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Showing posts with label Exploit. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Exploit. Show all posts



Is God for sale? Where do we draw the line?

Meaning of exploit make full use of and derive benefit from (a resource). 


The word exploit can be found nine times in the Bible.


Writing about this word will be a difficult task but it’s been a burden on my heart for some time and it’s very possible my writing will cause me heartache, and will possibly cause some to turn away... 


As many of you know that follow me my journey in my opinion has been uniquely amazing!  I have found the greatest gift anyone could share... I have traveled to many churches, events, and small gatherings. I have been actively seeking more, about this great love that fell from heaven into my heart and soul...  


But as I study and share my heart. I have witnessed many “followers” of God... selling Him? I may be new to this subject but when did selling God become so popular? It seems to have become a daily occurrence and a billion-dollar industry... It makes me wonder, where do we draw the line? How do we come to grips with sharing God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit without getting caught in the snare of "self" motivation,  gratification, and wealth ??  


When did having this great gift become such an income stream for so many?? Did the light we once held so beautifully in our hearts become tainted by our world? Did a little greed sneak into our hearts? Do we find ourselves hiding behind a cloak of Godly as we sell His message of love and salvation? Has the very light He gave us grown dim? Are we straddling the fence? One foot in the light and one in the dark? I call it living in the spiritual grey... We can not serve two masters. 

(Matthew 6:24)


I will share an event I attended. It was in a large venue with hundreds of believers... I was very excited to attend!  I was searching for more of Him!! I could not find someone to go with me so I went on this adventure of discovery alone... 


It was presented as free. But as I arrived I found out that they needed a $25 donation... "First Hmm". I gave them my money found a seat and settled in to listen and learn.  The program started with a few songs.. you could feel the excitement in the air... 


But the more the MC spoke the more disillusioned I became and my soul became restless... The first 20 mins seemed like one long commercial. Selling the multiple speakers works... books, CDs, tee shirts.. just to name a few. And the good news is we could buy them at the end of the “Holy” event... 


My heart sank and my soul began to grieve. I could not believe what I was hearing! I could not find any reason to stay. I stood and made my way from the crowded room... As I opened the door I began to cry.

 I remember thinking how can they exploit Him like that ??? I left sad, disappointed, and betrayed. I could only whisper to Him I am so sorry. 


I do know many of us have been given this gift of His great love to share with others. He calls us to be disciples and to share in His mission of a greater love with the world. 


I am not here to judge? Nor to throw the first stone ... That is between each person and God... I can only pray that we do not get so enamored with the price tag that we miss seeing His Face... We miss feeling His love... and that we do not step out of His light into the world of grey... 


Where do we draw the line? I realize first hand there is a cost associated with sharing Him. Travel, Online fees, Print work, Music, Studio Time, Venues,  and the list goes on..and on


But when a believer’s life reflects the riches of this world we must look at the heart... His love should flow from their lips. You will see God's love radiate from their souls. There will be no hidden agenda. They will freely share His love and grace with others. You will see the joy on their face. And you will hear the song of love in their heart. 


Be aware of the sheep in wolves' clothing...  Not every heart is genuine...  (Matthew 7:15)


At the end of the day, we are all His Children, and we are all a work in progress and trying to just find our way in this troubled world... 


Only He knows our heart, our deepest thoughts, and our motives... 


So if there is any doubt in our mind... And we find ourselves losing focus and dancing in the grey ... GO TO HIM FOR ALL YOUR ANSWERS ... 


Remember the person sitting beside you is also just trying to find their way in this crazy world. 


Go to our first love...


It's Him! It has always been Him... Knowing Him is free... There is no dollar value associated with His love... He just wants our love in return... 

There will be no doubt in our motives when we go to Him for guidance.  Because He will give us that peaceful feeling in our soul...


We must not tempt the Lord [that is, test His patience, question His purpose or exploit His goodness], as some of them did—and they were killed by serpents. 1 Corinthians 10:9


“Beware of false prophets, who come to you in sheep's clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves. Matthew 7:15


For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, 2 Timothy 4:3 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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