Love in any Language is still LOVE!




Dreams, do we go to a place where we are a fragment of our conscious self? Do we play out what our subconscious truly has hidden deep in our hearts? Or do we dream with our eyes wide open? I do believe all are true at some level.
Click on the link below and join me as I travel back in time. And I share a word from our Bible word study and meditation. I have fused them together to create a self-narrated story called "Dreamscape."
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The Bible says that all things work together for the good of those who love the Lord and are called according to his purpose. I believe that. Because I've seen it all work. Tyler Perry... 

The meaning of "all"  without any limitation. 


The word "all" is in the King James Version of The Bible 5621 times. It is in 4664 verses.


In our lifetime how many of us heard “I want it all!” “The one with the most toys wins!” I know I have heard these words more than a time or two.  


But when we start to look at this three-letter word that wields so much power !!! All, why do we as humans have the drive since birth to want it all?  As parents, we try to teach our children to share!! After all, sharing is caring. But let’s flip this word from self to selfless and what do you see???  

I see my beloved Christ, I see amazing unselfishness! I see someone who gave us His all! He gave us every drop of blood that fell, He gave us His very last breath, the one He struggled to take... He gave us all of Himself...Yes, He was broken for All of His Children. But when I think of this horrible action.  I take this act as a personal love story. He suffered just for me!  Because He wanted All my love, all my heart, and all of my soul... 


Yes, I must admit I want it all .... all of His Love, all of His abundant grace! And all of His beauty!!! But there is a price! Are we willing to give Him our ALL? Or do we hold on to that portion of ourselves and put on that mask so others see us as all in ??  He knows our heart! He knows our soul !!! He has proven He is All in!  The question becomes, are we ??? Each of us has a choice to make! I don’t know about you!! But I want All of Him! 


It’s Him. It’s always Him !!  

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 

Take All of Me - Recorded Live in Houston 2016 - Hillsong UNITED




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"The mystery of God hugs you in its all-encompassing arms." ~ Hildegard of Bingen 

Meaning of captivated: To overpower and gain with excellence or beauty; to charm; to engage the affections; to bind in love.


The word captivated is referenced only 4 times in the Bible. 


When you are captivated by a mystery, by an unexplainable LOVE, and by a force that can reach deep into your soul. This mysterious force can push you to see, feel and hear things you never knew existed in your heart and soul ??? Many people will not understand your desire to know more!! 


What is His mystery?  How do we see past the vail? How do we crack this code of love? There are so many hidden clues!!  Are they truly hidden or are they in plain sight?  Do we fly with open arms or are we frightened to discover the things He will teach us about ourselves? A relationship with our Creator It’s such a spiritual adventure! 


What took Him so long to find me? Was I lost? Or was I too busy to hear His gentle voice calling my name?  When I analyze my life I now know I missed many attempts by Him to bring me near... How could I have been so blind?  How could I miss these opportunities? He had to bring out an army to captivate my heart!  Was it an army? Or was it His Holy breath that spoke love into my soul? It still baffles me! How or why did He reveal His mystery and love to my heart?  It’s the late nights, in the dark and stillness that brings out so many questions? Some I will never understand nor will I even began to know the answers !!! I can only make a commitment to grow and share Him and His beautiful love with anyone who will listen !!! 


His beauty defies our imagination. His power, His grace, His loving heart can captivate our souls with just the touch of His hand or with His sweet whisper of our name... He wows me 


It’s Him, It’s always Him


“For you reach into my heart. With one flash of your eyes, I am undone by your love, my beloved, my equal, my bride. You leave me breathless— I am overcome by merely a glance from your worshiping eyes, for you have stolen my heart. I am held hostage by your love and by the graces of righteousness shining upon you. How satisfying to me, my equal, my bride. Your love is my finest wine—intoxicating and thrilling. And your sweet, perfumed praises—so exotic, so pleasing.” Song of Songs 4:9-10 TPT

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 

The Bible | Love Captured Me

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Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, 
I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10...

The meaning of away: to or at a distance from a particular place, person, or thing.


Away is mentioned in the Bible 3264 times...  


As many of you may have noticed I have been away... I have not posted many words as many days in February kept rolling by...  I became quietly aloof and went internal for a couple of weeks... The words pandemic, covid, and darkness became a significant part of my daily routine... I received results from a test that in bold red letters said the ugly word...

“Positive”. All I wanted to do is sleep... I wanted to find my solace, my peace!! And my LOVEs. 


But was I truly away? Or was it just a dream? Or was I searching for intimate time with my LOVEs... It was a time of reflection, it was a time of getting in touch with my innermost feelings, I felt a strong desire to find Him...  There were prayers and meditations, but I would soon drift off to a deep rhythmic sleep. I found it difficult to stay awake or even concentrate. Sleep became my main activity for the day's ahead. I felt peace, I felt a love and I felt an assurance that I was being carefully watched and gently cared for. 

I had family caregivers that monitored my vitals and made sure I had the necessary bodily nutrition to get me back to physical wellness... And I am blessed by their loving care. This included an infusion treatment in Nashville. 

But spiritually my life was in my Father's hands... He even provided a snowstorm where I could just sit quietly and get lost in the moments. I was given the gift of witnessing His artistry, His beauty, His wonder !!!... 

During this time I was swept away with the beauty of white snowflakes as they danced gently through the air. I stayed mesmerized watching from the comfort of my family's warm home. The fireplace was rich in color and warmed my face and hands. ... You see sometimes life trials seem to take us away from what’s we think is important. But it can turn out to be the very thing our soul needs the most... 

When the breaks, are put on our normal routine. And we find ourselves in a time when things are no longer in our control ...We find that we must blindly trust that God has a plan... Even when we can not see or hear Him, He never goes away !! He stands vigilantly by our side, He is ready for that fireside chat... And if your body must sleep to recover that is when you are held in the most amazing loving arms... 

During my recovery my heart and my soul witnessed this ... It was not fever-induced it was Him, His Love ... He is always with us... We must put our trust in Him ... He will never leave us! Even in our darkest hour. It's His light that will burn brightly in our hearts. It will shine for eternity.  Being held by Him is an amazingly safe place to curl up... I can only say with a heart of genuine gratitude, Thank You for loving me through the days of darkness... 


It’s Him, It’s always Him


And I am back


Rejoice not over me, O my enemy; when I fall, I shall rise; when I sit in darkness, the Lord will be a light to me. Micah 7:8 


“Yet look at you now! Everything is new! Although you were once distant and far away from God, now you have been brought delightfully close to him through the sacred blood of Jesus—you have actually been united to Christ!”Ephesians 2:13 TPT


Escape with me, let’s run away if only for a moment in time.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Thank You, Jesus (Honor Hunter) Fellowship Songs YouTube 720p

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The Promise / Podcast


To listen click on the link below

Did you know there are 1,260 promises in the Bible? I ask you have you ever made a promise to God?  If you are like me I am sure there has been a time to two where we felt the need to bargain with God.  God If you answer this prayer? I will do this for you? How many of us can relate? I know I can... Come with me as we discover more about this word promise. 

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Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ. In faith, there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.


The meaning of dark the absence of light in a place: darkness, blackness, absence of light, gloom, gloominess. 


Dark in the Bible is referred to 225 times.


Dark or Darkness I believe touches everyone at some time in their life... I chose this word today because as I write about this word I am sitting in the darkness of my room... 


Darkness can be an overwhelming scary place. It’s where creepy things go bump in the night... It is the anticipation of things unknown. We can become paralyzed due to fear.  It can rob us of so much life. During my journey, I did experience a time of darkness. It made me feel a loss in my soul, it made me cry, it made me bewildered and sad. Looking back I found out that in my darkest hour I found out a lot about me.  I do believe there are times we are given life trials so we can grow. But I also found out that no matter how sad or difficult things might seem I was never alone. I did find out that God never left my side. His gentleness and love held me when I felt lost. He became my best friend, my confidant, my guiding light...The darkness that tried to consume my soul had no choice but to flee... 


I did learn over time to appreciate the darkness, those “stillness” moments, those quiet times when the house is void of light and family noise! This dark hour is when I find my Heavenly Father, my quiet time with Him, and His word breathes light into my soul. He fills my heart with a love that is difficult to contain. If I love Him? Is no longer a question. It becomes IF I get up a few minutes before everyone ... I will find my golden hour solace, my LOVEs ... 

There is no darkness that can rob me of His eternal light.  You see this darkness is not a place, It not something we can see with our eyes. It's a place deep within our souls. And I have found when we invite God into our lives,  His light begins to shine from within.  He gives us that light that shines even in our darkest hour. Because we can be confident that we are never alone. We do not have to fight life demons by ourselves. He is victorious over all things we may encounter. He stands tall, strong, and ready. So pick up the light sword and be ready for any battle that may rage from within... Being ready is half the battle... 


The power of light that we feel is from within... 


It’s Him!!  It’s always Him.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

God's Light Shines in the Darkness 2011

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"Message in the Sand."

 NOW available !!! Click the link below to listen.

 "Message in the Sand."

 Triune LOVEs Me / Podcast  

Have you ever wondered what the message may have been? What did Jesus write? 

Join me as I travel back in time. And I share a word from our Bible word study and meditation. I have fused them together to create a self-narrated story called "Message in the Sand".

‘Teacher, this woman was caught in the act of adultery. In the Law, Moses commanded us to stone such women. Now, what do you say?’ They were using this question as a trap, in order to have a basis for accusing him. But Jesus bent down and started to write on the ground with his finger.” (John 8:3-6)


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"Faith is trusting God even when you don’t understand his plan.” Anonymous

Meaning of if Condition, stipulation: the question … depends on too many ifs to allow an answer. 


IF? appears, between the opening of the Old Testament Book of Genesis to the last word of the Bible in the New Testament Book of Revelation, precisely 1,595 times in 1,420 different verses of the King James Version of the Bible.


Such a small word that can hold many questions and uncertainties. It is also known as the biggest word in the Bible. Is it? Or maybe it’s a bargaining tactic. Do you ever make deals with God? Do you ever give Him ultimatums? Do you use that small word IF?


It makes me wonder How or what He thinks? I know as a parent when my child has said I will only do it “IF”.  Hold on did I hear that dreaded two-letter word “if” ...? And my immediate response is this, it is not let’s make a deal!!! Go and do what I have to ask you to do!! 


What are your thoughts? Does God react the same way? Do we treat Him like Monte Hall? For those who don’t remember Monte Hall, he is the show host for the game show Let’s Make a Deal.  I am sure without a doubt before my Holy Spirit experience I bargained with God on such a superficial level. Many treat God like Monte Hall or as a magical genie. We close our eyes and fill the air with wishes instead of genuine prayers. We throw in the IF word in an attempt to make bargains... 


I can only share from my own experience. As I have grown to know my Heavenly Father, I have learned to trust Him with my heart, my soul, my mind. I no longer find the need to bargain with Him. I know He knows best...its then the word IF started on a new journey in my life. .. Just think, If “I” can love Him with all my heart, my soul, and mind how rich would my life become... If “I” could learn to listen to His gentle whispers just think how less complicated things in my life might be? If I could be more like Jesus and less of this world think how much better of a person I might grow up to be? It is not a dream it is an attainable little word.  But it must be used to grow and not to shed doubt or for making bargains with God. Because I am of the belief that He is in control of everything. He has superpowers and a loving soul. Only “If” I knew Him on such an intimate level long before now? But I am grateful for the time He has given me to find Him, to love Him, and to share Him with anyone that is willing to listen. 


“ If “ you know what is good for your soul... I would listen for His whispers. If you could just start building that relationship today. Time is not on our side. It’s ticking slowly by.  “If” is a very big word. But if used correctly it can be used to make the biggest changes in your life.  I say “if” you take the time to find His intimate love. Your life will never be the same. It will be enriched in so many ways. Some are even hard to describe. He is such a feeling of the heart. He leaves me speechless. 


It’s Him, it’s always Him


For he is our God, and we are the people of his pasture and the sheep of his hand. Today, if you hear his voice,  - Psalms 95:7 – 

If anyone has ears to hear, let him hear.” - Mark 4:23 – and Revelations 13:9


As it is said, “Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion.” – Hebrews 3:15, 3:7, 4:7   


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Owen Mac If Jesus Comes Tomorrow



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“I try to do the right thing at the right time. They may just be little things, but usually, they make the difference between winning and losing.” —
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar -


Meaning of win a successful result in a contest, conflict, bet, or another endeavor; a victory


The word win is in the Bible approximately 43 times in ten translations of the Bible. 


The word win was on the lips of many last night.. As the coin flipped and the whistle blew… and we said let the game began. Many fans shouted victory while many cried in their beer. It was a Superbowl that would make history. So many fans across the nation placing wagers.. taking sides… choosing teams. Finding our decisions pit many friends against friends and families against families. 


So how does this game of mind, body, and soul stack up against life? How does this word win show its victorious head in the Bible ??  Are we in a game? I would venture to say it could resemble a game… We are all on this amazing race we know as life. 


When I look around many are choosing sides… There seem to be only two teams, The team of light and the team of darkness. There are some that are having difficultly deciding and are dance the dance of chance… We must search our own hearts and see what team we are on? The game seems to be getting intense. Time is a crucial factor! Some may stay in the game until the last whistle sounds. But what if you are injured and carried off the field?  Where will you go?  Light or dark it is a choice. 


I can only answer this question on a personal level… I have been touched by this amazing light, I know the franchise owner on a personal level… I am forever drawn to His light… I am like a moth to a flame… With an insane drive to chase Him to the finish line. He has promised me I will share in His victory dance for eternity.  I have it by a reputable source that He is the winner of the game of life. He is the winner of many hearts ... He is the ultimate winner of the game of thrones!!!!


It’s Him, It’s always Him!! 




Many have unsuccessfully tried to disprove my source click on the link below and give it a try.  You may be surprised what you might find!! 🕊



For everyone who has been born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world except the one who believes that Jesus is the Son of God? 1 John 5:4-5 ESV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube 

The Champion- Carman


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“When I let go of what I am, I become what I might be.” – Lao Tzu -

Meaning of keep: To last; to endure; not to perish or be impaired. To preserve; to retain.


Keep in the Bible: is found in 454 Instances. 


Is the word keep a shallow commitment or are there times the word keep makes its home in our heart to stay??  I do believe it varies among people. It goes along with their character, and their ability to put others first. The action keeps holds degrees of selfishness. Do we keep our word?  Do we keep love in our hearts or do we readily dispose of it when things become uncomfortable or do not serve our own selfish purpose? 

Do we keep our commitments we make with others? Or do we find excuses? I’m tired, I’m busy, something better is on the horizon.


Let's keep those thoughts as we began to turn the pages of the book that holds answers for life itself. I used to keep my Bible on the shelf collecting dust. But somehow it became alive in my heart. And the words that rest on the delicate pages feeds my soul. 


I found these words spoke to my soul as I tried to nail down the word keep. 


Jesus spoke these words “If you love me, keep my commands” 


And the words that I saw with my eyes and felt in my heart was IF YOU LOVE ME??? When we use the word keep we should say these words “if you love ______? “ keep ________!! 

Love should always be the driving force when we keep. 


But then the questions become. Do you love? Or are you selfish? Do we go through the motions to prove our love so others can see it, but it lacks that feeling in our hearts? Do we love when it’s convenient? 

Or do we keep Him on the shelf until our needs become bigger than we can handle? I believe if you love Him with all your heart, soul, and mind. Keeping His commandments is a no-brainer. His commitment to love us unconditionally for eternity is a gift that we can not even begin to repay. 


The true question becomes are we willing to keep Him in our hearts? Are we willing to love Him unconditionally?  Do we truly keep our commitment we made to Him! Do we give Him our heart to keep for eternity? Or do we selfishly pull it back when it not convenient? I do believe we are all in different places in our walk. We are all a work in progress!! I can only confess that each day I live and breathe I work hard at keeping Him and His word alive in my heart!!  It’s a commitment!  It’s work! But the rewards are far beyond anything we could ever imagine!!! 


It’s Him, it’s always Him. 


“ If you love me, keep my commands. And I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever."  

John 14:16 


“The Lord is thy keeper: the Lord is thy shade upon thy right hand." Psalms 121:5 KJV


Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. Matthew 22:37

Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Kari Jobe - Keeper Of My Heart (Live)

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I am His by Election. I am His by Donation. I am His by Creation. I am His by Redemption.I am His by Presentation.

The meaning of mine: used to indicate the one or ones belonging to me: 


The word mine appears in 825 instances in the Bible.


When I see the word mine my mind drifts to the thoughts of children as they fight for what they think is rightfully theirs. Resulting in its mine syndrome. 


I do believe many people still operate under those guidelines. And selfishness raises its ugly head. 


Come with me as we explore what we can discover about this word in this amazing Book we have taken ownership of. This copy is mine. Rightfully so it has my name on the cover to prove it...It's my copy of my Bible. However, the story that is tucked so lovingly between its pages is for all mankind... So again is it truly mine? 


Are our earthly possessions truly ours? Or are they just on loan for a short time while we are here on earth? Why are we so possessive of our personal treasures?  When I think of the word mine with my spiritual eyes. My mine becomes, me! the true essence of who I am. The memories that I have made with others .. and the relationships we have cultivated and lovingly shared. But even these things are not things we can keep and say they are mine. Because when we leave this earth the memories and relationships that were shared become ours .. Yours and the ones we have left behind.


When we boil it down all things are a gift from our Heavenly Father. The only possession we truly can say it’s Mine is our relationship with Him... The Father, His Son, and the Holy Spirit. They are the true and only constant in our lives.. and they have given us this promise for eternity...

But I have discovered that sharing Him with others enriches my life. 

Because He is Omni-mine. He is the great I-am... I am everything to everyone... I truly do not understand how He does it. But I just know He is mine and I am His...and if you stand in my presence I plan on sharing Him with anyone who is willing to listen... I hope that my sharing Him plants a seed in your soul that makes Him yours. 


It’s Him, It’s always Him 


Thus you are to be holy to Me, for I the Lord am holy; and I have set you apart from the peoples to be Mine. 

Leviticus 20:26

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

The Dead South - This Little Light of Mine [Live


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If you want peace, you don’t talk to your friends. You talk to your enemies. Desmond Tutu

Meaning of Enemy a person who is actively opposed or hostile to someone or something:


The word "enemy" is in the King James Version of The Bible 107 times. It is in 106 verses.


Who wants to peel this word back for me ??? Such a dark word. Who is this enemy? Where do we find him? Does this enemy cause us pain? Does he live within our hearts? Are we our own worst enemy? I do believe it comes from a dark soul that does His best to see us fall. He does His best to see us fail, to see us cry out in heartfelt pain. I do not give him credence or power by mentioning his name... He is not worthy of my tongue uttering his name! But I am sure you have heard his name!! 


As I discover these words, I can only speak from experience. I do believe we all have experienced the enemy living within our hearts... It’s known as fear. It’s known as doubt. It's known as darkness.  Darkness can take us to a place of sadness.  A place of beautiful surrender. A place of self-discovery. It’s in the darkest hour, we hit our knees, and bow our heads and say I cannot do this alone!  God, please help me!! Take this from me! Some even try to make deals with God? Why do we wait to call His beautiful name? Why is it in the bad or uncertain times we search for Jesus? Why do we forget the Holy Spirit is the greatest comforter? They have been with us since birth. And then this Scripture came to mind. “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.” Proverbs 22.6 -


We are His children! He is our morning light, He is our Joy, He is our soft place to fall in our darkest hour... He is our power and strength when we find the need to fight the enemy. Even if the enemy is darkness within. 


I can only urge you to find the child within... It's the innocent child that has never forgotten Him... It's in our adult state we have forgotten the inner child and the inner child holds the key to God's heart... And with Him, we can be victorious over any challenges that we may face in our earthly life!! 


The enemy within is real, it sometimes is a subtle whisper or it can be a raging war. 


Don’t wait, arm your inner child. Give them the greatest weapon to fight the enemy! Give them Him !!! 


You will fall in love with Life and His Love. You will find the power and strength you never knew existed. He is our lifeline. Call 📞 Him, Find Him, Love Him! Arm yourself, give your inner child the tools, to be ready for any battle.. He has promised us to never leave us!!! 


It’s Him, It’s always Him! 🔑


He is my protector, my confidant, my love, my guiding light... with Him darkness dissipates like a vapor in the wind! 


Therefore, whoever humbles himself like this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Matthew 18:4


Fear not, for I am with you; be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will help you, I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10


“The Lord shall cause your enemies who rise up against you to be defeated before you; they will come out against you one way and will flee before you seven ways. Joshua 10:19


Do not rejoice when your enemy falls, and do not let your heart be glad when he stumbles; lest the Lord see it, and it displeases Him, and He turn away His wrath from him.” Proverbs 24:17

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: YouTube

Phil Wickham - Children of God (Official Lyric Video)

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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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