Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Offended. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Offended. Show all posts



“The more easily you get offended, the less developed you are as a human being.” Robert Celner 

Meaning of offend; cause to feel upset, annoyed, or resentful…


We located 44 verses that deal with this annoying word “offend”


We have kicked this word around for weeks. And we have the bruises to prove it.  The first thought that came to mind is one that every child has said at one time or another… “Sticks and stones may break my bones but words can never hurt me!” Oh but contrary, words, and actions do create damage … Damage that goes far deeper than any physical pain. 


Our world needs help…I see so many people getting offended for so many things both small and large.. 


Have we become so callous that we no longer care? Or have we become so self-centered that we now wear our feelings on our sleeves??? 


Sometimes we need to take a breath and think before we strike out and leave the damaging winds in the wake of our words and or actions…


So how can we bring about this change?? How can we bring peace and understanding into our lives???  The only answer I have is let's study the man who showed us how to love when offended? How did He demonstrate this unshakable power and strength when challenged by hate and ridicule?  


Again I can only share my thoughts… I do feel He has this humble confidence in knowing who He is… He did not have to flex His muscles to prove a point… He was true to His convictions and He knew that diminishing His opponent's self-worth was more damaging than just loving them… 


That is what I love about Him. He loves without judgment. Even when we are wrong. He wears the armor of His Heavenly Father, And that my friend makes Him unoffendable! 


Let’s study the master and become more like Him.. Be confident in who you are. Sometimes proving a point is not worth your salvation or peace. Wear your Heavenly Father's Amor.. and strike out in LOVE… I hope you agree our world needs more love and fewer people being hurt by undesirable words and or actions.  


Be the child He knows you can be!!! Be more like Him!! 


It’s Him. It’s always Him!!!!


Great peace have they which love thy law: and nothing shall offend them. Psalms 119:165

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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