Love in any Language is still LOVE!

Showing posts with label Distant. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Distant. Show all posts



Love is not just tolerance. It's not just distant appreciation. It's a warm sense of, 'I am enjoying the fact that you are you.' N.T.Wright  


Meaning of distant far away in space or time.


The word distant is in the in Bible 94 times...


Who are you? Do I remember you?? My memories of you are so faded and distant do I even remember who you once were??  I question how and why I allowed you to get so close to my soul??  


I do believe we are all born with a Godly purpose. A divine destiny..  I know in my heart our paths crossed for a beautiful purpose.  To LOVE... even if it was only for a fleeting moment in time.


In the beginning of my journey many began to distance themselves, from my life which wounded my soul... But I have learned that there are times, when God allows this distance so we can grow and find Him!  He will fill that void, that emptiness we feel in our hearts... He will soothe our hearts and speak songs of love to our souls... 


The most intriguing thing I found as people became distant... It afforded me the time to press into God’s heart more each day... As my life began to turn... I began to see things like never before. My soul began to breath a newfound freedom. And my relationship with my Heavenly Father grew into such a beautiful world of exciting wonder and unexplainable love... 


If you were one of the one's that could not find it in your heart to stay... You were not alone. ... Many chose not to stay or even call ...They have distanced them self, due to lack of kindness, compassion and or understanding.. Many walked away.... But I forgive you. 


Because I have found that it can be intimidating and a bit overwhelming for some to realize that God is a larger-than-life adventure... Many become squeamish just at the mention of His name.  Not all of us are ready to explore the possibilities of a love beyond this world... 


I do believe that this "distancing" experience is like being a beautiful rose bush that needs a little pruning of the dead leaves in our lives... As they truly serve no healthy purpose... They just hang on and drain life from the bush giving nothing in return... When we are pruned it makes us stronger, it allows room for the beauty of a deeper more meaningful growth to take place... It will breathe life into the very essence of who you are in your core.


God is an amazing gardener of the soul. As He removes things that no longer serves His heavenly purpose...  He will fill your life with such richness. You will appreciate life and love like never before. It is the most amazing experience!!! It defies all human imagination...  Things that you thought mattered will begin to fade... 


So, I can honestly say don't despair... If you are feeling alone, misunderstood? Or have experienced a wounded heart at the hands of another... Talk to God, speak from your heart... Or just call His name and invite Him to sit with you a while... He knows us better than we could ever know ourselves... He passionately loves all His children, and He only wants what will make us bloom into the most beautiful soul flower in His garden of LOVE.  


Don't distance yourself from God... Place your life in His loving hands...  


He is my gardener, my confidant, my all.... He wows me!! 


It's Him... it's always Him!


Every branch in me that does not bear fruit he takes away, and every branch that does bear fruit he prunes, that it may bear more fruit John 15:2

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

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