Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Passion. Show all posts



If you can’t figure out your purpose, figure out your passion. For your passion will lead you right into your purpose.” — T.D. Jakes

Meaning of passion - strong and barely controllable emotion: "a man of impetuous passionThe suffering and death of Jesus:


There are approximately 46 verses that refer to the word passion in the KJV version of the Bible. 


When the word passion comes to mind on a spiritual plane, it is a beautiful, heartfelt emotion.  It runs deeper than anything you have ever felt. It taps into the very core of our existence. It becomes the essence of who we are. 


It gives us the strength and the drive to accomplish amazing things. Things you find unfathomable under ordinary circumstances. I do not speak of the passion of this world.  The passion most people think of is a man-made fabrication and does not even begin to skim the surface... 


When I feel this word in my soul, I feel stronger, I feel deep commitment, and I feel a love greater than any love on this planet. I see the color red. Our senses are heightened, and our hearts open to this love like the soft petals of a crimson rose.   Our soul begins to dance with newfound freedom.  And as these intimate moments engulf every fiber of your soul, a beautiful love song can be heard as you are whisked away to a faraway land...   


We are spiritual beings having a human experience. And as we live our daily lives, many hide our soulful personalities. We are afraid of what others may think or say. But there is a spiritual heart bigger than life calling His children to a passionate love affair of the heart. It’s a love that whispers to our souls. It has a magnetic pull on our hearts. It's a greater and more powerful love than all the stars in the universe. 


It's our Creator. Its Him. 


His power, love, and beauty can overpower the hearts of any man, woman, or child. His love creates a beauty that shines from within the hearts of His children. His aura of light lives within His believers. This gift contains a love that is beyond our human understanding and shines to attract other like-minded souls.  


It radiates a passionate love, a love of the soul. A love for Him cannot be contained. Our creator. Our beautiful ELOHIM, Our loving Yashua, and God's very breath, the mysterious Holy Spirit. Our three and one are breathtaking and not of this world. 


Close your eyes and invite Him into your will be whisked away to a faraway land.  Your soul will lovingly whisper His name. As your life takes on new meaning, your soul will feel completeness, peace, and a feeling of love that will be difficult to explain. 


And I have found the best answer is short and sweet.   


It is because of ... 


Him! It’s always Him. 


You, God, are my God; earnestly, I seek you; I thirst for you. My whole being longs for you in a dry and parched land

where there is no water. Psalm 63:1 NIV


Photo design & Written by Lori Garner

Model - RobynZ

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy Bible

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Passion of the Christ - At the cross - Hillsong


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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