Love in any Language is still LOVE!




“What you are is God's gift to you, what you become is your gift to God.” - Hans Urs von Balthasar


Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause. “His courage and devotion to duty never wavered"


Did you know you can find a list of the top 100 devotional books on Amazon?   Priced just under $20.00.  Many are quite wonderful... But how do you choose??? It seems it's quite a big business. It seems to create such a lucrative income stream for many believers... I believe the writers are from all walks of life. Some are well-educated theologians. Some have had a personal experience. And some may just be good a crafting a literary work of art... 


How do we choose? It can be a confusing road to travel... 


There is not one that I could recommend.  I find most are short daily readings. Which to me is only the beginning.  Do we spend quality time with? God? Or do we read a quick devotional and close the book and scurry away into a day of the unknown??  It's like walking the plank into our unpredictable world in our underwear... 


Do we leave our home unprepared??  Are we prepared for the spiritual weather ahead? Have we eaten a balanced diet? Have we exercised our spiritual mind? 


One of the biggest hurdles I wrestle with, is putting a price tag on God. I am fully aware that many have chosen to follow, teach and share our magnificent gift of God with the world. I also realize that it takes funding to reach and help others to find His guiding light... I do believe we are all messengers of His word. But if we think about it He truly does not need us... Perhaps the work we do to help other souls find Him is self-serving. It's His way of pulling US closer to Him... I am not trying to judge those who create an income stream through religious teachings, books to guide lost souls or online classes to share our God experiences and teach others how to turn our walk with Christ into a money-making adventure... 


But where do we drawn the line. How do we know if we are buying into what feels like devoted time with God?  After all it is a multimillion industry. 


The word devotion summarizes what our hearts should already know.   “Love, loyalty, or enthusiasm for a person, activity, or cause” devotion to duty never wavered" I do not see a cost associated with it? Hmm


Our commitment and devotion to the Triune is a personal experience! When and where has no boundaries. The words that we read are only a springboard into His heart... We should not be held by the constraints of a clock. He is always with us... No matter where, when or what time day or night... 

And if choosing the right book is a question?  I recommend look to Him for guidance. Look to Him for His word. Look to Him!! But wait?? He has already written a best seller... And I can only pray that whatever book you choose it is closely based on His teachings. 

I guess we must ask ourselves just how devoted are we??? Just how prepared do we want to be when facing our forever-changing world?  Are we spiritually ready to fight any adversary that may come?? You can bet they will come fully ready to fight, destroy, they will steal your peace, your love, and your heart. And ultimately your devotion. 


Be devoted to our Triune, learn from the best. Arm yourself with His word... Don't just devote a few minutes each day... Take Him with you were ever you go... Go fully dressed and prepared for whatever this crazy world may bring... 


I will add... A warning label to this post... Be warned when you devote your time, your heart will follow... And your soul will burst out and sing a new song. Many may think you have lost your mind... But if they would just take a few moments to truly know Him. They too would see and feel a love that is beyond the constraints of this world... 


He has been devoted to saving mankind from our own demise. 

What does He need to do to get our attention??? There is no price to know Him or His Gift of life and love... 


It's Him!!! He is priceless!  

“No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth. Matthew 6:24

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Jim Croce - Photographs and Memories (Lyrics)





  1. I love God~ I only find myself talking to him while preparing to eat dinner. I have anxiety so it’s hard for me to go to church. I feel as if I’m letting God down. Please pray for me to overcome my anxiety and talk to God more often. Thank You

  2. Hi Christine, Thank you for stoping by and reading our blog... I will keep you my prayers. I am a believer that we are His church. Keep sharing your heart with Him, He is listening ...


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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