Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Palm (Sunday)

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"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" from William Shakespeare's

Meaning of Lord one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due.


The other is Κύριος ("Lord"), which appears almost 600 times. 


The word Lord is a word that has fallen from my lips very few times… I truly don’t know why…Many believers call Jesus Lord… and Yes I agree He is the ruler of this vast universe and the Lord of all things big and small… 


I do believe it just depends on your relationship with Him and how personal He becomes.  Jesus is so many wonderful things to so many people…. He holds many names and many titles… They all hold such beautiful meaning and history… 


For me my introduction was instant… 

With very limited knowledge of religious teachings. 

Love fell from the sky as quickly rain falls from Heaven. There are truly no words in all the languages of world to describe it. 


I believe due to this warm, loving introduction the name Lord seemed so cold… So set apart from such a beautiful loving Savior… 


There are many words in my walk that are part of most “Christians” vocabulary.. that I do not readily use… Many may find it unusual, but being a follower of Christ sets us apart in many different ways. 


I feel He gave me a precious and beautiful gift of getting to know Him on a spiritual level way before I started to build a foundation of “Religions” beliefs and/or words. I feel many words have been molded to fit in that stereotypical religious box that most people know. Some words have even lost their original meaning. Do we ever question why? Why do we just accept the words or do we investigate the root meaning for ourselves?  


You may disagree with what I share… But understand I do not share my story to prove anything. Or for monetary gain. I always say I am a work in progress… 

However, I will admit that somewhere in this amazing journey I fell in love with Him. I make no excuses and those words do not get stuck in my throat... I openly share my feeling for Him... And I may raise an eyebrow to two...  

But, I do question why is it ok to sing songs about how we feel about loving God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit but we seem to lack the words in our daily lives.. ?? 


The names that have been a part of my journey are .. God, Elohim, Father, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, Savior, and as many of you know I call my Triune (Trinity) LOVEs… Because a love beyond words was present when they found me on a lonely road in Tennessee…He took my very breath away... Flipped me inside out and said go... 

Soon after this encounter, I was questioned. "What do you want to do with this ?" My answer was I don't know ??? All I know is He wants us to LOVE... 


He is the most amazing gift of light and love… I do believe we must call Him the name that resonates in your soul… A name that makes  Him personal in your heart, mind, and soul. 

Find Him and get personal. There will be a name above all names that will speak love to you like nothing this world can EVER offer. 

It’s Him… It’s always been Him… My LOVEs


And Yes He wows me… and if the day comes that He wants me to call Him Lord I will lovingly obey… 

Triune Loves Me / Podcast 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer

Falling In Love - Phil Wickham (Lyrics)




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As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Abide in my love.  If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept my Father's commandments and abide in his love. These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be full. John 15:9-11


Meaning of public done, perceived or existing in open view.


The word public is not readily available in the Bible. It seems to be hidden in its pages. 


Do we share our stories to help spread His message or do we keep the message locked within the confines of our hearts…? 


This journey has changed me from who I was to who I now have become. Many that knew me, knew the old me, knew me as a quiet, private, and a bit of a shy person... I feel I was a deep thinker and I felt I loved in my own way but did not readily share my thoughts or my feelings… 


But …. from the moment I experienced a Holy Spirit Encounter many things changed… I had this powerful desire to share a love that He placed in my soul… This encounter thrust me into unfamiliar territory.  This love seemed so difficult to contain… It is the most amazing love one can feel and yet it is so difficult to explain. 


I felt like I was on an emotional rollercoaster. 


As I chased this love I grew spiritually. And as time went by I began to understand a little better how, when, and with whom to share… But it has taken 4 years… And I still say I am a work in progress. 


Looking back many would have called my behavior strange… Many were not used to me showing love so publicly… Many did not understand… Some even ran… 


But to tell you the truth I would not change anything about the last 4 years…During this time I cried many tears. Because I worried about what people would think?  I had never shared openly any relationship, let alone one with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. I won’t lie, at the beginning, I felt this burning desire to share Him, but it felt awkward, strange, and a bit weird. However, the desire to share this love was stronger than my personal feelings. It was too amazing to keep it to myself. 


So, I shared Him anywhere, everywhere, and with anyone that would listen. … It was a crazy time but sharing Him made me feel wonderful… but I cried behind closed doors. I felt many of my friends and family might not understand.  I am sure I raised a few eyebrows!! 


But I can publicly say He freed my soul and gave me the courage, to open my heart and share the most amazing time of my life with the world…. 


I finally realized that the ones who knew me and loved me would still accept me as I am. And the ones who did not..  well I pray that He touches your heart. So, you will grow to know and love Him because your life will never be the same. 


The reason I share this is in hopes of touching someone that may be wrestling with being embarrassed or shy or worried about what people would think. Especially when we speak of the greatest love we can ever experience.  


If we look to the Bible, we can see the greatest example of publicly showing love. He shared a monumental event with the world… He was not worried about how He physically looked. He did not have much to say. He gave us such a heartfelt visual. He publicly showed us at the cross just how much He loves each of us… 


So, I ask why it is so difficult to publicly share our love for Him… Why is it so difficult to publicly say I fell in love with God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit? Why do we keep our love for Him hidden? Is it because we are afraid of what others will think or say? 


I must ask when we stand before our Creator… Who will be with you? Will it matter what others think? Or will you openly say I love you… His opinion is truly the only one that matters… 


Everyone else is a work in progress just like you… 


Be Bold… Love Him publicly… You may be that light that guides someone home….


Until I come, devote yourself to the public reading of Scripture, to preaching and to teaching.1 Timothy 4:13

Triune Loves Me / Podcast 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music; YouTube  God So Loved - Hillsong Worship

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Therefore you also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect.
- Matthew 24:44...


Meaning of ready in a suitable state for an activity, action, or situation; fully prepared.


We have located 25 verses that speak of the word ready. 


Are we ready for the greatest date with destiny?  I do believe we are always getting ready for something? We look ahead to future dates, events, and milestones that happen in all our lives. 


But do we ready our souls for something better than this life?  

It’s a date with destiny that every man, woman, and child will have to deal with at some time in their life. It’s inevitable. 


Many think there is always tomorrow. Procrastination in this life-changing adventure could be a long-term mistake… 


But where is this destination?  What can I take with me? How can I ready myself? 


The destination is not of this world… But I hear it looks like a dream come true, many call it paradise... I have heard we will not need to take anything from this world… All our belongings will remain here on earth… Everything we thought of as important will lose its luster, and become dim... Our focus will change to Heavenly thoughts… 


It’s my understanding that we can only take our experiences and our memories... 


So pack all the love you can in your heart. Experience the beauty of this life in your soul... Cherish the moments with your friends and family study their faces… remember the special moments that we have shared… 


The power of getting ready is in our hands… and it's a daily commitment. But how is this destination attainable?  


Let me introduce you to your guide… He is the Holy Spirit. He is a gift.. that dwells within our hearts. He is that whisper you hear in your soul. He teaches us about our destination and why we were born in the first place.. He helps us pack the ingredients for a beautiful experience and if we listen to His advice He will ready us for a destination wedding that will more than rival anything we have ever experienced in our lifetime... It's a date with destiny. It’s a date with the greatest love we will ever know… Many call Him Jesus. 


We have been chosen by our Heavenly Father not to just attend, but we have been chosen to fulfill a beautiful plan that has been inspired by His greater love since the beginning of time… 


It’s Him, It’s always been Him. 


He has been chasing me for a long time… But I finally listened to that small voice in my soul… 

He is my guide, my love, and my date with destiny… 


Life with Him is a beautiful adventure no matter where we are in the process. 


Through our union with Christ, we too have been claimed by God as his own inheritance.  Before we were even born, he gave us our destiny; that we would fulfill the plan of God who always accomplishes every purpose and plan in his heart. Ephesians 1:11 TPT


Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh. Matthew 24:44


Let us rejoice and be glad and give the glory to Him, for the marriage of the Lamb has come and His bride has made herself ready.  Revelation 19:7

Triune Loves Me / Podcast 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music; YouTube  

I'm Getting Ready by Tasha Cobbs Lyrics | LYRICS

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“No relationship in this world ever remains warm and close unless good effort is made on both sides to keep it so.”- Eleanor Roosevelt..


Meaning of one-way: something allows movement in only one direction a one-way street. one-sided. 


I could only find the word one-way once in the Bible. Jeremiah 32:39. 


During my journey, I have listened to many speak and say that Jesus is the only way… 


And I am not here to dispute those amazing and wise words… 


But the words one-way spoke to me today in a different way… and I feel I must share… 


I find that in this “religious” walk many tell us we must strive for that intimacy with God. We must crave and chase that relationship with Jesus… and the Holy Spirit sometimes is just an afterthought?


I must ask you this question because I have asked this question of myself today… 


How secure are you in your relationship with God??  Is it a deep caring above all else bond?  Is it just an occasional need?? Or do we say like the kids today… We are talking, in hopes that we can cultivate something more… 


Once you search your heart… 


I then will ask you, is your relationship one-way?  Do you only come to Him when you need something from Him? Do you only share the crumbs of your life with the one who holds you so dear??  I am afraid many of us are selfish in our relationship with God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit…


We seem to think of ourselves first. 


I am not here to judge or point a finger… I am a work in progress just like you… 


But if I am asking this question of myself, others may need to look into their hearts as well… 


Ask yourself is my relationship with God one-way? Or do I give Him as much time as He gives me?  Am I there for Him when He needs me? Many may say… He is God He needs nothing ?? He just wants me to be good and to do for others... 


But I have discovered there is so much more to Him. And we have only begun to scratch the surface…He made us in Their image for a reason… I would have to believe if we have emotions, so does He…. But maybe even on a larger scale… 

After all, God is Love. How can He be love and be void of feelings? 

1 John 4:16


Do we ask Him what can I do for you today ?? Do we care how He feels? How can He love and care for us so deeply…When all we do is ask Him for things? 

As a parent myself I would be disappointed if my children viewed me as their source for “things” and did not care about the "real" me… 


I ask ….. 


Where is your relationship? 

Is it one-way??? 


Just imagine if you could have that intimate 2-way relationship with the only one that loves you so deeply and beyond this world … 


He WOWs me. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him.

Jesus stated, in Mark 12:30-31, “And thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength; this is the first commandment… There is no other commandment greater.”


Triune Loves Me / Podcast 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer 

Inspiring Music; YouTube  

Somewhere in Time: John Barry







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“There are two ways of spreading light; to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.” – Edith Wharton...

Meaning of heartfelt (of a feeling or its expression) sincere; deeply and strongly felt.


The word heartfelt appears eight times in the KJV of the Bible.


Have the people of this world become so preoccupied with self-gratification and power that many are willing to sacrifice others to gain money power and status?


As I watch the daily news and see the horrific crimes against all humanity my heart bleeds.  


How did precious life become so disposable?? How did love become so distant? 


If I look back in history it seems that we have yet to learn our true purpose.  What was our Creators reason for creation? Was it not to LOVE...


There are divisions everywhere we look. 


As I felt this heaviness in my soul. I remember a meditation that I had early in my discovery of God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 


The room was cold.. and dimly lit... I settled into my zero gravity chair and was covered with a warm blanket... I tried to settle my thoughts... I inhaled a few short breaths and let them out slowly... I found myself in a cathedral sitting in a pew... 


Then suddenly Jesus appeared. He seemed to float down slowly into the room. He softly landed and walked to me. He reached for my hand He seemed to want to lead me somewhere…  I followed...  


We came to a rooftop-like setting. He held my hand and we floated to a place where we land and stood on a glass floor. We could see the dark city below.  He soon began to point His finger to the buildings below.  As He point at the window, a light began to spill out a warm glow. He pointed to another window .. and again a light began to spill out a warm glow. He did this several times. I felt like he was showing me that His light was indeed reaching souls... He smiled. And then He held my hand and slowly walked to a bench just a few steps away... We sat down. I snuggled in close .., and suddenly I felt a rushing but gentle wind behind me ... Suddenly, a pair of giant white wings appeared. They seemed to be coming from His back... They opened fully I could see the delicate feathers. They were beautiful and had a delicate softness.  They seemed to reach at least 6 feet on either side... 


I was not afraid, I seemed to be at peace like this was a normal everyday occurrence. I placed my head on His shoulder. And His wings and arms wrapped me into the most beautiful loving moment in time... I could not help but linger at the moment. 

 ... But then I found myself alone ...


 I walked to the middle of the glass floor ... I raised my arms palms up.. with my head looked upward ...  and there I stood ... And this thought crossed my mind... there are still so many dark windows ... and just as soon as that thought crossed my mind. I could see windows being lit🔥some shining bright some just showing a small flicker in darkness ... the image stayed for a few seconds as the music played ... and then the moment faded and the music ended. 

Have you been chosen to share His light? Only you know the answer. Are you growing in His love? Do you truly know Him? 


He is our heartfelt moment. He is the light that we seek. He is the light that reflects from our lit souls...


It's Him... He is our only hope!!  He is our strength. He is our love beyond this world... He is our peace in these uncertain times. 

Get lit...🔥Shine His light for others to find their way to Him. 


Therefore, God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, put on heartfelt compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness, and patience, Colossians 3:12 


Keep me as the apple of your eye; hide me in the shadow of your wings. Psalms 17:8

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Diana Ross - I Still Believe (Lyrics)



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I can't make people fall in love with Jesus, but I can arrange dates.” — Andy Stanley....

Meaning of dedicated (of a person) devoted to a task or purpose; having single-minded loyalty or integrity.


The word dedicated can be found 25 times in the Bible.


How does He orchestrate happenings in our lives that draw us to clues of discovering more?  


This week I stumbled across a movie called Mary Magdalene. I watched the movie and the next day I discovered that March is woman’s month … hmm 


Many would say that it is just a coincidence. But I have discovered that I love how He works.


Women have played such a significant role in the Bible. But when looking back with the exception of Mary the Mother of Jesus they seem to be overshadowed by the men… 


Do we try to understand the roles and the significance they played in such a male-dominated world?? 


When I began my discovery of Mary Magdalene I knew very little about her. But I soon discovered these facts. 


1.        Jesus cast out 7 demons from her. Is it a coincidence that there are 7 deadly sins? (pride, envy, wrath, gluttony, lust, sloth, and greed) hmm

2.        She boldly left her family to follow Jesus

3.        She was a witness of the crucifixion 

4.        She was the first witness of the empty tomb

5.        She was mentioned in all four of the Gospels

6.        Her amazing story was one of darkness and torment until Jesus freed her from the bondage that raged within her soul… 


I do not want to take away from the important facts, but what impressed me the most, was not only her loyalty to her Savior … But beyond that was her deep love for Him… 


I believe she felt she owed Him her renewed life…


She must have felt spiritual, emotional, and physical death when He was taken from our world.… Losing the one who freed her.. the one who brought light into her dark world… It must have crushed her heart and made her soul bleed… 


But the “good news” was she was the first one to lay eyes on Him at His resurrection. She was the first witness… She was set apart. She was chosen. 


It was a woman that He appeared to first. It was a woman that He trusted with such monumental news. It was a woman that He trusted to share His amazing legacy of love and life beyond death to the world. 


She had such an unwavering trust, deep love, and gratitude for Him. She did not just love Him. But I believe she indeed fell in love with Him… It has been written that there may have been a physical attraction to Jesus. 

But a physical attraction is not necessary to fall in love with our Creator…It’s a much deeper love, it comes from a deep place within our soul... 

As I traveled on this journey I have been blessed to discover a few souls that carry this type of love for Him.  It transcends time, space, and human understanding … It’s a spiritual gift from Him… and Him alone.


I believe we get confused when we try to dissect this love… The hows and whys, the “scientific” result from testing.  


When speaking of the possibilities of Heaven, eternity, and the spiritual realms we will never fully understand. It contains such vastness and depth, just how do we wrap our human mind around it? 


That is why we must open our hearts and trust Him and love Him with the innocence of a child…. 


It’s Him… He WOWs me. 


I urge you… 

Love Him like Mary… love Him with that type of dedication… with that type of depth… fall in love with His soul… take your love to the next level… Don’t keep your love for Him restrained to what our world has deemed as acceptable…  Set your love free… Just as He freed Mary… 


I have discovered when dealing with Him there is always MORE!!! 


Jesus replied: “ Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ Matthew 22:37 


“Learn this well: Unless you dramatically change your way of thinking and become teachable like a little child, you will never be able to enter in Matthew 18:3 TPT


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ! In his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead 1Peter 1:3 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

Falling In Love - Phil Wickham (Lyrics)



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You Will Receive Power | Darren Whitehead

Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

Triune Loves Me - Volume 1

Triune Loves me - Volume 2

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of  Christ . In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough sha...


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He loves you no matter where you are in the world.

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