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Showing posts with label Unconventional. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Unconventional. Show all posts



“The person who follows the crowd will usually go no further than the crowd. The person who walks alone is likely to find himself in places no one has ever seen before.” – Albert Einstein


Unconventional: The definition of unconventional is someone or something that deviates from the norm or accepted standard. 


The word unconventional may not be written as such in the Bible, but the word screams throughout it's beautiful pages... 


As of 2021, there are approximately 7,846,000,000 people in our world. People of all types, cultures, and religions. But when I look at that number, I can’t help thinking of all the people in the world today and through history… Just how many of them truly impacted the general population??? What makes them different? What makes them unique?? What is that X-factor they seem to possess? Or are they just unconventional souls trying to make their mark in our world? 


When we turn to the Bible... We can see the word unconventional as we examine the life that stood so magnificently tall. Yet He humbly left His beautiful mark on all mankind throughout every generation... From His conception, through His death and resurrection... His entire life was an unconventional phenomenon. He was uniquely different and not to be considered what the world viewed as the norm... 


He did not fit the mold! So, because of this, He was unjustly judged by man's insecure heart and limited thinking. 


I ask why do we try to place Him in a box??? He is so bigger than life. We should open our arms and embraced His Godly differences. Why don't we cherish Him above all else? 


We are all wonderfully made by God... Each having our own blueprint to share with others in our world. No two of us are alike!! There is so much to learn from our different cultures, beliefs, and religions... It is very sad that man has been so judgmental. Many try to squeeze others into the normal box resulting in undue pain!!! 


My spiritual walk... started in a very unconventional way!!! The Holy Spirit reached down from Heaven and touched my soul with a love beyond my understanding... With no prior religious background, I was so unprepared for the days ahead. But as fumbled I earnestly tried to find my way... I began to share Him and His amazing LOVE with anyone who would listen... 


Most did not embrace my story because is not the conventional way they had witnessed in others.  This made me feel odd, alone and I cried many tears behind closed doors...


Sharing Him will never fit the normal mold... But look who I am dealing with!!!  He should never fit in what man has outlined as normal… I am actually grateful for the lack of understanding it thrust me into His arms. Where He kept loving me and teaching me... He became my safe place to run. He embraced my uniqueness and cherished me beyond what my heart could even understand. 


He taught me that the path I was on He made for me alone.. It's has taken many hours of discovering God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit... For me to become comfortable within my own spiritual skin.


And through this experience, I have come to the realization that I will never fit the typical mold made by man... My story will be different, it will be fresh, it will be loving ... Because that is who He is… It's my unique gift from my Heavenly Father... 


So, if my openness and my sharing His love is different than the norm... Know that is from the most unconventional heart I have grown to know and love...I am only a messenger.


He opened my once dormant soul to His world of magnificent wonder... And for those who must judge... Let me let you know that I say without restraint that I know without a shadow of a doubt that He loved me first... And somewhere in a very unconventional way, I fell in LOVE with Him... All of Him... 


He WOWs me.


It's Him, it's always Him


I am and will forever be His unconventional child...


Be different, Be unique, Be everything He wants you to be!!



Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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