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Showing posts with label restore. Show all posts
Showing posts with label restore. Show all posts


Restore by JoAnn Turnbull

“The work of restoration cannot begin until a problem is fully faced.” Dan Allender.. 

The word restore is used 136 times in the Bible.

It means to repair, renew or bring back that which has been lost. 

As we go through life, we have to restore things quite often.  Such as restoring a wooden porch that has been out in the weather for years. The boards have begun to rot and mold. Or we might need to restore a friendship that has been neglected for years. The most fun might be to restore a wardrobe that has clothes from the ’90s. 

All of these things we can do ourselves. But there is one thing WE cannot restore.  It is an intimate relationship with our Heavenly Father.  Sometimes we do not realize that this relationship needs to be restored.  We have traveled our journey of life for years without Him.  We have made our own plans and left Him out.

There may have periods in our life when we hear something about Him and we might really try to get a hold of what we hear and we will be enthusiastic about Him for a time, but we will soon go back to our ways. We may even go to Church on Sunday and Wednesday, but it is from habit and looking good in the eyes of others. 

How do we restore the relationship with the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit?  

How much do we desire His presence?  

How do we return to the excitement and joy we once may have had. It can happen when we hear a song that really speaks to our hearts.  It may be a word we read or hear.  Or it may be a story someone tells us that ignites the spark in you to seek Him with all your heart.  This will be the start of the pursuit of Him. We will not be disappointed.  He will restore our soul to all the joy and love He has. 

He will gently take our hand and walk with us as He restores us with a delight in Him that increases every day.  He is that Treasure we have longed for.  He indeed is the restorer of our souls.  Hold tight to Him and with an overwhelming heart give Him all your love and praise. 

And I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you. Joel 2:25


“Restore to me the joy of Your salvation And sustain me with a willing spirit.”Psalms 51:12 NASB

Photography by  Lori Garner

Written by Joann Turnbull

Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  /  Sinners prayer 

Inspiring Music: 

Vertical Worship - Restore My Soul (Live Performance)

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