The meaning of a challenge to confront or defy boldly: dare.
I challenge you to reach further within yourself than you have ever been!! Is there something you would love to do in your life but have held back?
Our days are filled with challenges. Some large, some small, and some may even be transparent….
When we take the first step towards our goal, emotions surface, including fear of failure and what others may think. Is this the fear the Bible speaks of? Is fear holding us back? Are we paralyzed?
With gratitude, I reflect on my spiritual journey, where I once hesitated, afraid of not being good enough. But now, I stand in awe of my magnificent Elohim, who embraced me with unwavering love and tenderly set free the inner child within me. In His grace, we can experience life unencumbered and free….
He gives us the courage to step out of our comfort zones. He has taken me on an amazing journey of self-discovery. He has placed many new adventures in my path, including writing, podcasting, art, and music, inspiring me to embrace life's endless possibilities.
Two years ago, I began painting, with a primary focus on the face of Jesus. Despite the challenge of transferring what my soulful eye sees to canvas, my artful spiritual journey has been heartfelt.
Today, this challenge made its way into my mind…
Paint a female ...
I wrestled with this thought and could not decide how or who to paint… As I stared at the blank canvas… I picked my brush and began the heartfelt struggle because my soul wanted to paint Him… But my hands stayed on the given task… Unhappy with the result, I put my brush down, turned off the light, and went to bed… Only to wake up to this botched attempt on my easel. I studied this face while I sipped a cup of tea and listened to beautiful music. I spoke to my Elohim within my mind as I do each given morning…
I picked up my brush and began to add more paint to the dry existing image… and as I painted, He began to speak to my soul softly…
“This is my bride… do you see her? Paint with your heart and let the colors flow… feel her with your soul” … as I continued to add color, she began to appear…
The Bride of Christ…
Our Heavenly Father places challenges in front of us to help us grow into what He knows we can be…
Let's courageously embrace the empowering tools He graciously provides us and never give up until He sees His Bride’s reflection in our eyes.
He will always be our guiding inspiration.
It’s Him; it’s always Him.
Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go.” – Joshua 1:9.
“It is God who arms me with strength and keeps my way secure.” – Psalm 18:32.
“But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ.” – 1 Corinthians 15:57
Art & Written by Lori Garner
Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Click on the link below for Inspiring Music posted on (SoundCloud)