Love in any Language is still LOVE!



A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials.

 – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

A person who completes or makes something perfect


This word appeared to me in the middle of a Bible Study Class. We were reading Hebrews 12:2, and the word used in the KJV was finisher. 


However, due to a WIFI issue, my phone Bible app did not work; the only one that worked was my Messianic Bible app. And it was there that the word perfecter was written in place of finisher. 


We may all relate to this word or this verse from a different perspective. The word that has taken residence in my soul is perfector. To me, the finisher seems so final... The end... I am finished... Whereas perfector can go on to infinity and beyond. And if this walk with Christ has taught me anything, it's that I am far from perfect... And my Creator is tenaciously making changes in me every day.  I love to think of how perfect Jesus is... He is a beautiful example of perfection. And He knows better than anyone what it takes to get to that level of perfection ... I can only place myself in His hands... And allow Him to mold me into who He wants me to be... His magnetic pull on my heart is irresistible, and I surrender my heart and soul to Him daily. He is my perfector... He is my creator; He is my first love. 


It's Him. It is always Him. 

And I am putty in His hands.


Perfecter of our faith. This word in Greek can be translated as “finisher” or “completer.”

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube) 

Fix Me, Jesus | Queen Latifah

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Consider | By JoannTurnbull


"Self-examination is the key to insight, which is the key to wisdom" ~ M. Scott Peck.

Consider is a word that will lead you to do a deep examination of the path you are on 

“Consider your ways” were words spoken to some 42,000 people who had returned to Jerusalem in 538 BC after spending seventy years in captivity in Babylon.  

The king told them to go back to Jerusalem and rebuild the Temple that had been destroyed, and he gave them all the supplies necessary to do it.  


Fast forward 18 years.  The people had only the foundation of the Temple built.  But they had built themselves fine cedar-lined houses fit for a king.  They had plenty of food and drink but were still hungry and thirsty.  They had plenty of clothes but were not warm.  And plenty of wages, but they were put in a bag with holes. 

God said to them, “You, you have built your fine houses, and My house still lies in ruins.  Consider your ways!” 


What was the problem?  What did they need to consider?  Was it their priorities?   They had lived to please themselves instead of pleasing God. 


The Temple was the place where they could come to hear the words of God, read, they could pray, and feel His presence.  God wanted the people to have that beautiful fellowship with Him as they worshipped.  The younger generations could hear Him say, “Love Me with all your heart, soul, and might.”

The Scrolls containing His words had not been read, nor had they sung the Psalms together for seventy years.  


The words in this little two-chapter book in the Bible took place over 2,500 years ago.  What is it saying to us today?   He is still saying, “Consider your ways!  Examine your priorities.  He is calling you to come closer to Him.  To really get to know Him and love Him with all your whole heart, soul, and mind.”

The time is now, not next week or 18 years from now.  He is waiting with open arms.


Photography by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration & Written by - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube) 

Casting Crowns - The Change in Me, Only Jesus Visual Album

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To the Israelites the glory of the LORD looked like a consuming fire on top of the mountain. Exodus 24:17


The meaning of intensity the quality of being intense. 


The word intensity is only in the Bible 5 times. 


When we look at this word and the Bible, I would guess that most would look to the last chapter Revelation. It’s there that our world and our lives will see and feel things on a very intense level. 


I will not go there… because with God there is so much more to understand and feel… 


God Himself is intense… He is intense in His creations. His personality is intense. So, when He loves it is intense!!!


It is a beautiful gift to feel even if it is just a fraction of His love. To this day I question why? Why did He touch my heart with such intensity?  The day this happened everything changed. I can say I will never be the same…  He blew my soul wide open… I felt like I was coming apart at the seams, and He was putting me back together one layer and one day at a time… I felt lighthearted and carefree. I was indeed like a child running through life seeing things as for the first time. I began to feel raw emotions with such intensity. He let me in so close, I could feel His love so soulfully deep it is difficult to describe … Somewhere during this process I will admit I fell in love with Him and the intensity He shares. 


I can tell you it has left me wanting more… He is the master at sharing His love just enough to leave us craving more. I believe He does this so His children will continue to chase Him with a vigor and intensity that many on lookers will not understand… 


When I look at the word intensity, I see HIM!!! I feel a love beyond this world… 


I can only surrender to the intensity that I feel in His presence. it is not of this world…  


I stand in AWE, He renders me speechless. He consumes me.  


Its Him, It will always Him! 



The LORD your God is a devouring fire; he is a jealous God. 24 God, your God, is not to be trifled with - he's a consuming fire, a jealous God. Deuteronomy 4:24 


Because of the dazzling glory of the light, I couldn't see—I was left blind. Act 22 


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (youtube) 

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 “Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'm Possible.” –  Audrey Hepburn 

The meaning of nothing, not anything; no single thing.


We located 46 words that contain the word nothing… That is indeed something. 


As this word began to make its way into my head…I could not help but have many thoughts dance through my mind. I could not clear my head enough to focus... 


So I decided to think of nothing but God's face... Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and focus on nothing but Him!!! Imagine Him with me for the next few moments…His amazing face. His eyes are soft and kind. His hair is as white as snow. His facial features are strong and manly, His skin shows the age of a wise man.  And He has the most amazing inviting smile… 


That is when a nothing moment became a beautiful something moment...  Do you see Him? 


He has painted a vision in my mind of His beautiful face… and that is truly something.. Because when I see His face in my mind…I can feel Him in my heart… hear Him in my thoughts and feel a love in my soul beyond our world… 


Do we take the time to realize without Him there would be nothing!!! 


No me, No you, no earth, no sky, and the greatest gift no Jesus, no Holy Spirit... And no LOVE. 


We owe our Creator more than we could ever repay.. more than we could ever own in our lifetime.. more… And all He wants is our LOVE… How do we not understand He wants nothing, no works, no objects we have acquired… he just craves our Love… He is the God of Love.. so without his Children’s love would He be nothing??  


Many shy away from loving Him because they feel they have to give up so much of their earthly existence… But I am here to say…Once you fall in love with Him you will understand what is essential in this life.  You will find a peaceful Heavenly connection. And find yourself willingly giving up things of this earth for more of Him. For nothing is impossible with Him.. nothing can stand in your way of becoming everything He has created you to be!!! For life is nothing without Him!! 


It’s Him… It’s all about Him!!



Whom have I in heaven but you? And earth has nothing I desire besides you. Psalm 73:25


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (youtube)


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Sinners Prayer

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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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