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Showing posts with label Chain Breaker. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Chain Breaker. Show all posts



If you’ve got pain, He’s a Pain Taker, If you feel lost, He’s a Way Maker.If you need freedom or saving, He’s a Prison-Shaking Savior. If you’ve got chains, He’s a Chain Breaker. Zach Williams..

Written by: Joann Turnbull 

When this word captured me. I could not move. I thought I was forever bound…Is there a price on life?  Do we get bogged down? Are our burdens weighing us down… Does our heart get chained? Do we forget how to live, how to love, and even how to breathe? 


As I felt this heaviness in my soul my mind went here. 


Life can be bound by bitterness, fear, unforgiveness, hurt, or fear of what others might think.  If we are held down by these chains we will not move either. We will just stay in that spot.  


There is a region of the Atlantic Ocean near the equator that has no wind, current or movement, and sudden storms.  It is called Doldrums.  Sailors feared this spot.  They could be there for days or months.  If they were trapped in the Doldrums their ship could not get out.  Their sails needed the wind.  


We can stay chained in the doldrums spiritually for many reasons.  We can stay trapped.  Our life will become dull, inactive, sad, and without enthusiasm.


How does the ship get out of the Doldrums?  Eventually, the wind will begin to blow.  But sometimes not before the crew is down to almost no rations. The wind that finally hits the sails with such power makes the sails come alive and the ship starts moving.  And it is no longer trapped in that dead spot.  


What about us?   Do we want to stay in the doldrums of life?  Chained down by fear, unforgiveness, bitterness, fear of what man will think of us.   Ask the Holy Spirit to bring His wind into your life. You will come alive with His mighty wind.   Where you were once bound you are now set free from those negative emotions and thoughts.  We become alive with His love.   


So don’t start the new year hanging on to negative thoughts and emotions. They were all about self anyway.  This life we are living is not about us.   It is about Him.  Seek Him with all your heart.  Love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind.  You will be amazed when you are set free.  You are set free to love Him and others.  And you will want to share His love.  Life with Him in control is full of joy and excitement.  You want to dance and sing as you realize you are free. He is the lover of your soul. Break the chains of a bogged down life. He will remind you how to live, How to love and He will free you to breathe again…


And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose.  Romans 8:28

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Photo by Joey Kyber from Pexels

Inspiring Music by 

Zach Williams - Survivor (Lyric Video)

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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