Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Podcast / Episode 11

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Dancing in the shadows

"The most powerful weapon on earth is the human soul on fire." ~ Ferdinand Foch

A black heart in an unforgiving world. When you dance in the shadows of darkness.. and fear grips your soul. Your life will spiral downward no matter how hard to try to hide. The only defense is to light your soul on fire 🔥 and watch the darkness run as you blaze.  This light will illuminate your heart and the doors of life will open to the greatest love you have ever known. 

It's Him, It's always Him.

Photography Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Music from Youtube:

Third Day - Soul On Fire (Official Lyric Video)

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Express your love.. Make today worth remembering, Be the light!


God's favor and protection. 


There are over 80 blessings in the Bible. 


As I wake up on a chilly day I began to look into the word blessing...  


Do we see each of them? Do we take them for granted? Do we only speak and pray for blessings when families gather at the dinner table? Do we say a robotic prayer and then dive in? 


We truly should make it a part of our daily routine. It should be as common as brushing our teeth... 


In this world of uncertainty, we must start to view blessings on a more intimate scale... 


These seem to be the most generic answers 


1.   Today I woke up 

2.   I have amazing family and friends 

3.   I am in good health

4.   I have a job 


But I believe 1. Should be I am blessed by getting to know my creator. He loves me far greater than anyone here on earth... He listens to all victories and all of my failures. He never judges me. He gently guides me. He reveals more of Himself each new day... He allows me the latitude to grow my love for Him each day and I do feel I could go on and on.. 


You see if you realize and start your day by seeing Him and counting How He has blessed your life... your list of blessings will no longer be generic they will become genuine ... they will become personal and they will be shared with your creator. 


1.   Thank you Father for blessing me with this beautiful day

2.   Thank you Father for filling my life with the most amazing family and Friends I love them all. Please continue to keep them in your care. 

3.   Thank you for watching over me and giving me Heath so I can share you with others 

4.   Thank you Father for providing me a stable income. Doing something that I love is a plus. 


So don’t wait to come to the table. Don’t spout that robotic prayer. Don’t see the generic list of blessings... See the one who creates the blessing for you ... See Him 


It’s Him, It’s always Him !!


Thank you, LOVEs for blessing me with the greatest gift. It’s you!

Let us come before him with thanksgiving and extol him with music and song. Psalms 95:2 NIV 

Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Music from Youtube:

The Blessing with Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes | Live From Elevation Ballantyne | Elevation Worship

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"The spirit-world around this world of sense
Floats like an atmosphere, and everywhere
Wafts through these earthly mists and vapors dense. A vital breath of more ethereal air." ~ Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Meaning of mist: a cloud of tiny water droplets suspended in the atmosphere at or near the earth's surface limiting visibility, but to a lesser extent than fog; strictly, with visibility remaining above 1.5 miles (1 km):


The word Mist is in the Bible approximately 8 times. 


Living in Tennessee many mornings we are blessed with beautiful views of hills and mountains filled with a fine like mist. It truly is breathtaking.


I like to think of it as heaven kissing earth...God has given us so many beautiful gifts. Do we see them or do we take them for granted?


When I searched the Bible to study the word mist. I found that this word is mentioned only a few times... and it seems mist and vapor are almost interchangeable. 


In the Scripture John 4:14, it states that we are just a vapor that appears here on earth for a limited time.


However, when I think of the word mist or vapor I think of the most significant spiritual moment in each of our lives. 


It's that moment when we make the commitment to take Jesus Into our hearts. At that very moment, a beautiful awakening of God's presence in our soul can be felt. He begins His work of transforming our sinful nature into one of beauty and love.  We know the presence as the Holy Spirit. Many know His name but we have a tendency to exclude Him when we are looking for answers. We pray to God or His beautiful Son Yeshua... Why do we forget the Holy Spirit? He lives within our very soul. In my journey, I questioned why do we hear many say they fell in love with God or Jesus but I never hear anyone say they fell in love with the Holy Spirit?? 


I believe it may be because we do not paint a picture in our mind's eye, we do not understand Him. We set Him apart from God. When truly He is God, just in another form? 


Let’s close our eyes and imagine this beautiful gift from God. I will share what I see. I see Him as a beautiful spirit. He looks very much like I see the Father  ... I see Him transparent but physically seen... His face rugged and has the look of an older wiser man. His hair and beard are long and white. His head is adorned with a beautiful golden crown. His aura is white bright and seems to be a beautiful mist or vapor.  When He moves I see this misty trail of white sparkling flecks. It follows His every move. This mist is a heavenly mist made up of fine stardust ... He is amazing. 

You see the Holy Spirit is a unique gift from God. it is a special part of God himself. He gives us this gift so He can become a constant mist from heaven that intertwines with our very soul. We can take this special mist of God with us wherever we go... It's His breath of life and love.. and it’s how He communes with our hearts and souls... His whispers are like a fine heavenly mist that quenches our thirsty souls. 


It's Him! it’s always Him! 


Yet you do not know what your life will be like tomorrow. You are just a vapor that appears for a little while and then vanishes away. James 4:14. 

In him you also, when you heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation, and believed in him, were sealed with the promised Holy Spirit, 14 who is the guarantee of our inheritance until we acquire possession of it, to the praise of his glory. Ephesians 1:13-14

 Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Music: from YouTube: Mist of Heaven




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"God's words speak to your soul with a love language that does not need a translator."(lg)

The meaning of the word Speak is defined as to say words, talk, or verbally deliver a message. 


The word speak is mentioned 513 times in the KJV Bible. 


Speaking is such an interesting activity that seems so simple until we are faced with losing our voice. 


Each utterance starts with a breath. The airflow from the lungs to our larynx (known as our voice box) in our throat.  The vibration then forms sound through the mouth and nose. 


What I then found fascinating is how many languages there are around the world. It truly is mind-boggling when you break it down and think about it. Did you know that there are approximately 7,111 known languages spoken by people around the world? That is a wow! 


So where did they all start? I am finding the Bible to be a wonderful guide to many of our questions. And as we open this amazing book. In the verse John 1:1, we see... “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” 


“God said” two of the most powerful words ever spoken.  These two words also show us just how powerful the spoken words can be.  All of creation started with the spoken word. The power of His words can blow our minds. 


But as I closed my eyes and quiet my mind these thoughts began to dance through my head.  It’s here the word speak takes on a new meaning...I do not need my voice box. I speak to My Father, My Yeshua, and My Holy Spirit with my mind, my soul, and my heart.... without the utterance of a single word. How does this happen?? Is this considered spoken words? 


It is a language that soothes my heart ... and it brings peace and unexplainable love to my soul.  It’s amazing when I think of God's voice.  I have read and I do believe His words hold tremendous power. A power like we have never seen. 


But my heart hears His beautiful soft loving whispers. I feel His love in His words. I have a hard time with the Scriptures that say we should fear Him. I know in my mind that is true. But in my heart, I have grown to know Him. He possesses the most genuine loving understanding heart.  It's like one I have never known. He is such a beautiful gentle soul. He is Kind. He loves us with no boundaries.  He has no hidden agenda.  His love language is spoken in every language known to mankind... Who else can make that claim?  Wow! 


I do believe as you began to hear Him speak to your heart your life takes on new meaning. Your thoughts and actions began to change. You strive to become a better person.  You want to please Him with your behavior. You see Him as your role model for living life in abundance.  I think as you move towards Him, fear lessens. Because there is a spiritual bond that is being built. There is happiness that happens when you hear His voice. His words speak to your soul with a love language that does not need a translator. Because it’s uniquely developed between you and your Creator ... It is felt in the deepest chambers of your heart..  As He inscribes His name upon you your heart. You feel Him watching you develop into the person He intended you to be... 


We are all a work in progress and He does speak to our hearts ... It becomes a question of just how fast do you run to His arms?  That is the part that is in our control.  If I say on your mark, get set .... go.  Do you sprint with the speed to win the race? Do you pace yourself for the long haul? Or do you walk? Or do you sit on the sideline watching? He is waiting at the finish line. This race is the race of a lifetime. ... Are you ready to win first place ??🥇Eternity. 


It’s Him. It’s always Him. 

“In the silence of the heart, God speaks. If you face God in prayer and silence, God will speak to you. Then you will know that you are nothing. It is only when you realize your nothingness, your emptiness, that God can fill you with Himself. Souls of prayer are souls of great silence.” Mother Teresa

In the beginning, was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. The same was in the beginning with God. All things were made by him, and without him was not anything made that was made. John 1:1-3

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Music: from YouTube 

Kari Jobe - Speak to Me Lyric Video


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"Cherish every moment with those you love at every stage of your journey."

 ~ Jack Layton..

Meaning of cherish: To treat with tenderness and affection; to give warmth, ease, or comfort to. To hold as dear; to embrace with affection; to foster, and encourage; as, to cherish the principles of virtue; to cherish religion in the heart.


The word cherish is in the Bible approximately 28 times.


What does it mean to cherish? Is it just a superficial part of love or does it go deeper? Must one love it to cherish it? I do believe there are degrees of love... and cherish it a special part. It is that cherry on top of your beautiful dessert...It makes the item or person quite special. You want to protect it from harm. It holds a special place in your heart... It warms your soul and makes you smile just to gaze upon it. We cherish our special relationships. We cherish those special moments in time. We cherish our families and friends.


But do we cherish God? Many claims have been made that they love Him. But what do we do to care for Him? Do we protect Him? He is to be cherished and adored. He is the very reason we exist... He adores us, He has proven that He cherishes each one of His children. But for the life of me, I do not understand why He has never given up? I do believe one day we will know the answers to many of our questions. 


He loves us far greater than anyone here on earth...  He gave us His beautiful Son to show us the way.  He cherished His Son more than life. Yet He allowed His life to be a sacrifice for all of mankind. So how do we repay Him for this beautiful monumental gift of everlasting life ... We can start by cherishing every part of who He is. We should cherish the Father, His Son Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit. We need to adore and love them with a spiritual love that far greater than our own understanding... He is the cherry on the most amazing dessert you will ever gaze upon or taste. He takes my breath away. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him. 


“Before now, the LORD showed himself to us. He said, ‘I have loved you with a love that has no end. So I am showing my love to you so that you will move towards me.”

Jeremiah 31:3 EASY

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

 Music: from YouTube 

Psalm 34 - Taste and See - by Shane & Shane (Lyric Video)

 | Christian Worship Music


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Triune Loves me / Podcast Episode 10


“With God all things are possible.” 

I would like to think of episode ten as my searching for any and all clues to a love greater than I have ever known... I feel as I traveled to many places I began to pick up small glimpses into His heart.  I openly share my experiences in hopes to open hearts or rekindle a flame in dormant souls.  

NOW AVAILABLE : Triune LOVEs me / Podcast / Episode 10 Text God? OMG !! What do you mean Text God? Meditation, That's not Biblical? God is an Adventure? Join a Monastery? Say what ? To listen to Episode 10 click on the link below.

Triune Loves Me / Podcast / Episode 10 

Then Elohim said, “Let the water swarm with swimming creatures, and let birds fly through the sky over the earth.” 21 So Elohim created the large sea creatures, every type of creature that swims around in the water and every type of flying bird. Elohim saw that they were good. 22 Elohim blessed them and said, “Be fertile, increase in number, fill the sea, and let there be many birds on the earth.” 23 There was evening, then morning—a fifth day. Genesis 1 20:21NOG 

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music: from YouTube 

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A Callous Heart

Be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.

4 Luke 6:35 ..

When someone is not thoughtful and opens a wound in the heart of another and selfishly turns away.  Are they so self-absorbed they can not see the injury they cause or does it go much deeper? Turning away no matter the reason is callous and does not diminish the action that caused the pain. It does not make the pain nonexistent. It can actually make the wound deeper and takes the wound longer to heal.  Turning away is something I will never understand ??? I hope and pray that I could never be that person. My heart would not allow my mind to rest knowing I caused anyone that kind of pain.💔

Jesus knows this kind of pain, He personally has felt the anguish that this type of action causes.   He trusted 12 men that walked the earth with Him.  They all professed to love Him and they all acted like his friend. Callously one by one they all turned away. leaving Him to stand alone in His darkest hour and yet ... HE LOVED  them anyway...  His strength along with his indescribable LOVE for us reaches far beyond heaven and earth. This kind of  LOVE  boggles my mind and leaves me standing in awe... I cried out, please teach me how to love like you do.


My Fathers love and time have taught me when your heart is wounded by someone and you can find it in your soul not to callously respond.  But, instead, you reach out and offer them your unconditional love, expecting nothing in return...   That my friend is how and when the greatest internal transformation of your heart occurs. The chains are broken, the wounds heal, and you are freed to experience the most incredible unselfish love known to mankind! You will be filled with an unexplainable peace in your heart and a deep understanding that will soothe your soul. It's amazing!

Our Father will always welcome us with the warmth of his open arms, he will never turn us away .. NEVER ...  He WOWs me!!! 😍

Its Him, Its always Him


Please watch the video



🙏 My Prayer 🙏


Life on earth can change in the blink of an eye. So, I ask our Father to guide us in this troubled world.. Help us be filled with his light, allowing us to show his love, compassion, kindness, and forgiveness to anyone that may cross our path. If we can help touch one hurting heart and let them know, It's going to be OK our father is a great healer of hearts..  He is the prince of peace. He offers us, unconditional LOVE. All we need to do is open our hearts to him. And his LOVE will take us on the most incredible journey of our LIVES.  


I am grateful for you!

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music: from YouTube

On The Turning Away - Pink Floyd (Lyrics)

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As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love 
John 15:9-10

Invite an invitation:informal.  make a polite, formal, or friendly request to (someone) to go somewhere or to do something:


There are 52 verses referring to invitations. 


Have you ever wanted to be invited to the most amazing affair? Have you checked the mailbox with bated breath? But to your disappointment and dismay, it never came ??? 


It can be a difficult moment to know you are not part of the inner circle worthy of being a part of such an amazing celebration ??? 


In your mind, you can only imagine such a spectacular affair... The room has such beauty it will take your breath away... it’s dimly lit. Everything is so white it seems to glow with an essence of love... the tables are round, with beautiful white linen table cloths... the place settings are made up of beautiful china with 24-carat gold inlays ..  the utensils are gold ... each one so intricately carved with a beautiful monogram ... the centerpiece is made of the most beautiful white flowers with just a hint of light green leaves... when looking up you see the most beautiful diamond chandeliers hanging from the ceiling.. each diamond creating a soft prism of light dancing across the room ... wow the room is filled with a beautiful aroma of frankincense. The room is full of beautiful people all dressed in white and all showing their beautiful smiles .. many were talking but you could not hear anything but the sounds of the beautiful music. We all had the excitement of waiting. But what or who are we waiting for? 


Suddenly we heard trumpets.. the lights went dim .. and all eyes seemed to focus on the large beautiful white and gold doors as they opened..  and then.. the light filled the room. Many gasped to see the beauty set before them..tears began to stream down many faces as hearts filled with an unexplainable love ... I thought WOW where am I? Who is this? Whose party is this? And then I held my fork to look closer at the monogram. I had to smile as I ran my fingers over the monogram I heard whispers from the crowd.  


It’s Him, It’s always Him 


And as I examined the Monogram.  I heard my heart whisper omg  JC.. and tears began to softly stream down my face. I thought I made it!  I am here ... 


And as that thought came to my mind, I heard the most beautiful voice. It’s a voice that has spoken to my soul. And in a soft whisper, I heard the most beautiful words spoken ... Welcome my beloved it's you. It’s you I have been waiting for. Every head bowed and every hand raised in complete surrender to the greatest Love we will ever know.. 


I say wow.. so how do we get invited to such an affair ??  Love is the only answer. 


It’s Him it’s always Him.   Love Him with all your heart, soul, and might... He is in process of making the guest list don’t be left standing at the mailbox waiting... 


Let us be glad and shout with joy, and let us give glory to Him; for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife (the bride) has made herself ready (Revelation 19:7) HBFV

And while they went to buy, the bridegroom came; and they that were ready went in with him to the marriage: and the door was shut. Matthew 25:10

Photography, & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Verses From KJV  / Sinner's Prayer

Inspiring Music: from YouTube

Yeshua - The Bride of Christ's Wedding Song


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You Will Receive Power | Darren Whitehead

Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

Triune Loves Me - Volume 1

Triune Loves me - Volume 2

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of  Christ . In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough sha...


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He loves you no matter where you are in the world.

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