They are not who we are now that you are an adult... So, we listen to others in our world and hide the child deep within... With time the child within grows weary and hides so long they forget how to lead with their heart and their light grows dim. As an adult our behavior becomes guarded, life scars happen, and our actions are controlled by the mind...
With the day to day struggles, we began to lose the appreciation of the basic things... The child’s light slowly begins to grow dim. You are no longer a free spirit unencumbered and free. It can even become hard to breathe... But I can share my story of hope. Through a spiritual encounter, I was blessed by Elohim. He has taken me on the most amazing journey of my life. However, in order for me to understand and appreciate what He offered. He had to ignite a once dormant flame within my soul. He fed the flame with His Love, His Kindness, His Compassion, And with His reassuring voice, He never stopped talking to the child within.
Then like magic on that faithful day in May, in Triune, TN. The child with in listened to the sound of His voice and began to follow His illuminating light. And much to her surprise, she found a freedom that she had forgotten. She emerged with eyes of wonder and her heart began to sing a new song. Life around her began to unfurl and become alive. Colors were brighter than she had even remembered, she could feel His Love within the warm breeze. Hugs seemed to linger even longer. Her heart was free to share His LOVE with others.
You see, He gave her wings and said fly my child fly. He is still teaching her to LOVE without boundaries and to see even the smallest detail in the wondrous world He created. His work in us is never done. He is the greatest LOVE story ever told ... He is the master of our heart and only He holds the key. He is whispering your name ... so, just quiet your mind, listen and get ready to Fly into the most amazing journey of your life.