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Showing posts with label Shepherd. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Shepherd. Show all posts


The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

Then the Lord spoke to you from the midst of the fire; you heard the sound of words, but you saw no form—only a voice. Deuteronomy 4:12


Have you ever felt lost as you travel among a flock of people?

Have you ever felt isolated and alone, as life seems to be spinning around you? 


Do you have a longing for more? Is there something missing?

Have you traveled down dark roads not knowing what may lie ahead?


Are you spiritually lost?


Are you the one? Is it you?


“Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it? And when he finds it, he joyfully puts it on his shoulders and goes home. Luke 15:4


Don’t let this come as a shock but we are all that one, out of ninety-nine at some time in life. The good news is we are all equally important to our gentle-hearted loving Shepherd.  


Our Shepherd makes each one of us feel special. He always drops everything in His busy life to listen to our hearts, soothe our souls, and give peace to our very existence. He gives us His unwavering attention… Day or night, With no distractions. He does not say wait I have another call can this wait. Never will He make you feel less important. To Him you are everything. We can rest safely knowing He has a watchful eye. 

He is the protector of my heart, the lover of my soul… He has chased me for many years…Sadly I never knew it was His voice calling my soul… However, I am so grateful that He never gave up! He is relentless in His pursuit of the ones He loves… 

Since that pivotal day in May, I have grown to recognize the melodic sound of His alluring voice. Now even in a flock of souls, I can hear Him singing His love song to my heart.


Shhh, Be still, Listen with soulful ears… 


Be still my heart! 


Its Him. It has always been Him. Can you feel His love? His love can take you places your soul can only dream of… 


I will follow Him on earth as I will in Heaven… Matthew 6:9-13


Signed … the ONE

He found me… even when I did not know I was lost. 


Art & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)


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Great leaders instill a sense of meaning and belonging in their followers by putting the personal imprint of who they are and what they stand for on their people.” Kevin Leman... 


Meaning of Shepherd, A person who tends sheep. Someone who watches over, and looks after, or guides somebody.


There are approximately 40 verses in the King James Bible that refer to the word Shepherd. 


The most famous Shepherd in history did not lead animals but lead souls... His earthly occupation was a carpenter?? Say what? Wait. A carpenter, not a Shepherd? A carpenter is someone that has a keen eye for detail and can create something from nothing...


Doesn’t it seem odd? That we think of Christ as a Shepherd instead of a carpenter? 


Why did He choose the Shepherd as the image for us to grasp the hidden meaning behind His teachings...? He is such an amazing mastermind!!! There is no one greater!!! I love how He has intricately tied all the details of this amazing LOVE story together. His mystery has kept His Children interested since the beginning of time!!!  He has yearned for our love and has been guiding our hearts home since Adam’s creation on earth. 


The human mind is so weak in comparison to His vast and beautiful mind. We seem much like sheep, limited in our thinking and we need more... We need His Guidance...


We need a role model!!! One that we could relate to on a human level... We need someone that has felt the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat... 


So, in His usual way we needed and He came... He offered His own life to teach man how to live and love from birth to death...


I wonder would we have followed God without question?? Would God’s presence be too powerful for the human mind to comprehend? Or would our human weaknesses lead us astray like Eve? 


I am sure Elohim gave this master plan a great deal of thought and consideration!! 


But why a Shepherd?? Let’s start by looking at a Job description of a Shepherd. 


Job description: 

1.        Day-to-Day Care of the Flock. 

2.        Dealings with the Outside World on Behalf of the Flock 

3.        Foresees Danger

4.        Leads and Guides the Flock 

5.        He learns the strengths, weaknesses, and personality of each one.

6.        The Shepherd trains the sheep to hear only his voice.


It does seem the Shepherd 

makes perfect sense.


The Shepherd had such an important role since the Old Testament.  They cared for, protected, and guided the spotless lamb for the altar sacrifice to God... 


Hmm God knew "the shepherd's" capacity of love, care, and guidance. And He also knew He would become "the shepherd’s" prize, Lamb. The ultimate sacrifice to God... 


As He stepped into His earthly skin to save mankind... He came with the inherited skills of the creator. (i.e., carpenter) But His mission was to intricately lay out all the pieces of His life, to save all His children. He gave us that tangible role model ... a visual... a love offering that goes beyond anything of this world.  We lovingly call Him Jesus. 


This Heaven-sent Shepherd has been whispering words of love to His soul-filled sheep, since the beginning of time. He has been guiding their hearts home ever since Eve fell from grace.  


His masterful plan has been playing out since these words were spoken: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.”


The question becomes ... Do we know our Master's voice? Do we appreciate the artistic merit of our Creator? Do we love Him for sacrificing His royal life in Heaven to become a Shepherd of souls? Do we love Him enough to follow Him??? 


I will share with you... 

He has captured my heart...

I have heard His alluring voice whispering a love song to my soul .. He has shared with me that this Love Story has no end!! 


It’s Him, It’s always Him 


The Lord is my shepherd, I lack nothing. He makes me lie down in green pastures, he leads me beside quiet waters, he refreshes my soul. He guides me along the right paths

for his name’s sake. Psalms 23

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Good Shepherd | Mercy Hill Worship




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Sinners Prayer

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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