Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Night. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Night. Show all posts



“That is the reason you should always stay awake and be alert because you don’t know the day or the hour when the Bridegroom will appear. Matthew 25:13-15 TPT..


Meaning of night the period of darkness in every twenty-four hours; the time from sunset to sunrise. 


I did not see a word count for the word night. However, I will share what I did find. “God created light and separated the light from the darkness, calling light "day" and darkness night. “


The question that haunts my soul is .... are we ready? Or will we be sleeping so soundly that we miss the most amazing moment of our life... 


As I sit in the darkness of my empty room I can only see a small light spilling onto the wooden floor... And I began to wonder with great anticipation is this the night? Will I be swept away into the heavens? Who will be chosen? Will my soulful ears hear the footsteps of our Savior? Our beloved King! Or will I be left behind... Will we heed His sweet whispers? Are we constantly refining our senses?  Is our soul preparing us for the days ahead? 


I do believe many are yearning to see God's face... Many can’t wait to sit down and talk to Jesus... I have heard many times, I have a list of questions I need to ask Him??  Some speak of the Holy Spirit but are unclear of the role He will play in the future ... He dwells within us ... So am I to assume if I leave this body behind and become a soulful being the Holy Spirit comes too? or where does He go?? As you can see the night clears the busyness of the day ... stillness arrives and many thoughts dance through our heads... 


We do have many unknowns? But oh my we have been blessed with many knowns ... As we spend the time with Him day or night we began to see His precious face... We can feel His powerful yet loving presence.. It's overwhelming... Our heartbeat strengthens and we began to yearn for more... more... more of Him. 


It’s at this time we began to realize, we may never know the answers to all of our questions... We must focus our desires on Him and Him alone.  Our faith may be tested, our friends and family may question our love... Our curiosity may shift from unanswered questions to a yearning of discovering all the beautiful facets of Him... Some will fall in love with an indescribable unexplainable soulful love for Him. 


I find the stillness of night one of the most intimate times of our day. It’s when we can silence our minds and feel Him with our hearts. We can feel the depth of His character and feel the vastness of His love... We grow to know our Creator and our purpose becomes clearer with each passing day. 


I believe as He whispers to our soul... He is training His children to react to His voice no matter the time ... day or night... but I ask you, are you using this time wisely? Are you spending the time cultivating your heaven language and refining your senses ... Or are you too busy with earthly things to not be prepared?  Shhh listen.... listen can you hear Him? Do you feel Him stirring in your soul? It’s Him.


I can only hope that I have given my soul the tools to be ready to hear the most important voice we can ever be tuned in to hear ... He promised He will return...  Be watchful for His arrival.. watch day and night...

Be ready ...   


I must admit my eyes are getting heavy, and I must get some rest... Goodnight my LOVEs find me in my dreams... That it’s where my soul awaits to hear your sweet voice... It's the most amazing LOVE frequency we can ever experience. 

Shh listen with me... 

... It's Him. It’s always Him...Feel Him in your soul.... 


Matthew 25:13 - Watch therefore, for ye know neither the day nor the hour wherein the Son of man cometh.


“It’s impossible to disappear from you or to ask the darkness to hide me, for your presence is everywhere, bringing light into my night.”

Psalms 139:11 TPT

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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