Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Selfish people tend to only be good to themselves… then are surprised when they are alone.”


Meaning of Selfish..  (of a person, action, or motive) lacking consideration for others; concerned chiefly with one's own personal profit or pleasure:


There are approximately 50 verses the speak to the subject of Selfishness.


In my opinion, being selfish is a very ugly trait... It is a human trait that raises its ugly head when we least expect it. It is self-satisfying for just a short time. But it will eventually implode leaving long-term scars... 

I do believe if you wear the suit of being human you can relate to this word... We have either executed this word or we have been on the receiving end of a selfish act... 


As we go through life we began to recognize these actions and separate ourselves from people that show these types of traits. Some people separate themselves because they feel you no longer serve their purpose. And that can leave heartfelt wounds. Some are so self-serving they do not even see the wake they have left in the heart of another.

We live in such an opportunistic world... It saddens me. How did we find ourselves here? Where is that golden thread where people put other people's needs before their own selfish wants? 


As always I turned to the Bible for answers. And then I came to this word from a totally different perspective. 

Sorry to say this, But it was not all about you!! 


My heart went to the most unselfish human we could ever grow to know. He has put all of mankind before His own needs. His own wants and His own desires. 


Who has this type of love, compassion, and heart?  Who thinks of us first always??? No matter what? He does this time and time again with no regard for His own needs??? 


Have you ever given it any thought? What does God need? What are His wants? What are His desires? Many will say He is God He has everything He does not need anything! If you have never thought of this, read this scripture below.

Then God said, “Let us make human beings in our image, to be like us.

Genesis 1:26. 

If we are made in their image. Why do we not believe He has similar desires just on a much bigger scale? 

And as I grow to know Him better each day. I have found myself asking. Do we love you enough to give you our best? Do we say to our Heavenly Father,  “ I want nothing from you today? I just want to thank you for the very gift of you!  


Father, you have so many people clamoring for your attention... Every moment of every day.  Please escape with me today .... Can I hide you in my heart for just a little while... Many see you as a genie and fill your request jar with many shallow wishes. 


Do you ever get any peace ??? Do you ever rest?? Or are (we) your children so selfish!  So self-centered. So preoccupied with self that we do not consider your feelings! your needs! your desires!  We seem to always come to you with open hands, with our wants, our needs, our requests?? 


Please come, hide in my heart for a little while... I want to give you peace... I want to take care of you...I want to love you as much as you love me.. I want to put you first... 


I feel I can never love you as much as you love me ... teach me!!! 


His amazing unselfish love is such a beautiful gift. 


I challenge you today to ask Him, to hide in your heart for just a while.  Put Him first. Ask Him what does He desire from you today? Cherish these unselfish moments with Him. 

Time with Him is priceless.  


It’s Him, It’s always Him. 


Philippians 2:3-4 “Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit. Rather, in humility value others above yourselves, 4 not looking to your own interests but each of you to the interests of the others.”

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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