow.  But sometimes not before the crew is down to almost no rations. The wind that finally hits the sails with such power makes the sails come alive and the ship starts moving.  And it is no longer trapped in that dead spot.  


What about us?   Do we want to stay in the doldrums of life?  Chained down by fear, unforgiveness, bitterness, fear of what man will think of us.   Ask the Holy Spirit to bring His wind into your life. You will come alive with His mighty wind.   Where you were once bound you are now set free from those negative emotions and thoughts.  We become alive with His love.   


So don’t start the new year hanging on to negative thoughts and emotions. They were all about self anyway.  This life we are living is not about us.   It is about Him.  Seek Him with all your heart.  Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind.  You will be amazed when you are set free.  You are set free to love Him and others.  And you will want to share His love.  Life with Him in control is full of joy and excitement.  You want to dance and sing as you realize you are free. He is the lover of your soul. Break the chains of a bogged down life. He will remind you how to live, How to love and He will free you to breathe again…


And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Photo by Joey Kyber from Pexels

Inspiring Music by 

Zach Williams - Survivor (Lyric Video)

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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