Love in any Language is still LOVE!




"A rose by any other name would smell as sweet" from William Shakespeare's

Meaning of Lord one having power and authority over others: a: a ruler by hereditary right or preeminence to whom service and obedience are due.


The other is Κύριος ("Lord"), which appears almost 600 times. 


The word Lord is a word that has fallen from my lips very few times… I truly don’t know why…Many believers call Jesus Lord… and Yes I agree He is the ruler of this vast universe and the Lord of all things big and small… 


I do believe it just depends on your relationship with Him and how personal He becomes.  Jesus is so many wonderful things to so many people…. He holds many names and many titles… They all hold such beautiful meaning and history… 


For me my introduction was instant… 

With very limited knowledge of religious teachings. 

Love fell from the sky as quickly rain falls from Heaven. There are truly no words in all the languages of world to describe it. 


I believe due to this warm, loving introduction the name Lord seemed so cold… So set apart from such a beautiful loving Savior… 


There are many words in my walk that are part of most “Christians” vocabulary.. that I do not readily use… Many may find it unusual, but being a follower of Christ sets us apart in many different ways. 


I feel He gave me a precious and beautiful gift of getting to know Him on a spiritual level way before I started to build a foundation of “Religions” beliefs and/or words. I feel many words have been molded to fit in that stereotypical religious box that most people know. Some words have even lost their original meaning. Do we ever question why? Why do we just accept the words or do we investigate the root meaning for ourselves?  


You may disagree with what I share… But understand I do not share my story to prove anything. Or for monetary gain. I always say I am a work in progress… 

However, I will admit that somewhere in this amazing journey I fell in love with Him. I make no excuses and those words do not get stuck in my throat... I openly share my feeling for Him... And I may raise an eyebrow to two...  

But, I do question why is it ok to sing songs about how we feel about loving God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit but we seem to lack the words in our daily lives.. ?? 


The names that have been a part of my journey are .. God, Elohim, Father, Yeshua, Holy Spirit, Savior, and as many of you know I call my Triune (Trinity) LOVEs… Because a love beyond words was present when they found me on a lonely road in Tennessee…He took my very breath away... Flipped me inside out and said go... 

Soon after this encounter, I was questioned. "What do you want to do with this ?" My answer was I don't know ??? All I know is He wants us to LOVE... 


He is the most amazing gift of light and love… I do believe we must call Him the name that resonates in your soul… A name that makes  Him personal in your heart, mind, and soul. 

Find Him and get personal. There will be a name above all names that will speak love to you like nothing this world can EVER offer. 

It’s Him… It’s always been Him… My LOVEs


And Yes He wows me… and if the day comes that He wants me to call Him Lord I will lovingly obey… 

Triune Loves Me / Podcast 

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer

Falling In Love - Phil Wickham (Lyrics)





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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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