Love in any Language is still LOVE!


No Greater LOVE

To fall in love with God is the greatest romance; to seek him the greatest adventure; to find him is the greatest human achievement. 

St. Augustine of Hippo.


I posted one of my art pieces on a Facebook Artist page, which was removed due to the rule prohibiting religious content. The freedom of artistic expression is in the hands of the moderator. Many try to avoid conflict in light of diverse religious beliefs. Or does their belief dictate what is acceptable? 


It's a sad day for me when God, Jesus, or the Holy Spirit are shunned in any circle. 


I must say I don't consider myself a religious person.  I don't even call myself a Christian, even though many might label me as such. 


I try to share His message of love; it’s not religion. After my life-altering spiritual experience, I chased my Creator and embraced all facets of Him. I am a work in progress and still have so much to learn! He is so incredibly vast! It will take me a lifetime to discover more, and I will still not know everything about Him. 


But His message is clear: hope, love, unity, compassion, and forgiveness. 


In this world of exclusion, segregation, and hate… We all still have a common bond of seeking acceptance and love. 


If this is true, “Why do we exclude and/or shun the greatest love of all? “  


It is Him! 


Please wake up… let’s put our differences aside!!!! Let Him teach us how to love beyond our world!!! It’s up to us to make a difference.


He is ready to lead us to a brighter tomorrow, but we must accept, love, and follow Him… 


You could search for a lifetime and never find anyone Greater! 


It’s Him! 

“Seek me” Jeremiah 29:13

“Love me” Matthew 22:37

“Obey Me” John 14:21 


Art, Design & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music; YouTube 

Colton Dixon - No Greater Love (Lyric Video)



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Redeemer by Joann Turnbull

Redeem, Redeemer, Redemption is used 167 times in the Bible.  


The meaning of Redeemer is:  One who buys back that which was lost. As I was studying this word, a hymn came to mind.  “O, for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer 's praise.”  The last verse says: “Hear Him, ye deaf; His praise, ye silent, your loosened tongues employ. Ye blind, behold your Savior come, and leap, ye lame, for joy."


The music draws us to Him, to worship Him.  We come closer to Him as we sing songs of love and joy.  We feel His love rise up in our hearts.  He deserves the honor and the glory!  


The word Redeemer encompasses many thoughts. It signifies redemption. Humanity has been lost, living apart from their Creator and the Lover of their souls.

Sacrifices and countless works by man could not restore that fellowship. After years of failures, we can see a bright glimmer of hope in numerous places in the Old Testament.


It says in Isaiah 7:14 “Therefore, the Lord HIMSELF shall give you a sign. Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name, Immanuel. (God with us)


Seven hundred years later the Son is born, and His name is Jesus.  


He paid a great price for you and me. He is that Redeemer sent from the throne above.  He bled and died to redeem us.  He gave His all.  Say, YES, I accept Him as my Savior and Redeemer. 


When we do we can rejoice in our freedom to follow Him.  And joy will fill our souls as we fellowship and walk with Him.  He will continue to tell us how much He loves us and desires us. 


Another song came to mind as I was writing this.  “Pass me not O gentle Savior, do not pass me by.”  He will not pass us by.  He has been seeking you and me all our lives.  

Surrender to Him. Feel His love and grace in your life. 


The longer you know your Redeemer the more you will love Him.  He IS our great Redeemer and Lover of our soul. 

Redeemed forever!


 “For I know that my redeemer lives….”Job 19:25


“O Lord, Thou hast pleaded the causes of my soul; Thou hast redeemed my life.”  Lamentations 3:58

Written by Joann Turnbull 

Sinners Prayer 

Photography by Lori Garner 

Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 

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“God made us to crave—to desire eagerly, want greatly, and long for Him.”  ― Lysa TerKeurst... 

Meaning of desire: a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen:


We found 106 verses in the KJB that reference the word desire.


As I started to unfold this word, I tried to understand the meaning written above with what my heart was whispering...


To me, desire goes deeper than just a strong feeling or want. It appears to have a romance or passion that accompanies it. So come with me, and let's see where our desires take us.


We seem to have so many earthly wants and desires... Homes, cars, things... Many, many things... But we must ask ourselves, what do we truly desire? What is the strongest desire in our life? How many of our possessions can we take with us?


When we look to the Bible for answers, I find that people have had strong desires to know God intimately over time... And then we see and hear in His written word. His desire to love all mankind becomes evident. He desires a bond of everlasting love with all of His precious children.


But as I studied the many desires in the Bible... I wrestled with this verse for a while.


Psalm 37:4: Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.


What does this mean? If we love Him with all our mind, body, and soul , He will grant our desires much like a genie.


I do believe many people get stuck here and only see their own desires; they want from a worldly heart… I have witnessed many believers feel that if they love, worship, and pray to Him, the new car will someday be parked in their driveway, or their heart's desire will magically appear.


However, I believe if we love Him with all of our mind, body, and soul... He will become our strongest desire. Chasing Him will become as important as the air we breathe. And we will realize that He is the biggest gift we could ever hope to receive.


It's His love and acceptance that we will desire most… We will crave in our souls to linger in His presence for one more stolen moment… He is such a beautiful gift...


If you have been blessed to feel Him stirring in your soul, you have felt His romance, His passion, and a love that only He possesses… Describing it is difficult. He leaves me speechless…


It’s Him. It’s always been Him… Our soul has been programmed since birth to love Him with every part of who we are… Our soul is free to love Him with no boundaries, with no hesitations, and no man-made rules. .. but somewhere as we travel in our life, this love seems to slip away and become distant... But I thank Him for never giving up on us!!!


I say , do not get hung up on what others may think or say. I urge you to make Him the center of your life. LOVE Him with the purest intentions and heart. Because as your love grows for Him, your desires will lose their grip on worldly things. Your heart will open and draw you closer to our Heavenly Father.


It’s there that your depth of understanding and our true purpose, why we were even born, will be made clear... Your life here on earth will take on new meaning, and your soul will fall in love with our Creator once again. Your life will never be the same...


It’s Him. It’s always been Him that our soul desires. 

“I long to drink of you, O God, to drink deeply from the streams of pleasure flowing from your presence. My longings overwhelm me for more of you! My soul thirsts, pants, and longs for the living God. I want to come and see the face of God.” Psalms 42:1-2


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Jesus Culture - Kim Walker Smith - Only You - Nothing Else

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"Our lives are but specks of dust falling through the fingers of time. Like sands of the hourglass, so are the days of our lives." ~ Socrates


Meaning of expectations a strong belief that something will happen or be the case in the future.


I truly didn’t expect the word expectations to be in the Bible.  

So I have no set expectation on what we might discover. 


Color me surprised there are 33 verses about expectations. 


I do believe we set expectations in our own mind of things to come! Resulting in a form of future desires. Some may have beautiful results. Some may carry difficult heartfelt outcomes.  I am sure there are varying degrees of this word. 


Let me share a couple examples. A new bride plans and with great anticipation this once in a lifetime event. She sets certain expectations in her mind of how this day should unfold. 

There may be times in our lives when we must face a medical condition.  And the Dr. puts us through a battery of tests. And with anxious anticipation we are full of expectations, we then hold our breath to hear the final results? 

Not everyone that sets these type of life expectations finds that they go as planned. Our expectations may have been set too high or they may have not been set at all? 


But how do we try to understand this anxious feeling when our mind tries to set expectations. Where do we turn for answers? Let's invite King James (Bible) into the discovery of this word. 

 Psalm 39:7. King James Version ... And now, Lord, what wait for I for? My hope is in thee. 


I personally believe these feelings seem to creep into our soul as our mind tries to set our expectations for our future desires.


There are times we place our expectations on others. Some will exceed our expectations Some will not be able to accomplish the set goal because we may have placed the target too high. And this can lead to disappointment. 


The question becomes do we set expectations on God? Do we let our human expectations of God limit our reality, our growth, and the wondrous possibilities of our spiritual growth and future? 

Do we look at others as they travel towards this heavenly destination? And then place unrealistic expectations on our own spiritual walk?  I am a firm believer God has made each one uniquely His own and we all have different gifts.  Each one of us has different expectations in God's heart for our physical and spiritual growth.  


When we pray do we place expectations on God or do we pray and have faith that He is in control. We may find our expectations may not be God’s plan for our life. We may experience disappointment but we can find solace in knowing God has a bigger plan.


I do believe we are all guilty of wanting and waiting for God at some time in our life.. When we place our expectations at His feet... Are we on target? Or are we disappointed at the results?  Because we do not take the time to understand His plan for our life? 


I would like us to take a moment and let’s flip the direction of this word. 


When is the last time you asked God, what do you expect of me? What do you want my life on earth to mean? How can I grow my faith and my love for you, so I can meet or exceed your expectations for my life ??  

Only He knows our heart's desires. He knows them better than we know them ourselves.


Our expectations should be focused on Him. Our faith should be strong enough to trust Him. We should cultivate the art of waiting on Him.  Our soul should guide us to the greatest anticipation of love. Our expectations should be centered on Him and His LOVE. He will never disappoint, it's a spiritual experience... that will blow your mind... It has nothing to do with our humanistic wants. It's an expectation of the soul, It's an excitement of newfound love. It's a relationship that has no true earthly explanation. 


It’s him it’s always him. 


My soul, wait for thou only upon God; for my expectation is from him. Psalms 62:5 


“And now, Lord, for what do I expectantly wait? My hope [my confident expectation] is in You. Psalms 39:7

Written by Lori Garner, Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer                                                                                        Inspiring Music by Carly Simon - Anticipation

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Valor is a gift. Those having it never know for sure whether they have it till the test comes. And those having it in one test never know for sure if they will have it when the next test comes.

The meaning of valor: great courage in the face of danger, especially in battle. 


The word valor is referenced 53 times in the Bible... 


When I think of the word valor I see these words. Leadership,loyalty, devotion, and risk. 


When I hear the word valor in a speech or the written word many times it is attached to someone that showed great bravery... But at what cost? Perhaps life itself! 

I have an uncle who was honored with a Purple Heart 💜. But he sacrificed everything so you and I could have the freedoms we sometimes take for granted... Sadly He was a statistic of the Korean War.  His life ended prematurely over the battle of Pork Chop Hill... I was born after his life ended but his valor and beautiful memory still remain within his family's heart... I did not get to grow up knowing him... But my father who also served his country in the same war still speaks and remembers the bravery of his younger brother...


Now that I am grown I would like to salute two brave soldiers (my dad and uncle) who sacrificed their time and part of their life for me...! 

Like my uncle, we have lost many brave men and women. To that ugly word war... 

We must do a better job of embracing our differences and cherishing life... Because there is a price that has been and will be continued to be paid by our loved ones, for that beautiful gift we know as freedom.  


I understand the big picture of war.. but I find it such a heartfelt pain that many innocent lives have had to endure.

Life is a precious gift... All life !!! Everywhere !!! 


I do believe valor sometimes goes unnoticed.  I have witnessed what I call silent valor... I have witnessed people that have struggled with an illness, but they show such deeply centered bravery...  I have witnessed single moms or dads step up to the plate to face life and raise amazing children.  I have witnessed many unsung heroes that show amazing strength and determination... It makes me wonder why and how do they have such courage, such strength, such loyalty? and such determination??? 


Some will know and tell you where their valor comes from! Some will surprise themselves and embark on a journey to discover how it happened. There may be those that have bravely lost their battle ... But they will not go unnoticed there valor will be witnessed in the hearts they have touched...  However, after my investigation of this word.  I can without a  doubt say ... there seems to be a common denominator... 


It’s no surprise to me where their strength, their loyalty, and their valor comes from ...


It’s Him, it’s always Him.  


Because with God all things are possible... 


But Jesus beheld [them], and said unto them, With men this is impossible, but with God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26


For with God nothing shall be impossible. Luke 1:37 

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Model Image: Dad 

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 

Faith Hill - There you'll be (lyrics)


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In living color…


In Living Color 

 “The painter has to unlearn the habit of thinking that things seem to have the color which common sense says they 'really' have, and to learn the habit of seeing things as they appear.”-  Bertrand Russell...

Are we among the Walking Dead…. Are we living in the grey?  Are we drowning in stagnant waters? 


I have lived long enough to have seen and felt life with an unclear purpose… just tumbling from one day to the next, a life with little meaning, no luster. 


Being stagnant without purpose can leave you with an empty, unfulfilled feeling—sad, perhaps depressed… possibly floundering…  in your limited space. 


Nothing in the world can light a flame in your heart and give you purpose like Him!!  He is the miracle worker who can breathe life into the lifeless. He can find that faint pulse and make your heart beat like a professional rhythmist… He can take your soul places your mind has difficulty understanding!!  He is alive in full and living color!!! 


It’s Him! It will always be Him!  

Color would not be possible without light; 

He is our LIGHT …. Our purpose!  Our love! Our newfound Hope!   


It’s Him!!!!!!!! 


Living with Him in our hearts brings unexplainable joy and peace that others will not understand. It may be difficult to explain His wondrous love!


I say, “Don’t contain it. Let His color of LOVE flow to every corner of our world!!!” 

Burst forth in color, my Friends... He is what gives life the WOW factor!!

Again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 

I have come into the world as light, so that whoever believes in me may not remain in darkness. John 12:46

In the same way, let your light shine before others so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16 

For God, who said, “Let light shine out of darkness,” has shone in our hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 4:6

After painting the above image, I stumbled across this explanation of colors. He does work in mysterious ways... He blows my mind... 

Spiritual metaphors: Holy Spirit, FATHER GOD's Love for the followers of YESHUA, Unity, Threefold Anointing of Blue, Green, and Aqua


Art & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 

Wonder Lyric Video - Hillsong UNITED

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If we seem crazy, it is to glorify God. If we are in our right minds, it is for your benefit. Either way, Christ's love controls us. 2 Corinthians 5:13-21


The meaning of crazy is extreme foolishness or irrationality. It’s crazy that words you would think are not in the Bible are pressed within its wisdom!! It was no different with the word insane; we found 23 verses! 


Many of us are judgmental when we view others.  If their behavior is not what we consider “normal,” we tend to think they are a little crazy or insane…


But I ask who placed the boundaries on what is “normal”?  Or what is “acceptable” in our circles of life? 


During my journey, I have seen and felt this judgmental spirit… To the point of questioning my sanity and behavior.  


On the first day of my spiritual encounter, things began to change… The mundane everyday existence that I had grown comfortable with began to unravel. Things became exciting, and God's love taught me that there is MORE…  


And my thoughts shifted, and my “normal” behavior began its spiritually enlightened journey, and my once-bound life took flight… Many thought that I had lost my mind… perhaps I would need medical advice? Mid-life crisis? But none of these was the correct diagnosis… 

I had been touched by God… And for that, there is NO cure… because there is no illness. 


Loving Him is our soul’s purpose.  I will admit He gave my life new meaning…. I grew closer to Him as others watched ... Some judgmental souls became distant. But their curious hearts continued to watch me unfold from a distance. 


I gained so much more depth, love, and understanding… He made my life richer, and my quest to know more about Him continues… He placed a hunger in my soul that cannot be contained. 

This word came to me today as I watch what many people will view as crazy behavior as it unfolds… on all social media platforms. Many have caught the spiritually enlightened bug of love from God.


People watching, like me, have this desire to go there and connect with the souls that have felt His stirring in their parched souls... Some will raise their hands and praise Elohim where they stand in unity.  Some will think these souls have lost their minds… “Insanity” is rampant in many places around the world. 


No social status that is immune… I had my own experience six years ago, and I know first-hand that God shows no favoritism in color, race, age, or gender; we are all His children. And He is calling all His beautiful souls…  But the ones who listen to His voice seem to be chosen… 
Are you listening?


We live in a world of judgment, especially when we do not understand. I have lived in His love and have difficulty putting this spiritual love into words… 


But if I am labeled insane because of people’s lack of knowledge. So be it. I would not change His gift of love for all the riches on earth. 

So, as we watch others raise their hands and utter prayers with new and beautiful excitement, don’t judge. Fall on your knees, listen…and find your purpose!! 


We were created to love God and others no matter what others think...Yes, I admit I am crazy… crazy about Him! It will always be Him. 


He gave me the courage not to be bothered by what others think. It's taken me a while to get there. LOL. BUT,


He gets me more than anyone. He knows me better than I know myself… and yet He accepted me with all my flaws and promised to love me to the end of time. 


I am excited to witness His love touching so many souls. They are our future … They will carry His name and love for future generations.  We are all His legacy. 


Let’s raise our hands in unity; one day, we will be one people under the one and only living God. 



What’s the definition of insanity again? The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results. Albert Einstein 


Who would not want to feel loved over and over again? Is that insane??  I say not. I pray you agree… 


If we are “out of our mind,” as some say, it is for God . . . 2 Corinthians 5:13

And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up. – Galatians 6:9

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From Easy, / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music; YouTube 
Casting Crowns - Crazy People (Official Audio)

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Laughter in the Bible ??

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit. Romans 13:15 

Laugher appears in 25 verses in the bible. 


Meaning to make the spontaneous sounds and movements of the face and body that are the instinctive expressions of lively amusement. 


When I look at the Bible and the words inscribed within its pages, I do encounter laughter. It’s a term that may not immediately come to mind. This led me to these questions: Does our heavenly Father possess a sense of humor? Is laughter a part of the divine realm?  I believe these thoughts are worth exploring further.


I have found when we deal with our Creator, there is always more!!! So, on my quest to discover more, I surprisingly found several verses documenting laughter in the Bible. However, from there, my thoughts drifted here. How can there be this amazing, uncontainable joy without smiles and joyous laughter? I say it's impossible!! 😀


Then I questioned why He wanted us to come as children. Have you ever watched children play? They have such an innocent joy that they burst into the most amazing giggles and broad laughter!!  It’s like heavenly music to our ears. I do believe our Father loves hearing our Joy!! So do not hold back. Find that inner child that lives within your soul.  Enjoy all the special moments of this life. Smile and burst out in uncontrollable laughter often. Keep making heavenly music to God’s ears! 


Furthermore, I also questioned why children hold a special place in Jesus's heart. If you've observed or studied children, they gravitate towards kindness, gentleness, and love.  They trust and are drawn to a fun-loving and caring heart, not to a grumpy and withdrawn soul. In my mind's eye, I see our Creator and His Son as beings of immense love and joy, offering us a love that surpasses our understanding. They bring us a joy that can't be explained, a joy that makes our hearts burst into giggles and spontaneous laughter. 


I have found that Laughter is the best medicine for our souls! It is a gift from God. Use it, Share it!! Do it often!! Enjoy each person and moment of every day!! Knowing in your heart that laughter is an amazing gift from God. 



”A time to weep and a time to laugh; A time to mourn and a time to dance” Ecclesiastes 3:4

”He will yet fill your mouth with laughter and your lips with shouting” Job 8:21

And Sarah said God hath made me to laugh. Genesis 21:6 -

Even in laughter, the heart may be in pain, And the end of joy may be grief. Proverbs 14:13

Photography, Design & Written by Lori Garner  
Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Bible Verses From NIV, / Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube

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'It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to our enemies, but just as much to stand up to our friends.' - J.K. Rowling...


The means of stand… "stand" is translated from the Greek histemi; in this context, it means "to continue, endure, or persist."


Do we have the strength to withstand our corrupted culture? Has our world become so twisted that we have forgotten our morals, beliefs, and beauty of life??

Why have we removed our Creator’s name from His Creations?  


This is plagiarism on steroids!!!  


Are our churches buying into the rhetoric of counting the heads in each pew? Are we measuring success by the size of the building… Has our worship become so structured that they have squelched the free movement of the Holy Spirit?  


How can we shake off the chains and free ourselves to take His clean air into our lungs?? 


Can we stand up and be counted as a lover of Christ? Can we boldly raise our hands and say, Lord, I am here! Count me in!!! 


I will admit it takes courage to set ourselves apart. It takes His gift of love to teach us how to live and save ourselves from the darkness that is just waiting to consume our world…

It takes the Holy Spirit to gift us the boldness to step out and share our Savior with the world!


SOS.…… Please save our souls. 


We ALL need Him! Why can't the masses see Him? Why can't they love Him? He is our only saving grace! 


I say wake up, people!!! We must stand Shoulder to Shoulder, Brother to Brother, Sister to Sister, and Share Him with the masses! Share His love with anyone who will listen… 


It's Him!! It is always Him!!  


Stand with me, raise your hand, and boldly say, “Elohim.” Count me in!!! 

Father, I love you. I am your child today, tomorrow, and until the end of time!! 


*Elohim is plural…. The Father, His beautiful Son, and His wonderous Holy Spirit… my 3N1 

“Put on the full armor of God so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.”

Ephesians 6:11 NIV


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 

Jimmy Levy - Take The Lead (Official Lyric Video)

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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

Triune Loves Me - Volume 1

Triune Loves me - Volume 2

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of  Christ . In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough sha...


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