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Showing posts with label Horse. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Horse. Show all posts



When you Run alone, It's called RACE? And When GOD Runs with you, It's called GRACE! - unknown...

The meaning of cautious is careful to avoid potential problems or dangers.


We located 7 verses that speak of the word cautious... 


Are we just being cautious? Do we tread lightly when we are unsure? There is so much to digest these days... So many instabilities... So much uncertainty? So many “experts” ??? 


I don’t know about you but it makes my head spin?? Am I being overly cautious or am I just dizzy from too much information from the so-called “experts”? Are we truly being bamboozled? 


We have truly taken our eye off the ball? If we look at the Bible we see many parallels... 


We see hate and discord with the Government. We see a division within the general population. Political, Race, Gender... We see blatant judgment... 


Centuries ago we had the opportunity to witness and love Jesus and we let Him slip through our fingers??? Was He cautious in showing His love? I say NOT! 


I do believe we must be cautious as we travel in our broken world... We must uncover all the facts... We must sift all things through our Saviors heart and our Father’s words... We must hear His protective cry before we take action... We must diligently pray for guidance. 


The vision that comes to mind is a horse race... So much training goes into each race. So much trust in his jockey.  Winning the prize is the ultimate goal..  and one of the best pieces of equipment the horse will wear are blinders...This helps him focus and only see what’s ahead... 


Again parallels. We are all in a race we call life... We are all training for that lifetime opportunity... We all must grow and learn to trust Jesus... Never, Never take your eye off the prize.  We must wear our spiritual blinders..and must stay focused on the days ahead.


It's His presence that will give us peace in our hearts in the midst of our uncertainties...  


Trusting Him has given me the ability to throw caution to the wind and blindly focus on Him!!! The prize of eternity with my Savior is my Heavenly goal... We do need to be cautious of the fleeting things of our world... One day they will all fall away. But His gift of Life and LOVE will never fade... It can only grow stronger in our hearts as we approach the starting gate, and the final bugle call is blown... and the race is on... mud flys.. and you can almost hear the announcer calling the positions of the race...  Are you in first place ?? Or dead last?  And as you go under the wire... in a faint small voice, we can say thank God I made it !!! 


It is there in the winners circle our focus becomes clear...


It’s Him, it’s always been Him!


So take diligent heed to yourselves to love the Lord your God. Joshua 23:11


“By this is love perfected with us, so that we may have confidence for the day of judgment, because as he is so also are we in this world.”

1 John 4:17 ESV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner


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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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