Love in any Language is still LOVE!



 Compassion doesn't originate in our bleeding hearts or moral sweat but in God's mercy. Romans 9:16-33

The meaning of bleed: to lose blood from the vascular system, either internally into the body or externally through a natural orifice or break in the skin:


There are approximately 18 verses in the Bible that reference the word bleed.


When I think of the word bleed. I felt I needed to go deeper than just a superficial wound. We have all been taught to care for a wound. Clean it. Dress it. And wait for healing. Have you ever given it any thought of how the wound heals? I noticed that the wound heals from the inside out, one layer at a time. 


But what happens when it is our heart that bleeds? How do we clean the wound? How do we dress it? How does it heal? My experience is not in the medical field. But I have a relationship with an amazing healer! He had many years of experience. Many say He has had this gift for centuries. He has healing powers unlike anyone here on earth. He has been know to heal the wound with just one touch. I have been physically touched by His power. I call it my miracle.


But how does He heal a bleeding heart? I again can speak from my experience. When the heart is wounded by the action of another it does begin to bleed. The soul becomes sad. The mind begins to focus on the pain and the how why and who caused the pain... It can become all-consuming and even cause the body to fail.

God knows that we must go through the pain in order to understand the magnitude of the victory. We call it growth. His healing process heals us from within one layer at a time. During this process, He will open our hearts. I have been known to say, He has circumcised my heart. He will teach us many things about love, life, and forgiveness. The good the bad and even the ugly...

But mostly He will teach us about ourselves!! The faster we face and embrace His teachings the faster we can heal. He has promised to hold our hearts as He speaks words of love to our souls. But we must be willing to take the medicine He has prescribed. He promises to gently hold us, as He speaks love to our soul.

So I can only recommend: Let go, clear your heart of all negative thoughts, let go of hate, and discord.. Make room for His love. The heart will continue to bleed unless you invite Him in… Be open to His miracle of LOVE…His love can and does stop the bleeding.. He will heal the wound.. from the inside.. out.. And your heart will be free to LOVE without boundaries and to your amazement, you find that you have learned to love past the pain. 

Do not be a bleeding heart!!! Call HIM. Your heart will be freed, It will be healed. And your life with Him will be better than you can ever dream of!! Love has so many healing properties… I can not imagine our life without Him and His deep, deep beautiful love. 


It's Him, It's always Him.


Jesus knows from experience the best medicine for a bleeding heart is LOVE. Because it points Him to our Heavenly Father. The one that knows every intimate detail about us, every life trial we will face, every failure, and every victory ... He even knows how you will respond to His teachings. 


It's Him! It's definitely Him !! 

He is the loving healer of my heart and soul. It up to us to let Him in….He does make house calls.. 365 days a year day or night, rain or shine. 


She came up behind him and touched the edge of his cloak, and ... But as Jesus heads for Jairus' house to heal his daughter, the crowd is especially thick. ... She has decided in her heart, "If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed" (Mark 5:28)


But anyone who does not love does not know God, for God is love.1 John 1- 4:8  

We know how much God loves us, and we have put our trust in his love. God is love, and all who live in love live in God, and God lives in them. John 1- 4:16 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Book Image: Words of Jesus for Every Day Living by Christain Art Publishers

Inspiring music from YouTube 





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Unconditional LOVE

To listen click on the link below

There are so many types of LOVE that we can experience in a lifetime... Before we are even born, we are loved unconditionally. Love never ends even if one must leave this earth the LOVE remains ...
Join me as I travel back in time. And I share a word from our Bible word study and meditation. I have fused them together to create a self-narrated story called "Unconditional LOVE".

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“There is a God-shaped vacuum in the heart of each man which cannot be satisfied by any created thing but only by God the Creator, made know through Jesus Christ.”― Pascal 

The meaning of the Hebrew word (tohu) translated as “formless” is nothingness and the Hebrew word (bohu) translated as “void” means emptiness. 


The word void is in the Bible approximately 68 times. 


When I began to think of this word. I had to go to a place to feel this word... It was a lonely place... It was a sad place, a dark place.. a place with no color... no sound.. no love... 


I ask you, are you void? And if I can be so bold I would ask you, void of what? Do you even know? Maybe you are void in your soul? The void can invade our hearts and play havoc with our minds. 


In my life, I have witnessed people, so beautiful to look at but so void of substance? I wonder do they feel that void? Or do they hide it well behind that smile?  


I do think we must think of this word as an artist.. creatives see the void as an opportunity for expression. They can see, hear and feel the beauty in the darkness. They can imagine what it can become. And with great care, and careful precision they can begin to add color ... yellow, blue, red and suddenly the magic starts to surface. You can begin to see love pour out with each stroke of their hand.  The once void canvas begins to have a purpose, it begins to feel life.. it begins to reflect their passion and love. 


When our soul feels that void we must go back to the beginning. The beginning of time. Because the artist that created you and me started with a void... But His love poured out. It poured out across heaven and earth. I personally would have loved to watch Him work. But when I think those thoughts, I am reminded that I have been given the gift of seeing His artistry everywhere. My sight is His gift.  I feel Him in my soul, and I hear His beautiful sound in the warm subtle breeze or the ocean tide as it caresses the shore... I feel to be void is an opportunity for His love to pour out over your life. It’s an opportunity for His imagination to work wonders. It’s an opportunity for His masterpiece to be completed one gentle stroke at a time. 


And one day, like every great artist the time will come when He will sign His name across your heart...stand back and say.. look at you. You are my creation... With you, I am well pleased. It’s you!! It’s always been you! 


Somewhere between the void and His creation. He fell in love with His masterpiece. He is such an affair of the Heart...


It’s Him, It’s always Him. 

He WOWs me!


In the beginning, God created heaven and the earth. Genesis 1:1


So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them. Genesis 1: 27

 “For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.”Isaiah 55:8 KJV

“So shall my word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it.”

Isaiah 55:11 KJV


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Danny Gokey - Masterpiece (Live)

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“Life is playfulness…We need to play so that we can rediscover the magic all around us.” ~ Flora Colao

Meaning of true: Genuine; pure; real; not counterfeit, adulterated or false; as true balsam; the true bark; true love of country; a true Christian.


There are approximately 24 verses about truth in the Bible. 


This four-letter word possesses such power, such depth, such internal growth that it may lead to a transformation in your near future. 

During my journey of discovering God. There were many things that transpired and many left me with a desire burning in my soul to chase God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. 

It gave me an insatiable appetite to learn something new about them every day. They revealed to my heart that they collectively are one. He taught me the importance of sharing life and love... He revealed His true heart and shared many things with me... His whispers spoke so lovingly to my soul. He made me dig deep within myself, and own my strengths and face my weaknesses... He made my emotions rush to the surface for the world to see.   He made my vulnerability peek out time and time again. 

He reached a place so deep within my soul, it was a place that no one has ever been. He held me so tenderly.  He never gave up. Until one day He rescued the child within. 

I did not realize, that this child had become comfortable and laid dormant for so long that it seemed to be lost. But with His loving kindness, He opened the doors to my heart and placed the wonderment back into my soul. That now because of Him I sing a new song. He knew that with Him it would be easier for me to share my true heart openly with the world. He is such a loving forgiving source of light that only He and He alone feeds my soul... 

He made me face that I had been hiding behind a wall that I had built to keep my true genuine self from harm. Because I have witnessed just how harsh our world can be. It can be cruel, it can be unforgiving... It teaches us if we are different if we do not follow the world's standards, that we will be subject to misguided judgment, or ridicule. 

He has freed the child within... He has shared His love with my soul. It’s an amazingly beautiful gift that is at its best when shared. It’s a gift greater than I have ever known ....He possesses the WOW factor. His love is like nothing you have ever seen, felt, or heard. He is different. I love to think how unique He is? It makes me smile. 

He gives us the power to build a firm foundation and to stand tall and say to the world. I am here count me in!!!!! Embrace your uniqueness and shine the gifts He has given you !!. Because when you share your true-genuine self as a child of God.  His smile radiants with a brilliant light that illuminates all the Heavens. And you can stand firmly and look up and proudly say... 

 It’s Him. It’s Him ...He made me do it. And I love him for it !!

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube  

Justin Timberlake, Anna Kendrick - True Colors (Lyric)


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Contradictions are the impossible chasms that create forever separations. God is the forever bridge that creates impossible reunions.      Craig D. Lounsbrough

Meaning of reconcile: To reestablish a close relationship harmonious, or consistentTo compare (one financial account) so that it is consistent or compatible with another. 


I was given the word reconcile as a word challenge for today’s word study...And if the truth be known after many years of working in finance I could see a balance sheet in my mind... 


But how do we study this word? With who do we balance and reconcile our thoughts, our actions, and our relationships? 


Where has our harmony gone? Where has our freedom gone? Where has our hope gone? Where has our love for our Creator gone? Our world seems to be out of balance? Don’t you agree? But how do we reconcile and bring our world back to a world of LOVE, of Hope, of Harmony? 


I must admit I do not have the answers from a global perspective... But I do know if each one of us takes the necessary steps to make a positive effect on others one day, one person, and one heart at a time. We will be able to bring our world out of the red and back into the black where it should always remain. I also know that we cannot do it alone... The magnitude of this project is too vast, too daunting, and too overwhelming. There is only one Soul that has the credentials, the power, and the heart to successfully bring the world and its people to a status of peace, love, and joy!!! 

 I did further research and found this the formula for change. Change equals Dissatisfaction X Vision X First Steps that is greater than the Resistance. The idea is that if you are seeking some significant, system-wide change there are several core elements that need attention. But when I see this formula there is a key element that is missing...  


To orchestrate this globally it will take a great leader... One with a heart for all humanity.. one that loves deeper than we can even begin to understand... 


It only takes One ... to affect all mankind and bring all its people, and all the nations back .. back to our purpose. Back to our first love!!!


It’s Him It has always been  Him! 


All I can say to Him is I am here count me in!!!  Let's do this together.. start today,  start small, start with one person, and one heart... Let’s make a ripple that can be heard and felt around our world... 


Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you. Ephesians 4:32


Make every effort to live in peace with everyone and to be holy; without holiness, no one will see the Lord. Hebrew's 12:14

“So if while we were still enemies, God fully reconciled us to himself through the death of his Son, then something greater than friendship is ours. Now that we are at peace with God, and because we share in his resurrection life, how much more we will be rescued from sin’s dominion!”

Romans 5:10 TPT

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Heart of God [Audio] - Hillsong Young & Free

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"God's grace is greater than your biggest regret." ~ Lecrae 


Meaning of regret a feeling of sadness, repentance, or disappointment over something that has happened or been done:


Regret is discussed approximately 28 times in the Bible. 


I regret to inform you that this word may tug at your heartstrings. It may cause deep thought and possibly anguish. 


Do we cause our own pain? Do we dismiss our actions because we do not want to pay the price or face possible failure? Or do we justify our behavior by labeling it that we are only human and the temptation was far too great!  


If I ask you to share the biggest regret in your life what would it be? Possibly education, Possibly relationships, Possibly life choices?? I do believe we all have regret in our life to some degree...  I will share my biggest regret... But I want you to do the same... Get out a piece of paper and write these words... I regret... And finish the sentence... Here are my thoughts on the word regret... 

I regret that I did not face them sooner... 

I regret... That I wasted time... I wasted love... I wasted getting to truly know my Creator. I wasted the opportunity of growing my knowledge of Him... 


Now that I recognized and faced my regret. The question becomes what can be done to reverse or to change the outcome of my regretful heart??


I could say I don't need to do much because the Holy Spirit touched my soul and that is enough. But something changed and my regret changed to desire... Desire to know more about my Creator... But in order to do this, I need to invest time. I need to invest in love.  And as I study Him my knowledge will grow... 

So I can say if we can clear our hearts of regret we can be feel accomplished even if it is only slightly each day. Our life can be richer.. My only regret is that I did not recognize this regret sooner... But I am grateful to Him for capturing my heart and for allowing me the time to love Him and change this regret from regret to a love that I admittedly do not fully l understand.  But I do know that my life will never be the same. 

Because I am on a quest. And each day is an opportunity to grow from regret to a beautiful relationship... not only with my Creator. But a relationship with myself.  Getting to know yourself a little better can be a daunting but amazing experience. You may find that you are indeed a beautiful soul... Because God made you that way... ... So I say look at your regret as an opportunity to grow into everything He knows you can be... For me, I feel blessed to grow in Him, His Word, and His beautiful LOVE. 


It's Him, It's Always Him. 


However, I consider my life worth nothing to me; my only aim is to finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me—the task of testifying to the good news of God’s grace. Act 20:24

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Model: Robyn Z

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Tenth Avenue North - Greater Than All My Regrets (Lyrics)

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 “Outer beauty pleases the EYE. Inner beauty captivates the HEART.” – Mandy Hale,

Meaning of garment: an item of clothing.


There are 29 verses in the bible that mention the word garment. 


The clothing of the people in Biblical times seems to have been made from wool, linen, animal skins, and perhaps silk. The fabrics are not very much different from the ones we use today… 


When studying the word garment. I could not help remembering a quote. "The clothes make the man" is from the Shakespearean play called Hamlet. The line that has been translated from is "apparel oft proclaims the man" It based on the thought that in our world, people form judgments about others based upon the clothes that they wear.


What is it that sets us apart just by the way we dress? I do believe most of us enjoy the finer things in life.  Or at least, we as a society have grown comfortable with “things”. It is apparent that many dress to impress. I do believe Covid has made many of us sit up and take notice, of what we truly should value. 


How many of us have attended zoom meetings? 

To be honest, were you only dressed from the waist up? From the waist down perhaps you wore your PJ’s and slippers? Or perhaps you arrived at your online meeting in your bare feet ready to impress. I do believe when we feel good about how we look. It is not really the clothes, its the confidence and beauty that glows from within because the outer package looks good.  But then again, I have witnessed many beautiful packages that are void of substance. We should not judge the outer garments, but we should train ourselves to seek the beauty of the heart. 


So as we unravel this puzzle. Have you ever wondered why Jesus did not come dressed to impress? He had the credentials to dress like a King. But His garments were plain, they were simple and modest. He addressed many important scholars in simple sandals. But He had the

X- factor as they call it… I like to call it the God-Factor… He blows so many holes in the quote "The clothes make the man"… And I must agree. It was not the garment. It was the Man that filled the garment. The Man that changed the world because of LOVE. The Man of simple humble beginnings… The Man with the beautiful heart. The Man that is now My King, My Savoir My Lord. 



It's Him, It's Always Him

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

No Other God - (Lyric Video) - Steph Macleod [OFFICIAL]

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Unquenchable Thirst


To listen click on the link below.

Does our soul thirst for more? Do you ever feel there's something missing from your life?  But we are not quite sure what that might be? Do we long for a love that seems to be just beyond our reach?

Join me as I travel back in time. And I share a word from our Bible word study and meditation. I have fused them together to create a self-narrated story called "Unquenchable thirst" 

Deuteronomy 32:2 “Let my teaching fall like rain and my words descend like dew, like showers on new grass, like abundant rain on tender plants.”

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"God never said that the journey would be easy, but He did say that the arrival would be worthwhile."

Meaning of travel: to go from one place to another, typically over a distance of some length.


There are approximately 42 verses about the word travel in the Bible. 


As we travel on this word adventure together let’s unpack this word “travel” and see where it might take us... 


Have you ever wished time travel was possible?  Have you ever wished you could relive a special moment in time? Have you ever wished you could be whisked away into the future to go see that special someone? Perhaps they hold the answers to many mysterious questions that we are on a quest to discover? 


If I only had one wish, would I choose to go forward? Or would I choose to go back in time? Such a difficult question? We have all been pretty confined… Travel has been difficult.. so many restrictions.. so many guidelines. 


So let's do it … come on run away with me... 


Closes your eyes, and let’s escape. There is a freedom that comes when we can tap into our imaginations. There is an excitement that can be felt… We are not restricted, we are free spirits, our hearts began to feel the rush.


Buckle up… If you are riding shotgun with me… You must know where I am headed… I have been chasing the greatest love I have ever known,  but gravity has kept me earthbound…. and NOW I am free to catch HIM. 

I know it will be the most amazing ride of our lives… We will travel to a destination that is beyond our wildest dreams... I have personally met the Creator of this magnificent paradise. And if it is even a fraction of what He represents… My heart will not be able to be contained... 


I have it from an amazing source it will be heavenly...


Heaven has Mansions where we wIll dwell with Jesus - John 14:2-3

Heaven will be a city built for worship - Hebrews 12:22-23

All nations and people will worship Jesus - Revelation 7:9-10

Heaven will be filled with Peace, Joy, and Praise - Revelation 7:15-17A 

Precious gemstones will adorn Heaven - Revelation 21:9-11

Heaven will have Pearl Gates & Streets of Gold - Revelation 21:21

The Tree of Life in Heaven - Revelation 22:2

The Light of God in Heaven - Revelation 22:4-5


But even with all its beauty, all its glory, and all its treasures... 


It can not compare to the beauty, the glory, and the …..


I am speechless… Be still my heart…. 



It's Him. It's always Him!


Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Heaven bound (Original song by Rev. Ruel Buyacao)

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Interview / The Journey

NOW Available:

I had the pleasure of being interviewed by Kevin James from The Millennium Beat. Where I openly share my Holy Spirit experience that happened a little over 2 years ago.  After moving from Florida to Tennessee, I found myself feeling just a little stagnant. An amazing spiritual event happened on a lonely country road in Tennessee.  I was introduced to a love greater than I have ever known, it happened in the most unusual amazing way... And from that day many things in my life changed. The events have opened my heart and whispered into my soul. 

Click on the link below to listen to our chat.  

Thank you Kevin for giving me the opportunity to share my story. Thank you to all my readers for your love and support. Wishing you all a beautiful day of His abundant love.

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The meaning of languagea system of communication used by a particular country or community:


The Bible had been translated into 3,324 languages. And the word language is in 53 verses. 


It is amazing to me that this book we call the Bible is cherished by only a few and not the masses. The story within its pages holds such beauty, such grace, such passion, such love, such kindness, such forgiveness! So much so that through the ages that many have felt the needed to share it with others in their own native tongue.  


But are they just sharing the words? Is this native language only spoken? Are these words void of action? I find the spoken words can be shallow and void of substance! If the deliverer does not feel them deeply with the heart. It’s always the actions of the heart that makes the most impact !!


Our role model came. He spoke the native language... But beyond that, He lives the story! His loving heart can be seen... It can be felt ... It could be witnessed by the ones who loved Him... But He also left His mark of love on ones that have tried to destroy His legacy of love... He fulfilled His mission to love with a love that has transcended all time and space !! His love is the language of Love ...

No matter what your native tongue may be... If you look for Him you will begin to feel it. It’s a language that many have written about, but until you feel it you will not truly understand it ... It can be difficult to describe... 

I wonder, what language should I translate this love story?  It is a monumental task... The day will come when every nation, tribe, people, and language, will stand in front of our Savior our King, and the only language that will be felt is His language of LOVE... 


It’s Him, It’s always Him! 


After this, I looked, and there was a vast multitude from every nation, tribe, people, and language, which no one could number, standing before the throne and before the Lamb. Revelations 7:9 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

The Love of Jesus | Live | Elevation Worship

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 God loves the sound of your voice... 

The meaning of sound.. vibrations that travel through the air or another medium and can be heard when they reach a person's or animal's ear. 


The word “SOUND" is in the KJV Bible 115 Instances. 


Shhh, can you hear it? Be still my heart.. Close your eyes and listen with your soul ... You can feel Him stirring within ... It’s a sound that makes your heart leap for joy... It can be so subtle if you do not wait with great intent you may miss that magical moment that is meant for you alone... It's that intimate moment with your Creator ... His love makes a sound that only your spirit can hear...! It’s a sound, it’s a whisper, it’s a love song. 


It can draw you in and it can fill your very essence with peace.. tranquility and a love like no other. 


I do believe we take sound for granted. I will admit I have struggled with hearing loss since elementary school. I have had many surgeries over the years... There are times I find it to be a gift... 


With the help of electronics. I have the ability to choose when to listen and when to take my heart to the most silent place. A place where no one else can go. It’s a quiet place where the world’s noise can not heard. The world can not raise its ugly hand. The world drifts from my mind and I am whisked away to a beautiful place. My heart takes me to a moment in time that can only be shared with Him. So when I listen, I hear the quietness, I hear the stillness. I hear the melody of a new song. I can hear the soothing whispers of God’s voice as He lovingly calls my name. It is an amazing intimate time. It's a personal journey of sharing my heart, my thoughts, and my love with the most amazing soul I have ever felt stirring in my soul. It’s a sound that we will never be able to duplicate on earth. It’s a sound that makes us heaven-bound... Listen can you hear Him? Be still my heart ...I can hear Him speaking to my soul. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him


“For His Holy Spirit speaks to us deep in our hearts, and tells us that we really are God’s children” (Romans 8:16 TLB).

Photography & Written by Lori Garner 

Bible Verses from KJV, ESV / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring music from YouTube 

Steffany Gretzinger - Forever Amen (Official Lyric Video

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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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