Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"God's words speak to your soul with a love language that does not need a translator."(lg)

The meaning of the word Speak is defined as to say words, talk, or verbally deliver a message. 


The word speak is mentioned 513 times in the KJV Bible. 


Speaking is such an interesting activity that seems so simple until we are faced with losing our voice. 


Each utterance starts with a breath. The airflow from the lungs to our larynx (known as our voice box) in our throat.  The vibration then forms sound through the mouth and nose. 


What I then found fascinating is how many languages there are around the world. It truly is mind-boggling when you break it down and think about it. Did you know that there are approximately 7,111 known languages spoken by people around the world? That is a wow! 


So where did they all start? I am finding the Bible to be a wonderful guide to many of our questions. And as we open this amazing book. In the verse John 1:1, we see... “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 


“God said” two of the most powerful words ever spoken.  These two words also show us just how powerful the spoken words can be.  All of creation started with the spoken word. The power of His words can blow our minds. 


But as I closed my eyes and quiet my mind these thoughts began to dance through my head.  It’s here the word speak takes on a new meaning...I do not need my voice box. I speak to My Father, My Yeshua, and My Holy Spirit with my mind, my soul, and my heart.... without the utterance of a single word. How does this happen?? Is this considered spoken words? 


It is a language that soothes my heart ... and it brings peace and unexplainable love to my soul.  It’s amazing when I think of God's voice.  I have read and I do believe His words hold tremendous power. A power like we have never seen. 


But my heart hears His beautiful soft loving whispers. I feel His love in His words. I have a hard time with the Scriptures that say we should fear Him. I know in my mind that is true. But in my heart, I have grown to know Him. He possesses the most genuine loving understanding heart.  It's like one I have never known. He is such a beautiful gentle soul. He is Kind. He loves us with no boundaries.  He has no hidden agenda.  His love language is spoken in every language known to mankind... Who else can make that claim?  Wow! 


I do believe as you began to hear Him speak to your heart your life takes on new meaning. Your thoughts and actions began to change. You strive to become a better person.  You want to please Him with your behavior. You see Him as your role model for living life in abundance.  I think as you move towards Him, fear lessens. Because there is a spiritual bond that is being built. There is happiness that happens when you hear His voice. His words speak to your soul with a love language that does not need a translator. Because it’s uniquely developed between you and your Creator ... It is felt in the deepest chambers of your heart..  As He inscribes His name upon you your heart. You feel Him watching you develop into the person He intended you to be... 


We are all a work in progress and He does speak to our hearts ... It becomes a question of just how fast do you run to His arms?  That is the part that is in our control.  If I say on your mark, get set .... go.  Do you sprint with the speed to win the race? Do you pace yourself for the long haul? Or do you walk? Or do you sit on the sideline watching? He is waiting at the finish line. This race is the race of a lifetime. ... Are you ready to win first place ??🥇Eternity. 


It’s Him. It’s always Him. 

“In the silence of the heart, God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence.” Mother Teresa

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:1-3

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Music: from YouTube 

Kari Jobe - Speak to Me Lyric Video



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