Love in any Language is still LOVE!




Every day is a gift from GodLearn to focus on the Giver and enjoy the giftJoyce Meyer

Meaning of giving: providing love or other emotional support; caring.


There are approximately 23 verses in the Bible about giving. 


It seems once again the holidays are just around the corner…Its seems to come faster and faster each year..  Fall leaves, Pumpkins, Thanksgiving, Christmas, Baby Jesus. 

I have noticed over the years that this time of year brings out the giving spirit in those once dormant hearts. 


When I opened the Bible to see what the Bible says about giving. I found out there are 4 types of giving in the Bible... The list is outlined below.. 


1. Alms. Alms is anything given to relieve the poor. It could be money, food, clothing, shelter, etc. ... 

2. Tithe. Abraham tithed before the Law. Moses penned it in the Law. ... 

3. Offering. An offering is anything given over and above the Tithe. ... 

4. Grace. Grace giving is the goal for the Christian.


When I see this list, to me it only scratches the surface.. Not to make light of the written word. I do agree with what is written. And we should abide with what is written in this masterpiece we call the Bible. God left this amazing book to guide our lives. 

But to me, the question should be… Am I a giver ? Do I give to the one who created me? Do we ask, "Father what do you need?" I feel we are all guilty of coming with wants, needs, desires, and wishes ? 

Do we, ever stop and think what does God need? Do we make time to listen? Do we spend time with Him? Do we give Him our love? Do we give Him our hearts? 

Or are we guilty of only coming to Him when we are in trouble or need something ?

The true act of giving should come from the heart. It should be free.. It should be unselfish.. It should not want anything in return. It should not keep score. 


Its my opinion selfish giving is truly is not giving… It is an act from the calculated mind.. and void of the heart.  


God unselfishly gave all humanity His beloved Son. So all His Children  could have everlasting life… This monumental gift can never be repaid no matter how hard we try.


We can only search our hearts and ask ourselves are we a giver to our Heavenly Father,  His Beloved Son, and to God’s very breath that we know as the Holy Spirit? Do we come with open arms to embrace Him? 

Or do we come with open hands wanting something from Him ? I say be a giver to our Creator, He is looking for those unselfish hearts.. 


I do believe that selfishness will not be a word or act that will be allowed in Heaven… So open your heart and free your mind and give the best of yourself to the true Giver. 


Its Him, Its always Him !!

Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  / Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music:  

Hello (God it's me) Lyric Video B/W - Myracle Holloway ®2016 Myracle Mile Music











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