Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Time Alone

"One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God." ~ Joyce Meyer...

Meaning of time alone spent by an individual or a couple apart from others.


The word solitude appears 6 times in the Bible...


The early morning or the late-night hour is the most magical alone time for me. 


It's when I can feel the quietness of the moment. It's when the noise of our world has grown dim. It’s when I can get in tune with my innermost thoughts and find my true self... It's when my thoughts become most apparent. It’s when I can dream and be wide awake... It's when I can come humbly to my Heavenly Father, and shed tears of thankfulness. 

Where I can just be His accepted child with no restraints ... I can be held in His strong arms. ... I can laugh, I can play... I can be silly. I share my desires and open my heart to love beyond my own understanding ... I can love Him without boundaries.  I can feel the completeness, not of this world.

I can run with Jesus in a field of flowers... or just sit quietly by a babbling brook. or perhaps lay my weary head softly on His chest.  I can feel the soft whispers of my mentor the Holy Spirit as He resets my compass for life. I can gather them in my heart and tell them that I love them more than the air I breathe...They have filled my mind, body, and soul with happiness that cannot be found in earthly things.


My time alone … is filled with the most precious souls… 

So when my family says “You should sleep more” they have no idea that my time alone with my Creator does more for me than anything we can ever do in our time on earth… 


Time … is fleeting use it wisely. 

I choose… 


Him… it will always be Him! 


By the way, as a believer, there is no such thing as solitude. Because He is always with us no matter where we roam! 


Oh, my precious LOVEs thank you for our time together!  You have blessed my soul. 


Be still and know that I am God. Psalm 46:10

Art & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

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