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Fall (be a ambassador of His love)

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Triune Loves Me Podcast - Heartfelt words -Fall

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In life. We all know that some things can happen unexpectedly. Some may ultimately change your heart and shift your direction. This is a journey of love and how the Holy Spirit did exactly that you will share in many events that could be considered lead or miracles. This is Triune Loves me with Lori Garner.


Hi, and welcome back. I am so happy. You decided to join me again this week. It really does mean the world to me that you're coming back and sharing this special time, especially when things are so hectic and busy these days. For those of you who are joining me for the first time, my name is Lori and I have an amazing story. If you wanna know more about my story, go back and listen to episodes. One through 15, that's my testimony. And then season two, I share a little bit more of my soul with you the listener. I share actual meditation stories that unfolded and gave me great insight too many things. And now we're here on season three, season three, I call my I Bible word study.


And that too is a little different than most Bible word studies. It's coming from a person that did not wanna read the Bible. I actually found it quite intimidating and I didn't understand the scripture. But I had a friend that didn't give up on me. And she kept telling must read the Bible. And one day I found an easy button right on my phone, and I understood the scripture and I promised her, I would study five words for five days. We're now into it a year and a half and have over 500 and some odd words that we've cataloged in. If you want to read those words, please go to my blog. You can find that 

Now we're gonna start the word today. And I have to say my heart is in a troubled place today with what I see going on in the news. And I wanted to find a word that spoke more of love than anything else. And I fell into the word fall. So today's word is gonna be fall F a L L. So do me a favor. Grab your favorite cup of coffee. Your favorite chair. And let's share this time. Are you ready? Let's do this.

I'd like to start this word with a scripture. You can find it in Proverbs chapter eight, verse 17. I love those who love me. And those who seek me find me The meaning of fall to move downward typically rapidly and freely without control from a higher to a lower level. It's also the seasons of the year. Usually between September to November. Did you know the word fall is mentioned in 41 books in the Bible and it occurs 237 times?

 Fall leaves mark the beauty of change transition can be amazing. Like everything in life it's, you embrace the changes that matter. Nature can be such a wonderful teacher. Watch with an open heart and see the beauty unfold right before your eyes. God has blessed us with so many beautiful things in our world, but to tell you the truth, many of us have become so distracted with the issues that we have a tendency to forget where they came from. As beautiful as fall can be. That is not where this word landed me in my heart. I landed on a beautiful four-letter word called love, L O V E. What makes us fall in love? Is it that physical attraction or does it go much deeper? Is it an understanding between the mind

Or is it a spiritual gift from God? The Bible teaches us that God is love. So, if we're made in their image, as the Bible teaches, then I should conclude that we are also made of love. So then I begin to wonder, how is it we've drifted so far away from our purpose? How have we lost our focus? And I ask, how do we return to that pure innocence of loving, without judgment or without setting someone apart from the group. Just pure love from the deepest chambers of our heart, how do we go there? It's, it's a love that frees our soul. It's an unencumbered feeling of joy. It's sometimes so difficult to describe or even to execute. 

I do believe it happens when willing to open our hearts and relinquish. The earthly ties that bind our souls. It's at that time, our spirit will feel that intimacy with God. It's a power of love. That has been a part of our DNA since conception. It started when we were knitted together in our mother's womb, He left his imprint of love on our hearts. So when I hear the word fall, I see the beauty of His imprint on everything I see and touch. I hear Him in every new baby's cry and I feel His presence in the gentle wind as it softly blows against my skin.

And I fall in love with my Creator, just a little more each given day. I appreciate His creative mind so much. And I love seeing His artistry at every turn. He's taken such loving pains in creating our world and our lives. He loves all of us with an untainted, pure innocence of loving us without judgment. He has made a claim on our hearts long before we were even born. He offers us a love, like no other, But the question are we ready to accept His love? Are we ready to open our hearts and relinquish our earthly ties that bind our souls to this planet? Are we ready to fall in love with our creator? Our first love.

 I promise you your life will take on new meaning. You will find a new and refresh purpose in this earthly life. Your life's imprint will be activated. And it's at that very moment in time, You will find the true essence of your soul's purpose. He is the miracle of life and love. It's him. It's always him. And I'd like to close this week's episode with a couple of scriptures. I'm gonna start with the one most people might know. You can find it in. 1Corinthian Chapter 13 verses four through eight.

Love is patient love is kind love, does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It always protects it always trust. It always hopes and always perseveres. That's an amazing one. Look it up.

And I'd also like to share this one with you. You can find it in John chapter 4,-18, Dear friends. Let us love one another because love is from God and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

And then I'd like to roll the clock back to Genesis chapter one, where God said, let's make mankind in our image, in our likeness. And if He is love, what does that make us?

 I say we've missed the boat. Our title is ambassadors of love. So what are we waiting for? Let's go out into the world and show His love to everyone you meet. I can only pray that as you listen to this podcast, you feel His love through me. And I want to tell you this week, be kind, be loved and be the best ambassador you can be. This is Lori signing off and I pray you come back next week and let's share these words together.

God bless.

This has been Triune, loves me with Lori Garner to learn more about Lori's unique journey. Visit her blog. Triune loves and be sure to join Lori. Next time for another episode of Triune loves me.

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