Love in any Language is still LOVE!



When two hearts become one, it cannot be undone. A promise has been made and cannot be broken or swayed. For this love will last an eternity and will not fade. Charlene M. Martin - 

Meaning of everlasting lasting or enduring through all time: eternal. 2a (1): continuing for a long time or indefinitely. (2): having or being flowers or foliage that retain form or color for a long time when dried.


There are approximately 32 verses in the Bible that refer to the word everlasting.


When we look at the word everlasting? What does that truly mean… 

I find it difficult to quantify that kind of time and space with our human mind. We say we will love you forever. We say until the end of time. We all have heard of this promise of eternity. 


But how do we understand this description of time? When we are a society of instant… Drive-thru fast food.  Microwavable. Swipe your card and go… All the technology of our world trains us to want this immediate gratification. Until we speak of death… All of a sudden, our value of time comes to a screeching halt. We began to reflect on what and who is really important in our lives.  And we begin to see the true richness and value of the word eternity and everlasting. 


It is then that we began to search our souls for answers. And as we try to understand this time table. Our soul enlightens us to the answers.

But I feel as long as we are in our earthly bodies we will never truly understand the dynamics and full beauty of this word our Creator so graciously put into His heavenly plan.  


So what is the secret? How do get a better understanding? In my opinion, it's time… How we value our time, it’s who we spend our precious time with. It's slowing down and truly seeing what is in front of you. It’s making memories with those you love.


So, ask yourself, what do you truly value? Remember there are no earthly possessions that will last for eternity.  


I can only share, my thoughts. Love those God has blessed you to have in your life.  Quiet your mind and listen with your heart. Search until you find His love. It is a love greater than anything in our world. It comes with wisdom, beauty, and His promise of eternity. It's a love that will carry us through this life. 

I ask you who would not want to travel to an amazing destination called paradise? Who would want this indescribable love? Who would not enjoy not punching a clock?  Who would not like to live without a calendar to measure time? Everlasting eternity with our Creator sounds rich to me. The only cost is to love Him with all your heart, all your mind, and all your soul!!!

To doubt His word would be to doubt our very existence. 


It's Him it's always Him… 


I hope to see you there !! 

Lift up your heads, O ye gates; even lift them up, ye everlasting doors; and the King of glory shall come in. Psalms 24:9

For the LORD is good; his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endureth to all generations Psalms 100.5

Design, Written by Lori Garner  
Photo by Eugene Shelestov 
Bible Verses From (KJV) - Sinner's Prayer 
Inspiring Music: YouTube Video
Jesus loves me with everlasting love | Christian Song







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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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