Love in any Language is still LOVE!


Darkness II

Darkness will not gain victory over the light of Christ. In faith, there is enough light for those who want to believe and enough shadows to blind those who don't.


The meaning of dark the absence of light in a place: darkness, blackness, absence of light, gloom, gloominess. 


Dark in the Bible is referred to 225 times.


Dark or Darkness I believe touches everyone at some time in their life... I chose this word today because as I write about this word I am sitting in the darkness of my room... 


Darkness can be an overwhelming scary place. It’s where creepy things go bump in the night... It is the anticipation of things unknown. We can become paralyzed due to fear.  It can rob us of so much life. During my journey, I did experience a time of darkness. It made me feel a loss in my soul, it made me cry, it made me bewildered and sad. Looking back I found out that in my darkest hour I found out a lot about me.  I do believe there are times we are given life trials so we can grow. But I also found out that no matter how sad or difficult things might seem I was never alone. I did find out that God never left my side. His gentleness and love held me when I felt lost. He became my best friend, my confidant, my guiding light...The darkness that tried to consume my soul had no choice but to flee... 


I did learn over time to appreciate the darkness, those “stillness” moments, those quiet times when the house is void of light and family noise! This dark hour is when I find my Heavenly Father, my quiet time with Him, and His word breathes light into my soul. He fills my heart with a love that is difficult to contain. If I love Him? Is no longer a question. It becomes IF I get up a few minutes before everyone ... I will find my golden hour solace, my LOVEs ... 

There is no darkness that can rob me of His eternal light.  You see this darkness is not a place, It not something we can see with our eyes. It's a place deep within our souls. And I have found when we invite God into our lives,  His light begins to shine from within.  He gives us that light that shines even in our darkest hour. Because we can be confident that we are never alone. We do not have to fight life demons by ourselves. He is victorious over all things we may encounter. He stands tall, strong, and ready. So pick up the light sword and be ready for any battle that may rage from within... Being ready is half the battle... 


The power of light that we feel is from within... 


It’s Him!!  It’s always Him.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner Bible Verses From KJV, Easy  Sinners prayer Inspiring Music: YouTube

God's Light Shines in the Darkness 2011

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"The only way love can last a lifetime is if it's unconditional. The truth is this: love is not determined by the one being loved but rather by the one choosing to love." ~ Stephen Kendric.

Enamored means filling or inflaming with love and being affected by strong feelings of love, admiration, or fascination.


The word Enamored only appears in one instance in the Bible. 


How do I love thee? What is this love that has ignited in my soul? How are our hearts drawn to this Heavenly adoration for the Godly man who walked the earth so long ago? 


It is a baffling spiritual phenomenon that is so hard to put into words…  and, at best, difficult to understand? 


Do we burn with a love for Him? Does His spiritual existence consume our thoughts? Do we accept His teachings? 


Or do we treat Him like a passing fancy? Is He here to fulfill our wishes?? Do we take Him for granted? 


He is so much more—so loving, so deep, and such a beautiful soul. 


Once smitten by His love, there is no turning back… You will be drawn to the overwhelming love, peace, and joy that He brings. You will yearn to feel His presence. You will crave those personal quiet moments with Him! Your world will seem brighter and filled with Hope… He teaches our hearts the art of forgiveness and completes a void in our souls… 


How does His Holiness love us so deeply that He has never given up?  He has defied a torturous death to save us. He shares a burning love that cannot be contained. It spills out on His children, and they, in turn, share it with others…  It’s a tidal wave that I pray will one day cover the earth. 


He has taken residence in my soul, and I will openly admit I am enamored with Him and His love story!  His love has smitten me, and I know in my heart and soul only He holds the keys to my future.


The Godly man who walked the earth! The God who created me in His loving hands… And the Spirit that dwells within my soul…Are my 3n1. 


It’s Him! It will always be Him.

1 John 4:19 We love because he first loved us. From the beginning in Eden, God's love has always pursued us, and He continues to pursue us through the love of Jesus Christ.

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull 

Inspiring Music: YouTube Video 

Reckless Love (Official Lyric Video)

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Risk Taker

The Christian is the one whose imagination should fly beyond the stars.” Francis A. Schaeffer, Art & the Bible

Am I a risk-taker? 

I have painted a few images trying to capture what my heart sees… It has been an ongoing learning experience!!! I say most of my paintings look like cartoons ..Lol 

However, as I experiment with colors, paint, and digital art This image appeared … I must admit I have held on to this image… for a few weeks. 

The question became am I a risk taker? I became guarded about the image I created… Do I share this image and take the risk of someone taking it and making it their own? Or perhaps they may try to copy the image? And then I heard in my soul … it’s not mine to keep He was given to me to share…


I was torn do I follow my mind? Or Do I follow my heart and listen to that voice that whispers to my soul? 

Knowing Him is risky … I have put relationships at risk as I tried to find my balance and discover more about this amazing love He offers. 

Sharing my heart has always been way out of my comfort zone! Until He touched my soul. 

I am sad to say some people did not even try to understand and quietly pulled away, some ran the other direction, and I felt a tear deep within my heart. But the good news is many came to share their story and their heart with me. I am so grateful to those who stayed. 

I must admit I find it perplexing that some are so bound in their own thoughts they are not open enough to see, feel, and share His love. They truly have no idea what they are missing. I found many take His love for granted and do not nurture it daily. I do not understand why they leave His love sitting idle instead of growing that spark into a flame?

I have felt the pain of loss when I openly risk sharing the incredible gift I have ever known. This journey with God, Yeshua, and the Holy Spirit has taught me many things. I found out that taking the “GOD” risk has many rewards. 

You will risk falling in love with our Heavenly Father, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. You will risk falling in love with mankind. You will see the world with eyes of wonder. You will risk gaining peace that surpasses all human understanding. You will risk a joy that overflows within your soul… You will risk building a relationship with the Triune, they will hold your heart and never turn away…

As my understanding of them became clearer I opened my heart and invited them in to stay. Through their teachings and many tears, I found my confidence and knowledge of them grew. I now openly take risks by sharing Him and His love with no hesitation. 

Because if I can touch your heart today, and Risk sharing the greatest love I have ever known with you!! I will know in my soul YOU were worth the risk. 

And I know to risk life without Him is the biggest mistake we can ever make… 

acrylic 11x14 

Digitally finished 

Inspired by a greater LOVE 

Photography, Art & Written by Lori Garner  

Bible Collaboration - Joann Turnbull
Inspiring Music: YouTube

Phil Wickham - Falling In Love (Official Music Video)

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Gravity is very important to us. We could not live on Earth without it. The sun's gravity keeps Earth in orbit around it, keeping us at a comfortable distance to enjoy the sun's light and warmth. It holds down our atmosphere and the air we need to breathe.


We located 33 verses that reference the word Gravity in the Bible. 


I came across the word 'gravity' through a song by Sara Bareilles. It's a beautiful rendition that speaks to my soul and brings me thoughts of Him...


So full of awe and wonder are the many miracles our Father has created in our lives, including gravity, all so detailed, inspiring, and beautiful!




It cannot be seen yet holds us without touch. We tend to take it for granted, but desperately need it to survive. Without gravity, we would spin off into the dark abyss, lost and alone.


Does gravity remind you of someone we know? 


Someone who is so in love with us that He has placed that same gravitational pull on our hearts. He wants us back. He is such a romantic soul. How do we not see Him? Why do we take Him for granted? How do we not LOVE Him with the same unwavering intensity that He loves us???


Oh, gravity…. Hold me close and never let me go...!! 


It’s Him! It will always be Him!! 

Forever till the end of time.


“For in him was created the universe of things, both in the heavenly realm and on the earth, all that is seen and all that is unseen. Every seat of power, realm of government, principality, and authority—it all exists through him and for his purpose! He existed before anything was made, and now everything finds completion in him.”

Colossians 1:16-17 TPT



Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

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Art speaks with no words

When we journey away from home, our routines change, as do the distractions surrounding us. In these moments of shift, we are invited to explore new thoughts and make time to be still in His presence. These precious moments of stillness refresh our spirits and fill our hearts with peace and hope. His love is the greatest gift of all, and no matter where life takes us, we are forever blessed to have Him by our side. 


I had to get creative without my art supplies, but I created something using my iPhone. I started with one of my old pieces and created a new digital piece… 


Proof that rebuilding on His firm foundation makes it better than the original... My heart goes out to the many souls rebuilding their lives... I pray each one starts with His firm foundation, for He will bring them through any situation. His love will always be our victory march!


It's Him! It will always be Him!! 




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My Spiritual Sanctuary:

A Journey of Self-Discovery and Love.


I have found my first love in the sanctuary of my spiritual mind, body, and soul. He is my escape from the outside world and my forever hiding place. With Him, I am embarking on a wondrous journey of self-discovery as He patiently guides me through the intricate labyrinth of my soul. He is the missing piece to the earthly void that chases me.  He is the one who completes me and makes me whole. With Him, I am never alone.


He patiently awaits… with open arms, yearning to listen to my deepest thoughts, secrets, and desires … He accepts me as I am, even with all my frailties and flaws… He guides the vulnerable child within me as I stumble through each God-given day… He fills my heart with an intoxicating love that breathes life into the mundane existence of human life. He is a spiritual experience that radiates a peaceful state of soulful surrender, satisfying every fiber of my restless soul…  He is the Master of hearts, holding mine gently as I forge a path.


I will always wonder why it took me so long to find Him!!! I was not blessed to know Him as a child… I only knew of Him. I will admit, I found His beauty in the latter years of life… However, I cannot take the credit because He found me. Silly me, I didn’t even know I was lost.


I have missed so much by knowing Him only for such a short time. So, the hunger you see to know more about the Soul that has impacted my life wondrously is fueled by the knowledge that my life is ticking by, and I do not want to waste another moment without growing my knowledge and love for Him. 


With every tear that falls upon my face, I am reminded of His unwavering love and awe-inspiring presence.


I humbly hear Him gently whisper to my soul … 

“My child, there is so much more to discover. The sweetest gift lies beyond your world." "It lies within me… Close your eyes, take my hand… and let’s embark on the journey written for you alone!”


And my heart whispers … 


It’s Him! It will always be Him!! 

And I am undone… 


He is... 

My sanctuary! My spiritual love from another world.  He is my spiritual guide home…There is so much I have yet to comprehend fully!! 


I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to love Him!! My Elohim! 

Let us go to the sanctuary of the LORD; let us worship at the footstool of his throne. Psalms 132:7


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music by (YouTube)

Tori Kelly - Soul’s Anthem (It Is Well)



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Casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you. 1 Peter 5:7...

The meaning of torn is that things have been pulled apart or ripped. 


As I reflect on our world, ravaged by wars, hate, natural disasters, and political instability, my heart goes out to the innocent lives caught in the crossfire. The loss of life and the pain endured by so many is a tragedy for all humanity. 


Certainly, the challenges some individuals face are unknown to us as we watch the events unfold from the comforts of our homes. 


It begs whether our hearts can truly feel the pain of those affected by the conflicts in our world.


When I try to pray for nations engaged in conflict, I find myself facing a predicament. Who should I intercede for? How can we choose sides when we do not know all the political underlying facts? 


As a believer, I know that it is written... how much the region means to God and that He holds the ultimate “Dispensation.”


So. my tears fall for the innocent lives that have been affected by human tragedy, man-made and/or natural disasters. 


I plead not for the triumph of nations but for the wisdom and discernment of our leaders. 


My prayers will always be for the innocent lives ensnared in the events that have fallen upon our fragile world. 


Yes, my heart is torn.… 


Heart syndrome (also known as takotsubo cardiomyopathy) can happen after sudden emotional or physical stressors affect you. The good news is that it's a temporary condition that usually doesn't cause any permanent heart damage.


This Life’s temporary nature reminds us to cherish Him and His gifts.


May His love, compassion, and peace find their way into your heart and soul!!! Never forget you are loved with a love that is beyond the restraints of this world!! 


“Dispensation” appears four times in the King James Version (1 Corinthians 9:17; Ephesians 1:10; Ephesians 3:2; Colossians 1:25.)

Art & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

Inspiring Music: YouTube


Natalie Taylor - Love Is The Answer (Official Video)







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Sinners Prayer

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Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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