Love in any Language is still LOVE!



Let everything that has breath praise the LORD! Praise the LORD! - Psalm 150:6


Meaning of shout. (of a person) utter a loud call or cry, typically expressing a strong emotion.  


We located 52 verses that speak of the word shout… 


I will share with you, my readers. That I have had hearing issues since elementary school. I recently had a medical condition that robbed me of hearing the auditable word… My family turned up the volume in their delivery and shouted when necessary. But even that was difficult to understand. 


But I was taught a valuable lesson if we are presented with a difficult situation we must learn to lean into Him even more. 

This silence was surreal…  The sounds that we take for granted like the ticking of a clock .. or the water running in the sink or perhaps it’s as simple as a bird singing in the nearby tree… This kind of quiet is deafening… 


But as I try to find the silver lining … I feel a presence that fills my soul with the sounds that only I can hear. It is the sweet whisper of my beautiful Elohim… He can be heard within the deepest chambers of my soul… 


Today as I closed my eyes the heaviness of silence found me here… 


I could see a vision of tall swaying grass in a beautiful green meadow. The horizon was made up of beautiful white peaked mountains in the distance … I began to run toward the mountains… until I came to the large valley below… I stopped…  and tried to catch my breath… 


I have been told if you shout just loud enough you may hear your echo…coming back to you just as you said it.. 


With that thought, I slowly brought my hands up and cupped them around my mouth … 

I took a deep breath and shouted “I love you Jesus” and then I waited a few moments and to my surprise… it was not my voice I heard … But a voice that I have grown to love …. 

My soulful ears heard..

 “I love you too!!!” 

And I began to physically cry. He never stops romancing our hearts… 


This is proof no matter the circumstances or if our earthly body fails us, we can always hear our Masters's voice!!! Because He meets us where we are, under any condition… There is no one like Him. 


Shh, be still my soul… He is whispering my name… 


It’s Him, It will always be Him!!!


Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs Psalm 100

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

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