Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Seek God’s Face

We are to seek the Lord Almighty Himself. Not for what he can do for us, but for who He IS.


The Hebrew word for “face” in the Old Testament is often translated as “presence.” When we seek the face of God, we are seeking His presence.


Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His presence continually!" (Psalm 105:4, ESV)


What is this love that drives me to seek you? What have you done with my heart? You have given me a thirst in my soul that only you can satisfy. You come to me with the freshness of the morning dew. You come to me in the stillness of the night? You whisper words of love to my heart that reaches places I did not know even existed. 


I ask, what is it that you desire of me? Why do pursue me with such relentless vigor? What can I possibly have that you desire so? I have nothing that is worthy of you. 


I can only give you my heart ... my love? 


Don’t keep me waiting to hear your answer? The anticipation is all-consuming.. all distracting ...  It fills me every waking moment. 


This all-consuming magnetic pull on my vulnerable soul.. is beyond my understanding. 


I wonder when I am in your presence will I have the courage to speak? Or will your majestic splendor render me speechless?


My soul's desire is to stand in the shadow of your grace. I crave to feel your beautiful presence in the deepest chambers of my heart.


I close my eyes take a deep breath and whisper your name, Elohim again, and again. I am so desperate to just see your beautiful face... 


I find I must go deep within my soul to find you. My mind must surrender allowing my heart to lead me to you... My soul begins to open like a beautiful flower awakening on the first day of spring.  My breathing becomes shallow with anticipation. My spiritual eyes find the freedom to open slowly...


And in that beautiful moment in time you invite me in ... It’s there I see you like never before!  Your beautiful face and all your radiant glory... 


It’s you!  It’s you. Your beauty. Your grace. Your love... there are no words. 


My heart is overwhelmed with an unexplainable love that is so difficult to contain.


I am mesmerized... I am consumed as your love engulfs every part of my mind, my body, and my soul.. . I can only babble utterances that I myself do not fully understand... You render me speechless... 


My heart desires to stay here in this moment forever?  There is nothing in our world that can even compare... 


I know my request is not possible while my feet are still bound to my earthly existence. But know that there are times my soul feels torn between two worlds ... yours..and mine.


I will never stop seeking your face, I will forever yearn to hear your voice and I am committed to learning the rhythmic beating of your heart. 


You have left me with a growing desire to understand this amazing gift of you !!! You have become as important as the very air I breathe. 


Your name will remain forever on my lips as I feel your name is etched within my heart. 


Teach me your thoughts. Teach me this beautiful language of love that you share... Teach me ... 


It's you............. It has always been you... #Breathless

“When thou saidst, Seek ye my face; my heart said unto thee, Thy face, Lord, will I seek.”Psalm 27:8 KJV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music by (youtube)  

Dustin Smith - "Encounter (I Want To See Your Face)" (Live)


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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