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Showing posts with label Late. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Late. Show all posts




I'm Late, I'm Latefor a very important date,No time to say hello, goodbye,I'm late, I'm late, I'm late.  - Disney Alice in Wonderland 


Meaning of late doing something or taking place after the expected, proper, or usual time.


We were not too late, we were able to find 75 verses about the word late. 


I do believe we all have a date with destiny.. We may not have it circled on our calendar. We may not have set a reminder on our phones... But life shows us that we all have an experation date.. 


I urge you don't be so caught up in the daily traffic of life that we suppress the urgency we feel tugging at our souls... 


Life is a beautiful but fragile gift... I urge you to stop for just a brief moment.. And think of tomorrow.. Will you be blessed to live another hour? Another day? Another year? Why do we always feel that we have enough time to get things right with God? Do you have the ability to see into your future? I have not run into one person that truly has such a talent!!! 


So why do we procrastinate on the most important decision of life? I am not here to point a finger. Trust me I have walked in the procrastinator’s shoes...I thank God that He made it clear to my heart that I needed Him...I feel so blessed that it was not too late ... 

He gave me a gift of time. Allowing me the opportunity to discover who He is... To fall in love with our Creator is the most amazing spiritual adventure we will ever have the privilege of experiencing in this lifetime. 


What an amazing gift!! Was I late!!! Yes!!! Did I listen to His voice ?? No!! He has been tugging at my heart for a long time.. But I was so busy with life I did not listen... It took an act of God to get my attention!! 


If I have one regret in life.. Is that I did not know Him sooner. It's to late for me too turn the clocks back and re-live my Life... But it's not too late for me to make up the time that I have lost not knowing Him.


I have found with Him in the center of my life... All life has become richer and has taken on a deeper meaning.


With His gentle guidance, we began to understand our true purpose. Our appreciation for life, love and the world around us seems to exponentially grow... We began to focus on a future that goes beyond this earthly existence...


I can not place the urgency in your heart...I can only pray that you find Him today... Because tomorrow may be to late.. Without Him in our life the word hope becomes flat,dull and void... 

He is our hope,  He is our greatest love.... He is our future... Why do we procrastinate on receiving the greatest gift we could ever receive in any lifetime? Earth bound or heavenly found? 


Don't be a procrastinator... Don't be late! Circle the time in your calendar.. Set the reminder in your phone to spend time with Him every day...  Tomorrow may be too late... 


Your destiny hangs in the balance!!! Invest in your spiritual future.. It's not too late..


It's Him, it's always Him.


But they who wait for the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles; they shall run and not be weary; they shall walk and not faint.Isaiah 40:31


For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord' (Romans 6:23). Don't delay any longer, for you don't know how long you may have.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

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Alabama Im In A Hurry To Get Things Done

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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