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Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Patterns. Show all posts



"Agape is total love... Whoever knows and experiences Agape learns that nothing else in the world is important – just love." ― Paolo Coelho 

Pattern meaning: A Biblical pattern is a spiritual model or example given in Scripture for purposes of imitation.


The word pattern is referred to in 8 verses in the Bible.


I truly had no idea how this word came to my mind.. It not a word that I would normally think of... Is this a pattern in my journey?  Is this a word with more depth than I could ever wrap my head around.. 


As I opened this word I stepped back with great amazement... Many Bible scholars have studied in depth the patterns that seem to hold many secret messages throughout its delicate pages... 


I do believe I have found a gold mind hidden here... But unless I am prepared to spend a lifetime studying these nuggets of wisdom I would need to address this word on a much higher level or isolate one pattern that speaks to my heart... I will wait for guidance... 

Waiting on Him.. Now that is a pattern I understand... lol


This is such a daunting and challenging task... It is like trying to pick God’s brain... Which one of us is equipped to understand His complexity and depth? There are so many articles on the patterns in the written word. For instance, there are patterns that point us to Numbers, Prophecy, and Jubilee... just to name a few... 

Pattern hmm is this a secret code from our Heavenly Father? How do we with our limited thinking unlock this code? What type of Mastermind can create such an intricately woven Masterpiece of literature??  It has captured and maintained the hearts and minds of humankind since it was written ... How did He organize and orchestrate this with such rudimentary supplies? They did not have the technology that we have grown accustomed to. Let's just look at the statics of the Book itself. 

The Bible was written over a period of 1400 to 1800 years by more than 40 different authors. The Bible is a compilation of 66 separate books, divided into two primary divisions: the Old Testament (containing 39 books) and the New Testament (containing 27 books). It is believed that all of the books of the Bible were written under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.( 

I do believe the only way this could have ever been accomplished is by Divine Intervention and inspiration... 


Just imagine the simplistic yet magnitude of this project. 


I am sure many words were written by Candlelite and scriptures show us that they were inscribed with an iron tool on a lead or engraved in rock forever! (Job 19:24) They had no computers, no file sharing... No, delete or save buttons ... No spell check... And every beautifully written word pointed to Yeshua, the Son of God, the pages are filled with a poetic love story between the Trinity and all of mankind... He wrote the words in a way to keep our hearts and souls interested for centuries!! Will we ever unlock all the messages within its pages... Will we truly ever understand all the patterns? Will we grow in our knowledge to understand the magnitude of His great love ??? 

I feel so ill-equipped... 

I can only stand in awe... His very presence blows my mind... He is so much more than my earthly mind can understand... I am so grateful that the pattern that fell from the sky into my heart that day was a “feel” clue. It is such a small word with such great power... He let me feel His love... He opened my spiritual heart and eyes. I know I should study this magnificent book, I should look for all the hidden clues... 

But I will admit ... my attention span is not that broad.. As I began to read I seem to always be swept away to thoughts and conversations with Him... Many call it prayer some call it devotionals... I call it heartfelt... 


As I traveled on this journey I have had the privilege of witnessing the great love He has for all of His children. As a parent that thought seemed simple enough for my earthly mind to understand... 

But it did not stop there... His LOVE is real, His love runs deep His love WOWs me... It is way beyond what my heart and soul have ever felt.. it boggles my mind.  As parents, we say we love our children. We would give our life for them... We would move Heaven and earth... And when that child looks at you with adoration, and smiles and says from their heart  I Love You ... You smile and your heart melts. 


And to think,  our love is only a fraction of the LOVE our Creator shares!


Double WOW 


It’s Him. it’s always been Him... there is no one that has ever or will ever come close... 


He is the master of my heart and soul. I rest on the pattern of His Love!


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer 

Inspiring Music by (youtube)

 Finding the Pattern - Jessica Curry 


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