Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Unspoken. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unspoken. Show all posts



Feelings beyond explanation.....the soul responds with unspoken words. The heart sings in splendor” ― Leela Reddy 

Meaning of unspoken - not expressed in speech; tacit. “an unspoken assumption"


I did not find the word “unspoken” in the Bible. However, it does point us to be still and hear our Father's voice. 


Words are such an interesting study; they have taken me on the most incredible journey. I have discovered when to be still, not utter a single word and just listen. To be truthful, I sometimes find this difficult when the excitement of sharing a gift of His love with others appears before me. It overtakes my heart, and the words seem to escape from my mouth faster than I can contain them.


Many words can speak of hate. They can also speak of a love greater than we have ever known. Words can warm our hearts, bring great joy or wound our soul beyond repair.


I will admit even before I shared this precious time with my Heavenly Father, I would tell my children if you have nothing nice to say “don’t say anything at all.” leaving those words unspoken.


Are our thoughts the same as voice? Do we act on these thoughts and share them with others, or do they remain hidden in our hearts for eternity? Are our silent prayers even heard?? Or must we part our lips and let the whispers from our hearts find they're the way to our Beloved Savior’s ears? I do believe God knows our every thought, which means every spoken and unspoken word… There is no hiding from Him. I find that He has even kept up with technology. He sees every word written, every app we open, every website we visit. He sees the words we use when we interact with each other on this thing we call social media. 


I do believe some of us, do not give this a thought as they go through their daily life. 


I am sure some of our written and spoken thoughts make our heavenly Father very proud of His children. And yet some may disappoint and wound His soul. 


I must admit I speak to Him in the silence of my mind, I write my thoughts and prayers daily and I part my lips to speak to Him of this gift of love. There are no unspoken words to God. There is no other relationship that can know our heart, and understand you at this level… 

He has taught me…That He loves it when His children can open their hearts and speak of love with their lips… Think of this love in the silence of their soul.  And see it written for others to see. 


Let there be no love that goes unspoken… time is a fragile gift. Be still and listen to the best teacher of life and love and do not let these words go unspoken in your heart. 


'Love the Lord your God with every passion of your heart, with all the energy of your being, and with every thought that is within you.' TPT


Be still my heart….. It's Him, It's always Him! 

Photo Design & Written by Lori Garner

Sinner's Prayer

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Unspoken - Reason (Official Lyric Video)




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