Love in any Language is still LOVE!



"You are so much stronger than you realize. Don’t let anyone ever tell you that you’re not. Not even you."- J.W. Lynne, 'Above the Sky...


The meaning of you: used to refer to the person or people that the speaker is addressing.


You occurs 14,399 times in the English Standard Version. You occurs 14,480 times in the New King James Version.


Are you with me? Are you listening? Are you lost??  Are you who you think you are ??? Or are you a painted image that you allow others to see… Void of substance? 


Who are you in the deepest place in your heart??? Only you and God know the answer…


How do you become the best version that you can be??? Sometimes this is an ugly process… We all have that dirt we carry and hide from others… 


It truly is a cleansing of the heart and soul… it’s a process that you can not do alone… It takes a Heavenly intervention of stripping layers from your life. And then stand naked, raw and vulnerable… before our Creator. 


Then together and one day at a time He will begin to put this NEW version of you back together again… Some call it born again…But it does not stop at the rebirth… there is so much more to learn… If you allow Him to guide you … You may find the real authentic, beautiful you… and it may surprise you… you may just fall in love with you! 

How does He do this??? He loves you so much that He never gives up hope … 


He has had a plan to rescue you since the beginning of time… He knows in His heart that His children are not perfect. Mistakes will be made…But He loves you the perfectly broken child… Because you are His. You will always be His!!! His creation. His work of art… You are precious to Him no matter where you are in this earthly life… 


You… just need to love Him with all your heart and soul. He is the key to finding the real you... You matter !! 


It’s You and your Creator.. you are in this together… for eternity!! 

He has written this in the stars long before you were even born!!! 


It's you… my beloved. You are here … and I am undone…


Settle it therefore in your minds not to meditate beforehand how to answer, for I will give you a mouth and wisdom, which none of your adversaries will be able to withstand or contradict Luke 21:14-15


Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

Sara Bareilles feat. Jason Mraz - You Matter To Me


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Time travel


My home is in Heaven. I'm just traveling through this world. Billy Graham


Meaning of time travel: travel through time into the past or the future


We located two instances in the Bible where time travel is a possibility. 


Are there three Heavens? Or three Hells… As a child, we believe in the impossible... We trust with a pure heart. But as we grow I am afraid we lose that natural wonder of our imaginations.   


As I close my eyes... I began to drift off I find myself drifting into another world… 


The aesthetics are beyond our comprehension. But the real value is not in the beauty of what is seen but a way of life. 


It’s where peace abounds and love can be felt deep within… The colors are so bright and beautifully rich… there is no war, no hate, no vengeance.. no negative vibes… It's clean, no litter, no sickness, there is only one power, one great love, one protector and creator of all things… music fills the air with a soft melody…  It has an aura of natural wonder it like nothing we have ever experienced here in this human life. 


Is this just my imagination? Or does such a place exist? I have been told by a very trusted source it does…(Revelation 21:1-27)


What is the price of admission?  


          Matthew 22:37-40

          Matthew 18:3

          Matthew 5:8

          John 3:5

          Mark 1:15


Again I tell you, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich person to enter the kingdom of God.”

Matthew 19:24 


I know in my heart that the requirements to the place known as paradise are attainable and available to every man, woman, and child there is no discrimination. 


However change is necessary.. but the rewards are endless... 


Start your journey of a lifetime today… Bring your soul in alinement with our Creator. 


Time Travel is inevitable. Your destination is in your control… 

This life is but a fleeting moment… 

I ask you who can measure eternity? 

I know a man in Christ who fourteen years ago was caught up to the third heaven. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know—God knows. And I know that this man—whether in the body or apart from the body I do not know, but God knows— was caught up to paradise and heard inexpressible things, things that no one is permitted to tell. 2 Corinthians 12:2-4 NIV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

Relaxing Space Journey. Beautiful Calming Music. Music Tribute to "Passengers" 

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He that dwelleth in the secret place of the most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty. Psalm 91:1. 


Meaning of secret not known or seen or not meant to be known or seen by others.


We located 65 verses that point us to the word secret.


Hello, it’s you… 

Welcome to my secret place as many of you know it is reserved for a very special soul. I hold it so close to my heart… I guard it with my life… It is where I can come as I am, broken and bruised and He knows what to say to settle my mind and soothe my soul… 

And then there are times I just share the details of my life, my desires my hopes, and dreams. However, I have grown to love quiet times. When no words are spoken … Where He just holds me close..and teaches me about this wonderful love He so freely gives… 


It’s a place where I can hide from our broken world… It’s where clarity can be gained… It is where answers are heard in the stillness of my mind. And I can reflect on my actions. What was my motive?  Did I act with the purest of heart?  If not, I can confess and ask for forgiveness and as He pours out His amazing grace… 


It is where His beautiful love can overflow from His nonjudgmental heart to mine. 


I truly bear the deepest secrets that I have hidden with my soul… Many cleansing tears flow. There is such amazing freedom found in His presence.


There is no one that I trust so intimately.. only Elohim…. For His love is beyond my understanding. He loves without boundaries.. and touches my soul with such tenderness... 

l love my special place… it is always open no matter the time day or night… 

I am closing my eyes now.. and opening my heart and soul …find me there !!!! 


Shh… He is here…. My beloved. 


It’s where He molds us into who He wants me to be… We are but putty in His loving hands.

However, I have been taught that this secret place should not be a one-way street… I have learned to ask Him to let me be His secret place where I can love Him without the boundaries of this world. Where I can listen to His deepest desires.. and give Him refuge within my heart…from the unbelieving souls within our troubled world.


It’s him, It’s always Him 

Elohim you are my secret place...  My Heavenly Father, Jesus His beautiful Son.. and the forever caring Holy Spirit.. …  

He shares the right of passage to all who go to the secret place in their hearts and invite Him in. 


Trust Him ..  your life will never be the same.


But when you pray, go into your room and shut the door, and pray to your Father who is in secret. And your Father who sees in secret will reward you. Matthew 6:6 


For he will hide me in his shelter in the day of trouble;

he will conceal me under the cover of his tent;

he will lift me high upon a rock. Psalms 27:5

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

Feels Like Home: A Live Worship Experience

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I’ve been born into a broken world and my purpose is to make sure when I leave it, Know I have left my mark of kindness and love on it somewhere. - Nikki Rowe

Thoughts from the journey of a spiritual child’s experience. Armed with little to no “religious” knowledge I had a Holy Spirit Encounter… And they have taken me on the most amazing journey of my life… I am still a work in progress… because I know He is not finished with me yet. 


God the Father, is our Creator, protector, our first love, and keeper of all things in our universe and beyond. He is Love...


Jesus is the human side of Him where He comes to us and relates to us on a human level. He is our savior, warrior, king, and lover of our soul. He is the greatest romance we could ever experience.


Holy Spirit is the spirit of God that has been gently placed in our hearts… He is the sage in our lives. He is our GPS. He is the hands-on teacher of life and love. He guides us towards home each and every day...


Home where the 3 are one in my heart, mind, and soul and where He awaits with open loving arms… 


The world was created by God as a beautiful paradise. But darkness has tried to choke out her beauty… Not all men have not taken care of this beautiful gift. I have discovered a remnant of followers that appreciate the wondrous gift of life on this broken planet.  We stand united with our Beloved Elohim as tears trickle down our faces as we watch our broken world suffer. 


We pray that when the doors of heaven open that all men will have learned the lessons they have set before us… To love without boundaries. To appreciate all things from the smallest to the monumental, And to never to take our Creator for granted. We should love Him above all else. Love Him with all of our hearts, soul, and mind. Treat others with kindness and let the love that they have placed in our hearts flow from our hearts so bright that it lights the path for others to find their way… 


Be the light in this broken world… Together we can make a difference…


Stand united with Him… 


It’s always Him… our sweet Elohim…


Did you know?

Elohim is plural … 

Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.. 😍


And yes I am His child and YES He still WOWs me.


“In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. John 1:1



Pencil drawn 

Digitally painted

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Celtic Woman | Going Home

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Seek Gods Face / Podcast


Triune Loves me / Podcast 

Seek Gods Face 

I ask, what is it that you desire of me? Why do pursue me with such relentless vigor? What can I possibly have that you desire so? I have nothing that is worthy of you. 


I can only give you my heart ... my love? 


Don’t keep me waiting to hear your answer? The anticipation is all-consuming.. all distracting ...  It fills me every waking moment. 


This all-consuming magnetic pull on my vulnerable soul.. is beyond my understanding. 


I wonder when I am in your presence will I have the courage to speak? Or will your majestic splendor render me speechless?

To hear more click on the link above 


See what great love the Father has lavished on us, that we should be called children of God! And that is what we are! The reason the world does not know us is that it did not know him. 1 John 3:1

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Phil Wickham - Face Of God (Official Audio)





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My Escape


My Escape has a name... I call Him Elohim...

Is your head spinning? Is your heart heavy... Is your soul crying in despair ?? 

There is a place to escape this troubled world … 


He says come and sit with me a while…. 


As we linger in His presence time will seem to stand still… and this broken world will fade… 

Your thoughts will be on Him and Him alone. 

You will feel peace and a love that surpasses all understanding. 


Escape. He is with us where ever we go .....🕊☮.

He is our Savior... this is my SOS prayer for you... 

SOS... Save our souls 

Be still my heart... It's Him. It's always Him... 

If I am missing... And you try to find me... chances are I am with Him... 

Lori has left the building... Escape... 

And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:7

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10

#nofear #escape 



Pencil drawn 

Digitally painted

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube) 

Be Still - Hillsong Worship

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Fall (be a ambassador of His love)

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To listen to the podcast click on the link below.

Triune Loves Me Podcast - Heartfelt words -Fall

Transcript to podcast  

In life. We all know that some things can happen unexpectedly. Some may ultimately change your heart and shift your direction. This is a journey of love and how the Holy Spirit did exactly that you will share in many events that could be considered lead or miracles. This is Triune Loves me with Lori Garner.


Hi, and welcome back. I am so happy. You decided to join me again this week. It really does mean the world to me that you're coming back and sharing this special time, especially when things are so hectic and busy these days. For those of you who are joining me for the first time, my name is Lori and I have an amazing story. If you wanna know more about my story, go back and listen to episodes. One through 15, that's my testimony. And then season two, I share a little bit more of my soul with you the listener. I share actual meditation stories that unfolded and gave me great insight too many things. And now we're here on season three, season three, I call my I Bible word study.


And that too is a little different than most Bible word studies. It's coming from a person that did not wanna read the Bible. I actually found it quite intimidating and I didn't understand the scripture. But I had a friend that didn't give up on me. And she kept telling must read the Bible. And one day I found an easy button right on my phone, and I understood the scripture and I promised her, I would study five words for five days. We're now into it a year and a half and have over 500 and some odd words that we've cataloged in. If you want to read those words, please go to my blog. You can find that 

Now we're gonna start the word today. And I have to say my heart is in a troubled place today with what I see going on in the news. And I wanted to find a word that spoke more of love than anything else. And I fell into the word fall. So today's word is gonna be fall F a L L. So do me a favor. Grab your favorite cup of coffee. Your favorite chair. And let's share this time. Are you ready? Let's do this.

I'd like to start this word with a scripture. You can find it in Proverbs chapter eight, verse 17. I love those who love me. And those who seek me find me The meaning of fall to move downward typically rapidly and freely without control from a higher to a lower level. It's also the seasons of the year. Usually between September to November. Did you know the word fall is mentioned in 41 books in the Bible and it occurs 237 times?

 Fall leaves mark the beauty of change transition can be amazing. Like everything in life it's, you embrace the changes that matter. Nature can be such a wonderful teacher. Watch with an open heart and see the beauty unfold right before your eyes. God has blessed us with so many beautiful things in our world, but to tell you the truth, many of us have become so distracted with the issues that we have a tendency to forget where they came from. As beautiful as fall can be. That is not where this word landed me in my heart. I landed on a beautiful four-letter word called love, L O V E. What makes us fall in love? Is it that physical attraction or does it go much deeper? Is it an understanding between the mind

Or is it a spiritual gift from God? The Bible teaches us that God is love. So, if we're made in their image, as the Bible teaches, then I should conclude that we are also made of love. So then I begin to wonder, how is it we've drifted so far away from our purpose? How have we lost our focus? And I ask, how do we return to that pure innocence of loving, without judgment or without setting someone apart from the group. Just pure love from the deepest chambers of our heart, how do we go there? It's, it's a love that frees our soul. It's an unencumbered feeling of joy. It's sometimes so difficult to describe or even to execute. 

I do believe it happens when willing to open our hearts and relinquish. The earthly ties that bind our souls. It's at that time, our spirit will feel that intimacy with God. It's a power of love. That has been a part of our DNA since conception. It started when we were knitted together in our mother's womb, He left his imprint of love on our hearts. So when I hear the word fall, I see the beauty of His imprint on everything I see and touch. I hear Him in every new baby's cry and I feel His presence in the gentle wind as it softly blows against my skin.

And I fall in love with my Creator, just a little more each given day. I appreciate His creative mind so much. And I love seeing His artistry at every turn. He's taken such loving pains in creating our world and our lives. He loves all of us with an untainted, pure innocence of loving us without judgment. He has made a claim on our hearts long before we were even born. He offers us a love, like no other, But the question are we ready to accept His love? Are we ready to open our hearts and relinquish our earthly ties that bind our souls to this planet? Are we ready to fall in love with our creator? Our first love.

 I promise you your life will take on new meaning. You will find a new and refresh purpose in this earthly life. Your life's imprint will be activated. And it's at that very moment in time, You will find the true essence of your soul's purpose. He is the miracle of life and love. It's him. It's always him. And I'd like to close this week's episode with a couple of scriptures. I'm gonna start with the one most people might know. You can find it in. 1Corinthian Chapter 13 verses four through eight.

Love is patient love is kind love, does not envy. It does not boast. It is not proud. It always protects it always trust. It always hopes and always perseveres. That's an amazing one. Look it up.

And I'd also like to share this one with you. You can find it in John chapter 4,-18, Dear friends. Let us love one another because love is from God and everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. The one who does not love does not know God, because God is love. 

And then I'd like to roll the clock back to Genesis chapter one, where God said, let's make mankind in our image, in our likeness. And if He is love, what does that make us?

 I say we've missed the boat. Our title is ambassadors of love. So what are we waiting for? Let's go out into the world and show His love to everyone you meet. I can only pray that as you listen to this podcast, you feel His love through me. And I want to tell you this week, be kind, be loved and be the best ambassador you can be. This is Lori signing off and I pray you come back next week and let's share these words together.

God bless.

This has been Triune, loves me with Lori Garner to learn more about Lori's unique journey. Visit her blog. Triune loves and be sure to join Lori. Next time for another episode of Triune loves me.

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Prayer begins by talking to God, but it ends by listening to Him. In the face of Absolute Truth, silence is the soul's language.— Fulton J. Sheen


Meaning of listen:  give one's attention to a sound.


We located 40 verses that reference the word listen.


Can we stop the noise of our world?... As we watch from a distance... A war is raging within our neighbor's walls. Hearts breaking and fear that this darkness will cause global destruction may be eminent.


It has been written that we will hear of wars and rumors of wars. Matthew 25:6


Will this war cross-ocean borders? Will we be so distracted that we miss the true meaning of what seems to be unfolding?


As our future hangs in the balance... I must ask, 


Are we listening? 


Do you hear His voice... Are you ALL in... Are you distracted when the most important life decision you can make is being played out ??? Time.  Is critically rushing by faster than we realize... 


I do believe when this darkness begins to overshadow our homeland... We may then begin to see a wave of doubters, and uncommitted hearts start the process of discovering Him for comfort and answers. 


He will listen because He is a loving forgiving and compassionate God... 


But you may have doubt in your heart that He will listen... You may even give up. Because you were late in building the bridge between you and our creator... 

The silence you feel may be deafening.  


This post may sound bleak but there is Hope. I pray it's a wake-up call... Don't procrastinate, Don’t wait, action is needed.  If you are not fully engaged or if you are sitting on the fence... Ask Him today to help you build that relationship we are all searching for. 

He is the game-changer!! 


 Shh listen with your heart & soul.. It's Him. It's always Him.

Click the link below to start the process - our lives are in His hands 

Sinners Prayer

And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet.  Matthew 25:6


Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you.  Jeremiah 29:12


Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3


I love the Lord, for he heard my voice; he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me, I will call on him as long as I live. psalms 116:1-2 


“‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm and neither hot nor cold, I will spit you out of my mouth. Revelations 3:15-27

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

Audrey Assad - Sound of Silence live, acoustic (Simon and Garfunkel)

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The world needs less heat and more light. It needs less of the heat of anger, revenge, retaliation, and more of the light of ideas, faith, courage, aspiration, joy, love, and hope. Wilfred Peterson


Meaning of hopeless feeling or causing despair about something.


We located 30 verses that speak to the word hopeless. 


I woke up this morning with sadness in my soul... My thoughts and my prayers go to the innocent lives that through no fault of their own are caught up in the evil snare of war...! Greed, power, and no regard for life... War... is an ugly word. 


It will never be viewed as necessary by my Creator... it’s man-made and dark... 


As I sit like many in the comfort of my home and watch this war unfold... It breaks my heart to see homes and lives being destroyed ...  How can we find hope in a hopeless situation??  


We can pray. We can ask, we can beg “Father take this cup from me”... Historically we know that things do not always turn out the way we think they should... But why????


I can only cling to the hope that my Heavenly Father gives me. He sees everything from the glandular to the bigger than our human mind can understand. We are all part of His masterful plan... A great plan with a beautiful promise that supersedes the life we have grown to know... 


You may say, it is easy for me to say look past your present situation and look to a beautiful new future. I am not in the fearful trenches; I do not have my scared children clinging to me for comfort. I like you, wish I had the answers… I wish I could change our world. But I do not have that kind of power… But I know someone who does… 


I can only send my heartfelt prayers and ask my Heavenly Father to go to you in these difficult times ... I pray He protects you and shares love with you so strong that you feel hope for a brighter tomorrow... 


I send love from my heart to yours ... 


I can only pray the hopelessness you may feel flips into a new hope!!! 


Hope in Him!! Cling to your Heavenly Father for comfort...


It’s Him!!  He is our greater HOPE... Find Him ... Love Him... He is the light that will guide us home... He rules with love, compassion, and kindness... He is the one to follow… Yes, He wows me… 


P.S.  Father please shake the evil darkness from our world. Bring them to their knees before you... 


For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every a knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God.  Romans 14:11 

“And ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: see that ye be not troubled: for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet. And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. But he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in all the world for a witness unto all nations; and then shall the end come.”
Matthew 24:6, 12-14 KJV

Photography & Written by Lori Garner

Sinners Prayer

Bible collaboration - Joann Turnbull

inspiring Music by (youtube)

The Best Is Yet To Come [Lyrics HD] - Sheppard


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Lord's Prayer

Sinners Prayer

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Link to my Musical Journey


Darkness II

Darkness  will not gain victory over the  light  of Christ.  In faith, there is enough  light  for those who want to believe and enough shad...


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He loves you no matter where you are in the world.

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