Love in any Language is still LOVE!



“Age wrinkles the body; quitting wrinkles the soul.”Douglas MacArthur...

Meaning of quit leave (a place), usually permanently.

We located twenty-five verses that talk to our hearts about the word quit. 


I QUIT!!!!! 

Things are just too hard... I cannot take another step... People just don’t understand!!!  What am I doing wrong? Where am I failing???  Is it me?  Is there just one person in my world that understands??  


They say we should be happy.... but they do not finish the statement by saying not all are happy...


It’s been a trying time for so many hearts these last couple of years... Many of us struggle just to put one foot in front of the other... medical? financial? jobs?  pandemic?? variants?? LIFE? ... Where and when will it end!!  Problems seem to be magnified this time of year... 


How do we go on.. our world is so fractured... My heart is heavy... The air is thick, am I drowning... How do we heal? How do we mend our own hearts??  What can we do to settle our minds and soothe our souls... 


Have you heard that nagging whisper in your soul...? 

Quit!!! Thrown in the towel... Life is too complicated to continue!


We know these are not the words that God would whisper... Get to know God's voice ... Do not be fooled..  by the imposter. The imposter will rob you of the beauty of life.  


 Let’s open the book that contains God's own words and see where His words lead our hearts... 


I feel I must go to the man I have grown to love and trust... Many have heard the stories of His life trials and what He had to endure. 


Do you ever wonder how many times Jesus felt like saying to our Heavenly Father,

I am tired of trying... they just don't get it !! They just do not understand! 

"I quit!"


There is a saying ... Do not judge until you have walked in their shoes... 

He was a gentle kind soul with a mission to love... He was persecuted, shamed, spit upon, tortured?? I cannot even imagine?? The thought crushes my soul. But I thank God and love Him for having the strength to persevere... 

But what was it that set Him apart???  

His mission looked like an enormous mountain, way too difficult to climb...  He indeed must have felt discouraged, depressed, and perhaps overwhelmed... He even asked His Boss (God) to take this cup from me... 

Why didn’t He just say I quit?? He could have quit so many times... He could have just walked away... He could have taken the easy way out... 


But where would that have left us ??? All of humanity would have been lost and our existence may have become extinct ... 


However, there is good news.


He knew that one day you and I would need Him... There would be a day that we would cry out bewildered and confused. HELP ME Lord, I can not face this alone.

He knew without a doubt that He LOVED us far beyond our own human understanding.  He knew in His heart that He held everything we could ever need in the palm of His scared hands. 


Can you even imagine being loved by this kind of love ?? He loves us more than He loved His own life...  How were we so blessed to receive this beautiful gift from heaven??  How did He find the strength to endure life struggles on earth?? How did He show such strength during His death?? How? Do ever ask “Where did this inner strength come from??” He felt pain and shed blood and He carries the scars of life just like you and me.  


But what made Him different, What set Him apart? 


He carried a secret in His heart ... He knew He was special in the eyes of God... He was chosen ...  His Heavenly Father loved Him with a love that defies all human logic... Before He arrived here on earth, He must have felt His Father’s, great love. He felt how amazing this gift of love can be. He knew that He craved it and would do anything within His power to return to His Father's arms. He never wavered He kept His eye on the prize.


But that was not all He knew... 


He knew all of God’s children are special in God’s eyes. As a child of God, we were also chosen, and He loves us far greater than any love on earth...  

And when we turn our page to  Jeremiah 1:5 we can see that we felt our heavenly Fathers' great love... even before we were born... How amazing is that!   


So when the imposter whispers in your ear “quit”!

Remember God loves you... Keep your eyes on Him ...  He will give you the gift of inner strength.  He is the magnificent prize that awaits...

He is whispering in your ear... 

Follow me!!! Follow me our Father awaits ... 


It’s Him, It’s always Him!!! 

He never will quit loving us far greater than we even deserve... 

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14 


A fountain of life was in Him, for his life is light for all humanity. And this Light never fails to shine through darkness. Light that darkness could not overcome! John 1:4-5 TPT

“Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born, I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.” Jeremiah 1:5

Don't quit - Help is available ... Talk to someone... YOU ARE LOVED!


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Jordan Smith - Don't Quit (Performance Video)


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Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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